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The Culture Vulture

About cultural things: music, dance, literature, theatre and local events.

Saturday, April 23, 2022 @ 1:08 PM

Today, 23 April, is World Book Day (Día Mundial del Libro). 2022 represents the 25th anniversary of this event, which was established by UNESCO in 1996.

World Book Day was established by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) on April 23, 1995. This date was chosen because it is the anniversary of the deaths of playwright William Shakespeare, poet William Wordsworth and prominent Spanish chronicler Inca Garcilaso de la Vega. Miguel de Cervantes died on 22 April 1616, the day before Shakespeare passed. Coincidentally, Shakespeare was also born on 23 April, 52 years previously in 1564.

World Book Day and Copyright Day, as it is now officially known, is an annual reading celebration, an opportunity to celebrate and promote the joy of reading.

2022 marks the 25th anniversary of World Book Day. This year's theme and message for all children is: You are a reader! There are a great variety of World Book Day events. In the UK, for example, 60,000 books were distributed across the country in March 2022.

In Ronda (Málaga), La Feria del Libro kicks off today. Stalls have been erected in the Alameda del Tajo where booksellers and publishers sell their books at a discount.

There are similar events in other Spanish towns and cities, as well as in many countries throughout the world.


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