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The Culture Vulture

About cultural things: music, dance, literature, theatre and local events.

Goyesca 2024 in Ronda Cancelled
Saturday, June 8, 2024

The Ronda Bullring authority, La Real Maestranza de Caballería de Ronda, has just announced the suspension of the traditional Goyesca bullfight scheduled for 7 September 2024, as well as the other parts of the bullfighting programme.

The corridas de toros are an integral part of the Feria de Pedro Romero.

The authorities have decided that they cannot guarantee the safety of spectators when the bullring is full. This decision has been based on the latest study of the structure of what is the oldest plaza de toros in Spain. 

The announcement was made on Wednesday of this week at a press conference held by the lieutenant of the Real Maestranza, Rafael Atienza, accompanied by the director, Ignacio Herrera, and the architect of the CDC Arquitectos Studio, Isabel Serrano.

Rafael Atienza explained that the bullring lacks proper foundations, with the colonnade being the most sensitive part. The building has always been subject to consolidation works since 1880. The last major works were carried out 25 years ago.

Based on the latest investigation, using state-of-the-art techniques, the team of architects, the engineering company and the Department of Building Structures and Terrain Engineering of the School of Architecture of the University of Seville cannot guarantee one hundred percent safety with the bullring full, as it would be during the bullfights of the Feria de Pedro Romero.

"For the first time, taking into account that a rainy winter after several years of drought and two summers of extreme heat has had a detrimental effect on the structure of the plaza de toros,” said Señor Atienza.

“The most prudent and responsible thing to do is to … cancel the events that involve the filling of the plaza".

As a result, he went on, "we regret to inform you that this year it will not be possible to celebrate the Goyesca bullfight or the festivities that accompany it. Safety, as you can imagine, is our main concern."

Atienza continued "we greatly regret this decision,  …  because … 2024 marks the 40th anniversary of the fatal goring of Francisco Rivera 'Paquirri' and 25 years since the death of Antonio Ordóñez.

However, Rafael Atienza assured us that "this cancellation is a postponement since we hope that next year we will be able to renew the usual programming with a renovated plaza".

The line-up, which was to include the matadores Morante de la Puebla, Alejandro Talavante and Daniel Luque and the rejoneador Diego Ventura, had been announced two months ago by the business manager of the bullring Francisco Rivera Ordóñez, son of “Paquirri” and himself a former celebrated matador.

Alas, we shall have to wait ...






From top to bottom:

Plaza de Toros, Ronda

Pedro Romero


"Fran" Rivera Ordoñez



Paul Whitelock

Ronda Semanal





Antonio Ordoñez, bullfight, corrida de toros, Feria de Pedro Romero, Fran, Francisco Rivera Ordoñez, Goyesca, Ignacio HerreraIsabel Serrano, Paquirri, Paul Whitelock, Pedro Romero, plaza de toros, Rafael Atienza, Real Maestranza, Ronda, Ronda Semanal, Taurophilos, Wikipedia 

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Dramatic “Reunion”
Friday, June 7, 2024

By The Culture Vulture


Graduates of an English Drama College met for the first time today in a Serrania de Ronda village.

Emma Cherry, 61, is an English professional actress from London who now lives in Benaoján near Ronda, after a long spell as a resident of Mallorca. Tom Whitelock and Susannah Austin, both 37, are professional actors and musicians who live in Hastings, East Sussex, after a spell in Leytonstone, London.

L to R: Tom, Susannah and Emma                 

Tom hails from Warrington, Cheshire, and Susannah from Hastings.


Drama College

All three actors attended Rose Bruford College in Sidcup, Kent, but at different times. Tom and Susannah met there and are now married with two children, boys aged four and one. Emma trained at the prestigious college, which also boasts Tom Baker ("Doctor Who", 1974-1981), and Gary Oldman (The Best Actor Oscar for "Darkest Hour", 2017) among its graduates, 20 years beforehand.

The breakfast get-together was arranged by Tom’s father, Paul Whitelock, who lives in Ronda and is a good friend of Emma from the time when they coincided at the Ronda Theatre Group, Proyecto Platea, run by Spanish actor Marcos Marcell.

So, Emma, Tom and Susannah met today at Bar Ankanita (formerly Bar Stop) in Estación de Benaoján and had a good old “chinwag” about their respective lives and experiences.


Emma Cherry

Emma Cherry was a leading actress at the Ronda Theatre Group Proyecto Platea, as well as being a teacher there. She took the lead in many of their productions, one of which, “Novias”, was written by Emma together with good friend and fellow actress Charo Carrasco, a Ronda businesswoman.

The Culture Vulture has seen “Novias” three times: the first occasion when it premiered in the courtyard of the Convento de Santo Domingo in Ronda; once in the open air in Atajate, a small village in Málaga province; and finally in the Proyecto Platea studio theatre in Ronda.

Emma and Charo are a successful and prolific writing partnership. So much so that in 2023 they published “Yo soy Teatro” a collection of their scripts. It is a top seller in the genre on Amazon.

Emma has just returned from a stint in London where she was involved in two film projects.


