Building promoters Aifos, a division of which is the Guadalpín hotel group, has filed for bankruptcy in a Malaga court. The firm’s biggest creditors are a number of Spanish banks but the most numerous are the purchasers of about 3,000 dwellings, and a brief communiqué from Aifos this week said that its aim was to guarantee construction of the buildings and hand them over to the owners as soon as possible. It also wants to ensure the continued activity of the group and its employees.
The bankruptcy proceedings will be published in the BOE after which creditors have a month to notify the court of their claims.
Part of one of the former Aifos properties, the Byblos hotel, was sold in auction this week to Sir Alan Sugar, acting for Amsprop Spain. The British businessman also put in a bid for the remainder of the property which will be accepted if no larger bid is received within ten days.