Thanks everyone.
We've been wondering why we hadnt heard about the second snagging being done last week and it now appears that our key hadnt been left at the site office. Although we have only heard that today. This morning I wanted to contact PW to arrange for the water to stay on for Carol when she goes along to clean believing that the 2nd snag had been done last week and therefore the water might have been turned off.
Apart from the delay in the snagging it also meant that Carol had gone up for the key and it wasnt there! Could also have affected any deliveries we arrange.
Fortunately I did get through to PW and they kept me on hold whilst they rang the site office and had it confirmed the key was there this afternoon. None of this is easy to sort in work- I keep asking to make a private call to Spain and to be charged for it- then forgetting to tell reception that I've finished the call!!! At this rate the phones calls will cost more than the apartment.
But fingers crossed we are sorted now and just looking forward to being there on the 24th.