Hi there everyone, this is my first posting like this but I am free to do this now.
It's me Mariska from the office, eh Golfcourse

In reply to the good news :Starting today April 1st I am not working with Masa anymore, no more work in the golfstore.
O well, that's life, One men's dead is the other men's bread, or whatever.
You will be seeing me on site, because my husband and I love the bar of Mateo and we like all the nice people that we have fun with.
I would like to thank everyone who has been good for me, I won't post a list because it will never end and everyone that wants to contact me can ask Rob and Sue or Dennis and Susan, or Nigel and Elena to tell me.
For all those people that have my privat mobilenumber, please don't call me for problems on site, only call me with good news or a good paid job ,here in Spain.
See you later,

This message was last edited by bullet on 4/1/2009.