Bank account charges query

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25 Jan 2009 12:00 AM by JHMurcia Star rating. 753 forum posts Send private message

On a recent thread about account charges I think someone commented that the 7.50 euro's account charge shouldnt be being charged if you've a mortgage with the Bank. Cant find the right thread now to bring it up again to see if I had remembered that correctly. We have our mortgage with CAM and they are taking 7.50 euro's account charges- can anyone confirm that for us before I query it? Have been back and forth through the bumff we printed of during our voyage of discovery with CAM but cant quite pin this down.


Jan & Mike

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25 Jan 2009 12:09 PM by thekeeve Star rating in Hope, West Wales and.... 277 forum posts Send private message

I have had a CAM account for 15 years, and they introduced the bank charges in 2006.  It's nothing to do with the mortgage, simply a quarterly charge for running the account - COMISION DE MANTENIMIENTO - this should show up on your on-line bank statement.  I'm assuming it's the same charge we're talking about - Euros 7.5 every 3 months.


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25 Jan 2009 8:32 PM by JHMurcia Star rating. 753 forum posts Send private message

It says Carte Int or something similar. We are having some problems with the 'net this evening and I cant get back onto the site. But it is certainly a 7.50 debit


Jan & Mike

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25 Jan 2009 8:42 PM by kevinmatthews Star rating in RUGBY. 29 forum posts Send private message

We had the same charges and on the advice from the forum i contacted Cam Bank to ask if we should be paying them.They refunded the 7.50 this time but said that from 2009 we would have to pay it unless we take out their insurance.


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25 Jan 2009 9:14 PM by JHMurcia Star rating. 753 forum posts Send private message

Thanks for that reply. I will try to contact them tomorrow. We took out their insurance- so I need to clarify this. However before Christmas they asked for us to send a copy of the signed ins agreement as our Solicitor hadnt signed it at the completion. We did that all by POA at the time. Maybe thats got something to do with it- I did get them a copy and they confirmed receipt. I'll just check the dates of the emails and the debit as one thing may have affected the other.


Jan & Mike

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25 Jan 2009 10:34 PM by srule Star rating in The Midlands. 74 forum posts Send private message

Think you can get away with the charges if you have a savings account with them aswell, not sure how much you need, alot I think.


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26 Jan 2009 1:37 AM by shampers Star rating in Warrington & Jardin .... 1057 forum posts Send private message

shampers´s avatar


If you have CAM online then all your products and ref no's (clickable for full details) show up on the main page, bank accounts, mortgage, debit card, insurance, the lot, the system wipes the floor with UK Bank online systems.




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27 Jan 2009 4:07 PM by JHMurcia Star rating. 753 forum posts Send private message

Can  I recommend using the online query service for CAM Bank? Once you have your statement opened look to the end of the page and there is  a call centre photo with 'atencion' indicated. I have just had a very pleasant on- line chat with customer services, in English, although I started with 'No espanol, English por favor'. Apparently the 'Carg. Int' on our account with a 7.50 euro's debit is an account maintenance charge, made every three months. They have recommended I telephone to confirm but even so it was a straight forward and quick way to make an enquiry.


Jan & Mike

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29 Jan 2009 12:04 AM by TON1973 Star rating in Co Wexford, Ireland .... 131 forum posts Send private message

Hey there,

Think it was a thread I started  I am paying out so many charges and I havent a clue what they are. I have emailed them and they have said that the statements should be in english, well the headings are but what the charges are for isnt  so Im totally baffelled.

take care

Tamsin & Alan


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