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Has anyone had a confirmation of the completion date including habitation certificate of the phase 3 houses. I have bought number 70 in phase three and I can't seem to contact anyone who can give me a straight answer. According to most photographs the block looks finished but I have had no correspondence fromk Peinsa.
Many Thanks
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HI Andy,
As far as I am aware phase 3 is complete and habitation licences have been issued. Certainly there are many properties now occupied on all the first three phases. Perhaps a quick call to Patricia or Yolande in the office may be in order (0034 950 466 257) - or do you want me to check it out for you tomorrow and I can send you a PM?
Kind regards
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If you wouldn't mind checking it out for me it will be appreciated. I will try to call Patricia or Yolande as well to find out but I have received nothing from them telling me that the property is complete.
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We are no. 60 Phase 3. Houses are complete but no actual licences have come through yet, although the office will tell you they have been granted. They have nothing in writing as of yet from the town hall and state they will be here in the next week. Having said that they told us that a few weeks ago now!. They will try to get you to complete without it, which we will not be doing. Obviously that would be your choice. Ill post a message as soon as we hear or receive anything about this licence.
sue and george
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Good news for everyone on first 3 phases. The actual written licences (habitacion) are now through and we have received our copy so hope to complete end of October. Is anyone else going to be out there end of October time?
sue and george
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Hi Sue & George
Just received a copy of the Habitation Licence, we are completing on 20 October so will be out at that time, managed to arrange a flight back on the 28th into Leeds that was advertised at 5 euros just need to arrange a flight out now.
Have you noticed that the house numbers have changed, we were no 69 on the site plan, now 64.
Look forward to maybe seeing you over there.
Colin & Yvonne
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hi Colin and Yvonne
Nice to have met you and hope the move went smooth, pity about the weather on the thursday, nightmare we got stuck in Aguelas it was flooded. hope the rest of you gear arrived before you left. Hope to meet you in San Juan sometime, not to long I hope
Mick & Pam 
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Hi Mick and Pam
Good to have met you in San Juan.
The move went pretty smoothly, we even managed to plant your geraniums, if they're still alive you can have them back when you complete.
All the times we've visited San Juan, this was the 1st time we've seen rain, it was suprising to see standing water in the fields, maybe accounts for all the mossies.
Hope completion on your house goes well and you can move in soon.
Look forward to seeing you again in San Juan.
Best regards
Colin & Yvonne
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Hi everyone,
Glad to see these Phases have finally completed. Can anyone give a realistic estimate of when the remaining phases can be expected to be completed? Peinsa keep stating to us that they are almost ready to complete but I'd like an independent view.
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The licences are through for 1-3 and a month ago many of the houses were occupied.
Phase 4 should have been ready in October, but pavements etc. yet to have been completed when we visited - hopefully those living there can provide an update.
Not sure how the Spanish work, you would think they would want to focus on completing properties, getting their balance and moving onto the next phase, but it doesn't seem to work that way.
Don't listen to the sales office, for 3 years they have filled us with crap!
Realistically, we believe our property - south facing phase 7 will be ready in March 09 but the sales office suggest Dec/Jan!
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We're buying on Phase V south, and have similar opinion as Rowleyhouse over our finishing dates.
We last visited in October, and were disapointed to see how the rate of progress on the site as a whole has slowed down since our previous visit in March. There were far fewer people visibly at work on the site than during previous visits (although a few may be working indoors), and the place looked much quieter than one would expect. The landscaping and the pools seem to have received the most attention, but Phase XI for example does not appear to have advanced at all in the last 7 months, still without windows etc, or rendering, which was surprising.
It's frustrating that they don't seem to be getting on faster, but if we've learnt anything during this, it must be patience (and of course don't listen to anything that the sales office tell us).
Look forward to seeing you all in the sun- can't be much longer now, can it ?!!
Grant & Lynne
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Thanks for the help.
We are in fact in Phase 8 so if anyone has info on that I'd be grateful. We just received photos of what may be Phase 8 showing finished looking buildings rendered but without windows and not painted. Is that the general status?
