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The Culture Vulture

About cultural things: music, dance, literature, theatre and local events.

Saturday, February 17, 2024 @ 10:04 AM

                          Photo courtesy YouTube


Live music in Ronda and the Serranía

By The Culture Vulture

Fans of live music are in for a treat starting tonight and finishing next weekend. There are live gigs in Ronda and in Jimera de Líbar.  


TODAY – Saturday 17 February 2024 at 7.00 pm


Photo courtesy Ronda Today

Heaven Irish Tavern, Ronda. 

Free concert. 

The Howling Ramblers. 

This rockabilly group is well-established on the music scene around these parts. Tonight’s performance in Ronda is part of their current 2024 tour, which will take the band to Seville, Madrid and Algeciras, before they head off to France, Gibraltar and the UK.

Photo courtesy Facebook

This five-piece band’s name is a tribute to American blues legend Howlin’ Wolf and US country icon Hank “The Rambling Man” Williams

I’ve seen and heard this band before and shall be there in Calle Santa Cecilia, Ronda, tonight. They are good! 



Saturday 24 February 2024 

Jimera de Líbar and Ronda

Photo courtesy Facebook

Donovan Keith from Texas is touring Spain. He has already performed concerts in Lugo, A Coruña, Valladolid, Madrid and Zaragoza.

He is about to play four gigs in Malaga province: Estepona, Malaga City and two up here in the Serranía de Ronda.


Saturday 24 February

Donovan Keith is singing at Allioli Bar y Más in Jimera de Líbar, starting at 2.00 pm

Photo courtesy Facebook

In the evening he will be performing at the afore-mentioned Irish Pub in Ronda

I know Donovan Keith. I met him in 2022 and again in 2023 when he performed  at the Pueblos Blancos Music Festival, which takes place every year over four days and nights in Grazalema, Montejaque, Ronda and Villaluenga del Rosario.


Photo courtesy Paul Whitelock

Donovan is talented and knows it, but he’s a super bloke. 

I intend to go to one of his concerts, probably in Jimera. Sitting in the open air and paying normal prices for food and drinks is preferable to the stuffy and cramped indoor space and very pricey drinks at the Irish Pub in Ronda. 

Go on, treat yourselves to some great, free live music. 

For those who can’t make it, I’ll report on both gigs in the REVIEWS section of after next weekend.


© The Culture Vulture 



Allioli Bar Y Más

Clive Muir, Ronda Today 



Paul Darwent

Paul Whitelock

Tony Bryant, SUR in English




A Coruña, Algeciras, Allioli Bar Y Más, Culture Vulture, Donovan Keith, Estepona, France, Gibraltar, Grazalema, Hank  Williams, Howling Ramblers, Howlin’ Wolf, Jimera de Líbar, Lugo, Madrid, Malaga City, Montejaque Music FestivalPaul Darwent, Pueblos Blancos, rockabilly, Ronda,  Serranía de Ronda, Seville, SUR in English, Texas, The Rambling Man, Tony Bryant, UKValladolid, Villaluenga del Rosario, YouTube, Zaragoza

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