I have been reading with interest the tv threads and the topic of the expensive €400 box. Firstly I totally agree with the comments posted here.
Polaris should provide a quality system and a proper back up service with a guarantee as suggested by wiredout.
I also agree with ptan that the cost of maintenance is huge and certainly needs further investigation.
Sonatigh, spot on, this monopoly should be broken and a competitive service sought for the benefit of CDA.
It appears that on another Polaris resort the community have had competitive quotes of under €100k for the maintenance of their tv system as opposed to polaris' €300k plus. However Polaris seem reluctant to hand over this lucrative system to the community and have threatened to cut off all channels including the free to air ones.
The rub is that if the community signs this particular contract it may legitimise Polaris' right to monopoly and the imposition of 'future' costs.