The Comments |
Name & Registered Office:
WS15 4PT
Company No. 04201195
Status: In Administration
Date of Incorporation: 18/04/2001
Country of Origin: United Kingdom
Company Type: Private Limited Company
Nature of Business (SIC(03)):
7011 - Development & sell real estate
7012 - Buying & sell own real estate
Accounting Reference Date: 29/10
Last Accounts Made Up To: 31/10/2006 (FULL)
Next Accounts Due: 29/08/2008 OVERDUE
Last Return Made Up To: 18/04/2007
Next Return Due: 16/05/2008 OVERDUE
Case Number: |
1 |
Case Type: |
Practitioner name: |
Practitioner address: |
B3 1UP
This message was last edited by wilma on 1/16/2009.
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There we go then - speculation over. Let's hope they can tell us what has happened with out money as I assume they will have access to the records. If it has been transferred to the developer then that confirms 2 things . One they should not have and have possibly acted outside the contract terms - which a Court will have to decide upon and 2 the developer may have acted illiegally in receiving deposits with no build licence, which a court will again need to rule on (currently denied to some extent). Whatever, I would like to hope you sh*ts at OVP will either one day return what is ours or get what is due to you - the evidence is there and the law and the Government are possibly listening. You took money under the false pretence of looking after it until a build licence was granted - are you crooks? Who knows? This will only be proven once the records are examined, evidence is gathered and a judge decides. All I know is you have ruined lives so please have a the most awefull weekend possibe chaps of OVP (in admin) or Unico whatever you call yourselves now!
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Hi Everyone
We think we saw somewhere a link that explained the difference between administration and liquidation could you post it again please. We wonder if it was on the thread that has been suspended.
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When a company goes into liquidation the company ceases trading immediately and all of their assets are sold to pay their creditors. This usually amounts to creditors getting a percentage of what they are actually owed. Maybe 20p for every pound. they are owed (Or nothing as has happened to me twice now). Creditors are placed in order of preference to be paid with HMRC and banks being at the top of the list.
When a company is in administration it gives them more time to seek finance, a rescue package or a buyer. The Administrator effectively runs the company and decides how to trade. He might decide to sell some of the assets or close offices (like the administrator for woolies choosing to close the worst performing branches first). They only have a limited time to try and rescue the company or find a buyer.
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£100 million in debt????? seems like an impossible situation to get out of? Just putting off the inevitable for a while. And they don't have any assets????
Did anyone's solicitors check that the deposits were paid into a secure clients account that had a warrenty? Or were your solicitors just informed that this was the case? How can anyone be sure that this is the case without having access to that account yourself?
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Once in administration they have 12 months to try and sort the situation. I have been informed by a reliable source that 100 million debt was a made up figure and the actual figure is no where near that.
From the information I have been given this morning, it seems the money for Estepona clients will most likely becoming from Unico, one of Miranda's companies. So I presume the administrators will obviously be looking into the whole situation but will primarily be trying to sort the creditors ie banks, people owed rental income etc....
I believe that the clients who have bought on other developments will only be dealt with by the developer of each site.
Estepona Beach seems to be the only site that OVP/Administrators will be dealing with.
I guess we will find out more information in the coming weeks. The fact still remains that deposits from EBCC shoud never of been touched as no building work ever started! !
The meaning of Administration from Butcher Woods, The Admnistrators in Birmingham.
This is a procedure designed to allow a company a breathing space whereby it is protected from most actions by creditors. During this hiatus period the company will prepare and present proposals to enable to company to:
- Survive in whole or in part as an ongoing business.
- Organise a voluntary arrangement or compromise with its creditors
- Get a better realisation of assets than would be possible if the company went into liquidation.
This message was last edited by chilax on 1/17/2009.
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I'm not 100% sure, but I dont think it would hurt to speak to the administrators and register your interest. I would imagine that if the money is coming from the developer then it would not even go through OVP, it should just go direct to the investor. I believe the money went to Miranda, although the papers said that he said he had returned it. I think we have to remember that tabloid newspapers are not always 100% correct in their statements. I am very grateful to Ted Jeory through for highlighting the problems we have been going through. One thing I'm not to sure about is how did Ted contact Ricardo Miranda??? I've been trying to contact his office for 6 months and still not managed to do so!! ? Ted if your reading this, would you be able to give us some contact details of the office that you spoke to?? Thanks.
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Firstly, the £100m figure came from the creditors section of the year end accounts for Oct 2006, the latest accounts filed by OVPI Ltd. It was not made up. Indeed, the administrators will be examining all transactions from that point to the date of the court order--that is their statutory duty.
Mr Miranda was contacted by a telephone number and email address on his website. He is also represented by a PR company called Tactica. It may well be they respond more quickly to media requests.
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Hi Ted.
Thanks again for bringing this to light in the public domain. Would you have the contact details /Email - Tel number for Ricardo Miranda and Tactica. I think it could be a case of Ricardo Miranda not admitting to having the deposits as this could put him behind bars. We all know that deposits under spanish law cannot be taken prior to licence being agreed. Let alone taking monies when he didn't even own the land for Estepona Beach and Country Club.
By the way all. Please also give support to this if you havn't already.
Thanks James
This message was last edited by James Lynch on 1/17/2009.
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Yes, it is the GCP website. I called the number, explained who I was and we then contacted each other by email.
Tactica has a partnership in the UK with Tim Stanley PR: that info is outlined in the publicly available marketing literature for the Dominican development.
Anyone needing to get hold of me can get me on my work email address: I check that more regularly than this.
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Hi. Has anyone heard anything or got any news regarding Estepona Beach? ?
I just tried calling the GCP number (the developers office) in Spain but could not get through. Anyone had any luck??
This message was last edited by chilax on 1/20/2009.
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Hi , yes I have emailed the administrator. His repy does not fill me with hope I'm afraid. He says:- " ......I understand these deposit monies are being held by the developer. A seperate company has been formed by the directors of O..............called SBS Administration servicesLimited which has the specific purpose of "handling" your situation and dealing with developer whilst the property is completed"
Spot the mistake, glaringly obvious mistake. Completed!!!! wot are they on. They obviously do not know the full situation and I suppose they have only been appointed recently so give them the benefit of the doubt. They are also putting faith in directors which seems at the least strange as they are the ones who have got the company and us into this mess in the first place , I have emailed him back with further details and asked that he trace where our money actually went. I would suggest that everyone inundate him with information and requests to have the money traced. Saying it went to the developer is not good enough! If thedeveloper had accepted the deposits without even buying the land or obtaining a build licence he would be in breach of Spanish Law and in big trouble, SO WHY WOULD HE TAKE IT and risk a prison sentence. The agents had it. write to:-
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