Dear All,
the extract below is from my Agent. They have given me pretty accurate information so far and I am sure they won't mind me quoting them. This is from an email they sent me a while ago........
"The license has now only to be written up in paper format as the whole application has now ran its course without any problems or objections whatsoever.
Due to Spanish bureaucracy we expect to have the license by the first 2 weeks of December.
The project will get built and most of the websites have ..................." etc.
Seemingly, it has all been approved and is not going to be a future problem with the Junta like all those illegally built properties futher down South near the Malagan coast! Ours is 100% rubber stamped, hence the delay.
I'm putting my money on a an announcement just before the 'holidays' or Christmas as it used to be known!
cu rm.