Many thanks again!
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completed on my property on phase 3 yesterday , my solicitor managed to get a good discount on the price if i was able to complete quickly. took over the builders mortgage at banco popular saves you about 3000 euros in costs . i was aware of all the rumours and wanted to wrap up things quickly so i could sleep at night. Asked solicitor about the various postings on the eye on spain site regarding peinsa she said alot of these postings are by solicitors trying to spook buyers into pulling out of developments and using them to sue. its the new growth industry, since conveyancing has totally dried up so the problems become self perpetuating ,everybody pulls out so the builder pulls the horns in and trys everything to delay you and keep you on board . Its a difficult situation if everybody stuck it out and had a bank gurantee im sure your property will get finished , if every body pulls out then like a house of cards it will collapse, the spanish propety market is very bad at present one of the 2 bed houses on roda development which are exactly like calas de pinar was in a window at 135000 euros and open to offers
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completed on my property on phase 3 yesterday , my solicitor managed to get a good discount on the price if i was able to complete quickly. took over the builders mortgage at banco popular saves you about 3000 euros in costs . i was aware of all the rumours and wanted to wrap up things quickly so i could sleep at night. Asked solicitor about the various postings on the eye on spain site regarding peinsa she said alot of these postings are by solicitors trying to spook buyers into pulling out of developments and using them to sue. its the new growth industry, since conveyancing has totally dried up so the problems become self perpetuating ,everybody pulls out so the builder pulls the horns in and trys everything to delay you and keep you on board . Its a difficult situation if everybody stuck it out and had a bank gurantee im sure your property will get finished , if every body pulls out then like a house of cards it will collapse, the spanish propety market is very bad at present one of the 2 bed houses on roda development which are exactly like calas de pinar was in a window at 135000 euros and open to offers
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Hi All
Charlie makes a good point. Keep the pressure on for Peinsa to complete. That's the best solution for all of us particularly in a great development thats spitting distance from completion. I have tried several sources to get info regarding Peinsa's financial situation but no one I spoke to has any evidence of an application for voluntary liquidation. No official response from Peinsa of course!
For people who are living there or visit regularly, what progress do you see. There are a lot of posts about completion in phase 3 but how are phases 4,6 8 doing? When I was there in August I was amazes to see how far they had come since Novemebr but they dont appear to have moved on much siince then.
Best to all
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Hi sean
Why just 4,6,8 why not 5,7,9 as well, the way it is looking we could be left with living on a half built site for years to come. I can't see the point in having a lovely home with a veiw of a building site in front, left, right and I wonder if the apartments behind will now be finished. On the positive side we are still hopefull the whole site will be completed before the court allows them to go into liquidation. If anyone is in San Juan (J and Pups help) keep the info coming please. Glad to hear Arsenal and Sue have signed, must be a great feeling after all this time good luck to the both of you and congratulations.
Mick & Pam 
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Hi all
There was little activity on site last week. I pass the development most days so will keep an eye on it to see if there is any change. To be honest the only place I see work happening at the moment is on the road from the main roundabout up past the golf course and on the development on the top golf course where we play.
I'll let you know if I see any activity this week.
Jacqui our adventure from deciding to move to Spain to being here and moving back to the UK.
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Hi Jacqui
We are coming through on 27th November, why dont you drop in for a coffee, we are No 16 phase 1 (dogs welcome)
Have they broken through the central zone yet to the bottom road? hope work resumes on site soon - just when things were going well!!!!
Mavis and Bill
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The central area is not open to use yet from Phase 4 down to the front but you can now walk down the side of the development ( on the right hand side as you look from the front ) and out onto the main road although you do have to step through a little gate by the road. This has meant our walk to Delfins is more direct and we don't have to worry about the cars wizzing past.
Mavis & Bill, I'd love to pop in for coffee when you are over - I'll look forward to it.
Jacqui our adventure from deciding to move to Spain to being here and moving back to the UK.
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