Security Shutters

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09 Feb 2009 12:00 AM by tom7750 Star rating. 20 forum posts Send private message

Hi Has anyone had a problem with the "straps" that connect the roller to the security shutters.  These are made of plastic and four of ours have now snapped.  This stops us opening the shutter.  The first ones were replaced under warranty but we now have to source two more.  I am currently trying in the UK but wondered if anyone knows where they can be bought in Spain?  We took one of the broken ones to a local Ferreterier who said they were of an inferior quality and  should really be made of metal (which incidentally, the ones that were replaced under warranty were made of metal).   Why have Key Mare used such cheap products and then refuse to do anything about them now 1 year has passed?  We have hardly used our apartment so it can't be blamed on wear and tear.  We still have outstanding issues with the apartment which have been logged with Key Mare since completion and because we have now owned the apartment for over a year are refusing to do anything about them.  Is anyone else in this situation?

We have just returned from a lovely warm, sunny weekend.  We didn't hear any noise from dogs but  wish the Club House was open so we could have gone swimming - does anyone have any up-to-date news? 



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