Tom Whitelock

Tom Whitelock is predominantly a theatre actor/musician. His most high-profile role to date was as bass player Pete Quaife in the London West End production of “Sunny Afternoon”, the award-winning musical about the 60s pop group The Kinks. That ran for over a year, with some eight performances a week.

Tom has also played the lead in Lorca’s “Blood Wedding” at the Cervantes Theatre in London, Pete in several productions of Stanley Kubrick’s “A Clockwork Orange”, in “Romeo and Juliet” at Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre, as well as “The Full Monty” (Simon Beaufoy), “All My Sons” (Arthur Miller) and “The Roses of Eyam” (Don Taylor) - Tom's acting debut aged six).

Tom has also landed some lucrative contracts recording TV advertisements.


Susannah Austin

Susannah Austin is mainly a singer/ songwriter, already with one album under her belt. Until she became a mum, she regularly performed on stage in the London area, and played gigs, sometimes accompanied by husband Tom Whitelock on guitar or double bass and vocals.

Susannah is the middle daughter of three of 70s singer, Claire Hamill, who sang with Yes, Wishbone Ash, and Jon Anderson, amongst others. Susannah's father Nick Austin was a record producer. So, Susannah has a good pedigree.

Claire, now approaching 70, is still active, performing live and recording. She has recently released her 15th album.




While the three actors enjoyed “comparing notes”, the two “Pauls”, Emma’s husband is designer Paul Rolf, went for a stroll with the two boys and explored the Benaojan/Montejaque railway station and the river Guadiaro.


© The Culture Vulture



Charo Carrasco


Claire Hamill

Emma Cherry



Marcos Marcell

Paul Whitelock

Proyecto Platea

Susannah Austin

Tom Whitelock




(4) Facebook



"YO SOY TEATRO" - Book review (

Claire Hamill

PROYECTO PLATEA - Marcos Marcell

Susannah Austin - YouTube

Tom Whitelock | Performers | Stage Faves



A Clockwork Orange”, “All My Sons”, Atajate, Bar Ankanita,  Bar Stop,  “Blood Wedding”, Cervantes Theatre, Charo Carrasco, Claire Hamill, Convento de Santo Domingo, "Doctor Who", Emma Cherry, Estación de Benaoján, Guadiaro, Hastings, Jon Anderson, "Lady Chatterly's Lover", Lorca, Marcos Marcell, Montejaque, “Novias”, Paul Rolf, Paul Whitelock, Pete Quaife, Proyecto Platea, “Romeo and Juliet”, Rose Bruford College, Sean Bean, Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre, Stanley Kubrick, “Sunny Afternoon”, Susannah Austin, “The Full Monty”, The Kinks, “The Roses of Eame”, Tom Baker, Tom Whitelock, Wishbone Ash, Yes, “Yo soy teatro”


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Local Ferias
Tuesday, June 4, 2024

In Spain, even the tiniest settlement has its annual feria. From ciudad to pueblo, to aldea to pedania, they all pull out the stops for their local "fair".

Ronda (pop: 33,401) has lots, including la Feria de Pedro Romero and Ronda Romántica plus several in honour of local saints. Arriate (pop: 4,110) has a number also, as do Benaoján (pop: 1,683) and Montejaque (pop: 960). The pedania where I live, Fuente de la Higuera (pop: 100 approx.) celebrates in July and La Indiana (pop: 80 approx.), across the other side of the main road to Sevilla, held its feria this weekend just gone.


Feria de La Indiana

This took place over Saturday and Sunday. I had never been to it in previous years, but decided to take a look this year. I went twice, late morning on Sunday and again in the evening.

I watched some of the clay pigeon shooting - my God, they're good! - while I supped on a botellin of Cruzcampo. Then I ambled across the road to the main bar in the former primary school. long shut and now used for community activities and events.

I realised I had been there once before, in 2009, for the memorial service of the Scottish writer Alastair "Mister" Boyd, aka Lord Kilmarnock, who had died earlier that year.*



On Sunday lunchtime there were several family groups sitting at tables munching their first tapas of the day. 


There were a number of posters protesting against the planned vertedero toxic waste disposal plant - just up the road on virgin land.


In the bar I spoke to several people, mainly bar staff, but also to the alcadesa of La Indiana, Mari-Paz Orozco, who was joined by a councillor from Montejaque, Miriam Sánchez, whom I know quite well. The two are apparently good friends and like to support each other's events.

One photo later and we went our separate ways.


[L to R: The Culture Vulture, Mari-Paz Orozco, Miriam Sánchez]



When I returned in the evening, I had timed it wrongly and it was all over bar the shouting. Oh well!

A great local event, with visitors from all over.



April at the Ayuntamiento - Ronda Council pleno (

Romantic writer dies after stressful battle with developers - Olive Press News Spain (



Paul Whitelock

Turismo de Ronda



Alastair Boyd, alcadesa, aldea, Arriate, Benaoján, botellin, ciudad, clay pigeon shooting, Cruzcampofair, feria, Feria de Pedro Romero, Fuente de la Higuera, La Indiana, Lord Kilmarnock, Mari-Paz OrozcoMiriam Sánchez, Montejaque, Paul Whitelock, pedania, pueblo, Ronda, Ronda Romántica, toxic waste disposal plant, Turismo de Ronda, vertedero

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