Post-Easter Update on UGR?

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13 Apr 2009 12:00 AM by Mark and janet (2Mugs) Star rating. 3 forum posts Send private message

Anyone been out over Easter?

Could you please give me a realistic report on the current situation at UGR? Preferably someone who already resides on the site or somone who visits regularly.

I'm particularly  interested in the amount of properties that are completed, how the site is being used eg are properties being rented, is it attracting visitors;  and what amount of properties, if any, are being put up for sale.

We have a 2nd phase Tee apartment, M20 block, due to complete in July 2009.



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14 Apr 2009 9:50 AM by OToole Galway Star rating. 1 forum posts Send private message



Just back to Ireland form United Golf last night. Had a ball!

I have 2 apartments 1st phase.

The resort is coming along nicely - the soprts bar is open now so there is a spot to have a drink, meet neighbours etc.

Also a little shop for all your basics.

They had a BBQ Sat night - aprox 120 people €10 a head all you can eat.

I didn't mak it myself (as there was too many other thigs to see!), but heard it went really well.

If you are into hiknig, cycling, sailing, spa treatments there is plenty to see and do - and I have only been there a about 5 times as yet!

I had an offer to rent one of my apartments in 2 weeks for 2 weeks (bowling club) while I was over there and had an e-mail this morning for rentals in July. I also have it rented in Sep for 2 weeks - so things are starting to get busy!

Hope this helps,




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14 Apr 2009 8:29 PM by Mark and janet (2Mugs) Star rating. 3 forum posts Send private message

Thanks Elaine.

Glad you had a good time.

We're out there in May (although not sure whether it'll be early or late - depends on work demands!!). Obviously, with the market as turbulant as it is, we are in two minds of terminating or completing. I guess a visit in a month where things generally 'pick up', will be a decider for me.

It is so useful speaking with people who have properties out there, thank you.

Regards MnJ


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15 Apr 2009 10:32 PM by sandrab Star rating in Bournemouth & La Ter.... 527 forum posts Send private message

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Hi - I have a Phase 1 apartment and we love the Resort.

I have to say that I think LT is really becoming a fantastic resort and that we also have a thriving owners community - we have our second owners gala event taking place on 26th September.    The first owners Gala night was held last October and the day also features  The La Tercia Owners Open golf competition.   The BBQ on Saturday night was organised as an impromptu and successful event over Easter by one of our members with the food being provided by Mark at theSports Bar.


If you would like to come to the second owners "Bash" (as we have fondly named it) then please pm me for more details.


With kind regards



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15 May 2009 11:05 PM by sandrab Star rating in Bournemouth & La Ter.... 527 forum posts Send private message

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The Owners Party  arrangements are more less finalised - it will be a fantastic day and evening with dinner, drinks and professional entertainment for an all inclusive price of 25 euro.  Please pm me for more information.






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05 Jun 2009 9:36 PM by sandrab Star rating in Bournemouth & La Ter.... 527 forum posts Send private message

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Tickets are selling fast for the second Owners party to be held at UGR La TErcia on Saturday 26 September.  The all inclusive price of 25 euro per head covers dinner, all drinks and entertainment.  There is a charity raffle as well as the second LA Tercia Owners Open golf competition plus lots of other activities.    Please do pm me for more details.

Looking forward to hearing from you.




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