Many thanks to Gilly for telling us about the "Eye on Spain" general forums. here are some links to some threads and legal stuff (if they allow links on here) here goes anyway.
This survey on "Eye On Spain" makes for interesting reading, they won't allow me to link but if you include this: surveys/communityfees on the end of this websites main url it should work:
There is an english translation of the Horizontal Property act which is the set of legal rules underpinning communities but the link is too complicated to find a way around on here - haven't read it yet, will print off and pour a "copa de vino tinto" first :-)
This is a page of all things pertaining to running a community with some very relevant stuff to our situation here: again use this websites main url and add /Secure/ForumThreads.aspx?&dev=FB34&name=Running%20a%20Community
Hope this works, if not trawl through the general forums like we did, you will probably find lots of other stuff too
Cheers for now
Philip & Luc