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09 Oct 2008 12:00 AM by BrianandMichelle Star rating in Jardines de Alhama. .... 28 forum posts Send private message

BrianandMichelle´s avatar
Hi there... 
don't know if this has been discussed before but
as the weather on a night in Spain is turning colder we are thinking of
which type of heating to put into our apartment. We have been out in Spain 
before in the winter and it can get really cold and the warm air from the air con
is not enough. We found that a gas heater does the job well but don't fancy a big ugly
heater sitting in the middle of the living room. We had thought of fitting electrical 
radiators. Has any one used these and if so were they any good and were they expensive to run?
Any advise would be great! As for having a heated pool - if everyone boiled thier kettles and poured it
into the pool - bobs your uncle - toasty warm pool! Just a thought. Lol.

Michelle x

This message was last edited by BrianandMichelle on 10/9/2008.

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10 Oct 2008 8:12 AM by chrissurf Star rating. 99 forum posts Send private message

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We used PW for a/c and we had electric rads put in each room.  They are fastened to the walls and plugged in and operate from remote control.  Haven't used them yet and don't care how expensive they are as I hate the cold!


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10 Oct 2008 12:03 PM by JHMurcia Star rating. 753 forum posts Send private message

We had really noticed this drop in temperature when visiting Spain in the winter months and they do occasionally get a touch of frost. in Murcia. Our friends who have been resident in La Manga for many many years advised us to get proper heating if we planned to use the apartments from Oct toMarch, in fact they recommended unfloor heating as all the tiles are one element in making the accomodation feel chilly. They said the blown air from the air con would be unsufficient on its own in those weeks here and there that the temperature drops. So, with that information we have had Polaris fit radiators - I dare say we could have got these cheaper elsewhere but Polaris had the convenience factor on their side. If we only use them occasionally so be it but we were advised they will be more efficient than the portable electric radiators and down the line we expect to use the apartment a lot from September onwards each year.


Jan & Mike

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10 Oct 2008 4:00 PM by michaelhardy Star rating in Bishop Auckland & Ja.... 597 forum posts Send private message

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When Mike was over last week he said it was already quite cold at night.

He bought a couple of 750w electric radiators from Leroy Merlin for €199 each - these can be wall mounted when we decide where we are going to put them. 


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10 Oct 2008 6:51 PM by LRJ Star rating in cheshire. 124 forum posts Send private message

We have bought  400 to 1200 watt oscilating hologen heater from bms £9.99 and it is remote controlled.It is very light.


dave LRJ

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10 Oct 2008 7:53 PM by TON1973 Star rating in Co Wexford, Ireland .... 131 forum posts Send private message

wow Dave where is bms?? sounds like great value. Have you used it yet?



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10 Oct 2008 8:55 PM by TimA Star rating in Jardin 4 & Kent. 93 forum posts Send private message

Hi Michelle,

Just pick up your sofa and move that around a bit.  Guaranteed to keep you warm judging by the weight of it!!!!
See you in a couple of weeks.


2 bed Apartment on Condado for rent:  www.spain-apartment.com

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11 Oct 2008 10:17 AM by BrianandMichelle Star rating in Jardines de Alhama. .... 28 forum posts Send private message

BrianandMichelle´s avatar

Hi Tim & Sue....

Why on earth didn't I think of that !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*Free heating and I could lose a stone or 2 into the bargain! 
Oh but there's just one slight problem......... I can't actually lift it!
( I need to add that this is Michelle and NOT Brian cos of course he
would be able to lift it - I know what you macho men are like).

Not long now ........ Michelle

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11 Oct 2008 2:39 PM by JHMurcia Star rating. 753 forum posts Send private message

 The 400 to 1200 watt oscilating hologen heater for £9.99 sounds a good buy for instant heat. We were wondering if that could be used in a bathroom as we discovered that our Jardines bathroom did have a socket- which we didnt expect- but in the Uk you usually dont have electric heaters in a bathroom unless they are high on the wall


Jan & Mike

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11 Oct 2008 3:23 PM by LRJ Star rating in cheshire. 124 forum posts Send private message

