Hi Coxa,
I have just completed in Corvera, and am just in the middle of getting the furniture etc installed.
From my experience you'll need to budget for around 13% of the purchase price to cover IVA, stamp duty, bank fees, solicitors, notary fees, valuations, snagging etc etc. This is before your furniture costs which will obviously depend on the size of your apartment and to what level you want to go to in terms of the furniture standard/ decor of your property.
Some of the fees initially charged may be refundable, some will not be. For instance, I have been charged over €1000 by the bank for something to do with the builders mortgage, I have been told this will be refunded to me in about 3 months when the property is fully registered in my name. Bizarre, but true!
If I can be of any further help please let me know. Best of luck!