Hi Jan & Mike
Hi Tam

The store is B & M  they are in most shopping malls. They do  a smaller one which would be Ideal for the bathroom  400 to 800 watt  it is the size of a two bar electric fire but light, this is not oscilating, £5.99. They have a safety switch if knocked over they cut out. 


dave LRJ

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11 Oct 2008 6:14 PM by TON1973 Star rating in Co Wexford, Ireland .... 131 forum posts Send private message

thanks Dave


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11 Oct 2008 6:52 PM by jillcrawford Star rating in AYRSHIRE JARDINE 8 7.... 132 forum posts Send private message

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11 Oct 2008 7:15 PM by JHMurcia Star rating. 753 forum posts Send private message

Thanks Dave, we will have a look when over in half term. Is there a B&M close to Condado- we have a B&M in Southport UK but is this the same shop or a different group in Spain?


Jan & Mike

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11 Oct 2008 8:39 PM by BrianandMichelle Star rating in Jardines de Alhama. .... 28 forum posts Send private message

BrianandMichelle´s avatar
Hi there.....
If you have had electrical radiators installed - how many did you have fitted in the main part
of the apartment? Is 1 enough or would it better to fit 2 ??? So many questions - sorry!!!
Thanks................... Michelle x

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12 Oct 2008 11:09 AM by LRJ Star rating in cheshire. 124 forum posts Send private message

Hi All
The B & M shop is in England. The units are so light they can be taken as hand luggage.
 Jan the one in Southport should be the same as the one in Runcorn. 
Dont  know about one in Spain.
 They are really good heaters. My mate lives on a boat and he uses one of these to heat a 57 footer.
Sorry about delay in replying as we are working on the club bar over the weekend  (£1.50 pint of lager £1.20 for a DOUBLE spirit not Condado prices eh)


dave LRJ

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12 Oct 2008 12:44 PM by JHMurcia Star rating. 753 forum posts Send private message

Will have a scout around the B&M.

We have a large radiator fitted in the lounge, a small one in the 'hallway' by the bathroom and 1 in each bedroom.

As I said previously I'm sure you can get them at less than Polaris prices- whilst I wouldnt say we had them fitted as a knee jerk reaction we did make the decision after spending a week at La Manga and coming around to our friends way of thinking- because they were right and it was cold morning and evenings despite the warm aircon. So we said lets get the Polaris ones fitted, on reflection we could have looked around more and watched the budget. However, they are in and fitted and all sounds good- so fingers crossed for when we go over.


Jan & Mike

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12 Oct 2008 9:18 PM by BrianandMichelle Star rating in Jardines de Alhama. .... 28 forum posts Send private message

BrianandMichelle´s avatar
Thanks Jan and Mike...
That's what i had in mind but Brian wasn't sure - he's come round
to my way of thinking thanks to you. Here's to a warm and toasty winter!

Michelle x

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13 Oct 2008 9:36 AM by Ruthless Star rating in CROYDON. 152 forum posts Send private message

Ruthless´s avatar
Hi All
         I also have these kind of heaters which I use for camping(won't be much of that now the appt is ready) I also have a large one in the conservatory they heat up fast and have the safety aspect of if it gets knocked over it cuts off then when you restand it, it comes back on again  will let you all know of another place to get them when I have been shopping.

Ruth,Peter&Krystal  Jardine 09

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13 Oct 2008 10:44 PM by disneyscott Star rating. 54 forum posts Send private message

Hi Michelle,

Not sure if the radiators will be up to the job. My parents have a place near Alicante, and the radiators they have don't give out much heat. They bought a portable gas fire which is great. You can buy a gas bottle for about 20 euros and it'll last for ages. Anyway... I'm sure you can think of some other things to do with your husband that could keep you warm on an evening!!!!!!!!

Think warm!!!!

www.holidaysun.co.cc APARTMENT RENTAL

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13 Oct 2008 10:53 PM by BrianandMichelle Star rating in Jardines de Alhama. .... 28 forum posts Send private message

BrianandMichelle´s avatar
Dear Brian.......    Ha Ha HA!  For everyone reading this thread that was my husband who is working in Paris
at the moment. All I can say to him is..... "in your dreams!!!!" Sorry folks, i hope we haven't embarassed you.
Wait till i see him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

From a rather embarrassed michelle.

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