Flooding on Sierra Golf

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27 Sep 2009 12:00 AM by Frankie2 Star rating. 114 forum posts Send private message

With all this heavy  rain in Spain again houses on Sierra Golf are flooding due to poor drainage on the roads , the hole through the wall in the service box and the membrain which is NOT keeping out the water . The Spanish building act  L O E ,5/11/1999 ,{ Ley de ordenacion de ia Edificacion ] considers all parties involved in construction of the building carries responsibility for 10 years . This covers defects , and faults affecting structural elements which jeopardice the buildings mechanical resistance and stability .The builder is directly liable for the damages caused to the buildings due to faults derived from lack of skill , lack of professional or techinical qualification , negligence or non - compliance with individuals or legal entities reported to them . For the first 3 years damaged caused by building faults  in the construtive elements or services which result in the building failing to meet habitabitilily requirements .A property damaged should have a security insurance policy which guarantees compensation of damages caused to the building by faults or defects originating in or directly affecting the buildings mechanical resistance and stability . When a builder subcontracts to other individuels they will be directly liable for the damages , due to the faults and defects to the execution of such works , without prejudice to the recourse he might have against the sub-contractors . The home owners on Sierra Golf , residents and hoiliday home owners must band together to demand our rights . This situation cannot continue ,flooding whenever it rains  .


This message was last edited by Frankie2 on 27/09/2009.

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30 Sep 2009 9:40 AM by kathyandbob Star rating. 294 forum posts Send private message

Has anyone on M14 in an Eagle experienced flooding ?

Thanks for any replys


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30 Sep 2009 4:40 PM by Frankie2 Star rating. 114 forum posts Send private message

Does anybody know the name ? if there is one , the insurance company that covers Masa's 10 year buildings guarentee , Normally there is one in case the builder goes bust .

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30 Sep 2009 7:30 PM by inspectahomespain Star rating in Orihuela Costa, Spai.... 2417 forum posts Send private message

Vip Supporter

The insurance policy should be in with your deeds if not ask your lawyer why

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02 Oct 2009 1:06 PM by popins-pm Star rating in Balsicas. 31 forum posts Send private message

popins-pm´s avatar

Whilst the flooding in a lot of properties was severe there was also a number of lesser issues arouse with water ingress around windows and from the parapet walls on some of the roofs. These also need bringing to the attention of the builder as it appears to be a design issue of the parapet walls not being securely fixed and becoming slightly loose in some cases. This slight movement allows water ingress from the roof down the walls and especially onto a lot of window frames which generally show at the bottom of the windows because the water finds the lowest point.


Another horrifying issue is the access into S.G., namely the low dip in the road as you approach, which stranded a lot of people within and prevented access from without. It turned into at one point a forty foot wide river which receded to about twenty foot later in the day. However as you drive into S.G you will go over a bridge and underneath you will see a water culvert which is supposed to take any excess rainwater. This was dry as a bone. Hmmm.

My point being there is sufficient residents and visitors on S.G that would warrant safe access into it. In these situations should there have been a need for emergency services to get in this would have been very difficult. Had it have gone on any longer then supplies, which for a lot of people had already run out, would have been a big problem.

Paul: Tel - 07808055581

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02 Oct 2009 10:24 PM by pinkstateside Star rating in Dublin, Ireland. 47 forum posts Send private message

pinkstateside´s avatar

Easy for me to say from Dublin, but it seems about time we all grouped together and finally created a sierra golf residents association that has teeth, and can represent all residents with the developer etc.

I for one would be happy to contribute an annual fee towards the administration of it. 


One large voice, one that could for example create issues for the developer/agents trying to sell properties etc, place billboards with anti MAsa messages on the site, but also on the web etc.  It could help.  It is amazing how well big corporations react to people power when it means they may loose money.  they will certainly not react to individuals.


What do you think?




This message was last edited by pinkstateside on 02/10/2009.

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04 Oct 2009 6:18 PM by gwyneth hanson Star rating in Balsicas. 31 forum posts Send private message

I agree Jason.

However, in the absence off one strong voice it is natural for the human race to create their own boundaries. Subsequently there is many smaller voices all with different agendas.

What you say makes good logical sense. Getting the buy-in would be quite a task.

In the meantime if there are any more crisisis then people do suffer.


What if someone was ill and needed an ambulance in or hospital out

What if there is a different disaster such as as a hurricane

What if the electricity is out for a prolonged period

etc etc

There are no facilities like shops on site, there is no commitee to look after the elderly or needed in a disaster, there are no backup plans like stored water, groceries, candles or generator, there is nothing in place for any form of disaster recovery at all.


Hence I agree that the many little voices should be united as one and it is times like this that highlights the fact.



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09 Oct 2009 3:08 PM by janacky Star rating in northampton. 35 forum posts Send private message

i would be willing to pay for residents association to voice for us who do not live  there


regards Janacky

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09 Oct 2009 4:36 PM by taraleisure Star rating in Holmfirth. 294 forum posts Send private message

Has anyone on SG actually spoken to Masa or the Town Hall about the flooded area of the road in, though I doubt that Masa would be allowed to do anything outside the entrance?


This message was last edited by taraleisure on 09/10/2009.





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09 Oct 2009 6:25 PM by niglam1 Star rating in Wakefield W. Yorks (.... 147 forum posts Send private message

Hi All

As a non-resident we would also like to contribute to the residents association.

Has anyone asked Yanka the best way to make our complaint more effective?

After all she is the legal spokesperson on site, let's ask her opinion, we may get some sound advice.


Nigel & Stella

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13 Oct 2009 6:12 PM by eagle Star rating in Essex . 77 forum posts Send private message


We were out there on SG as non residents it was good to be there to experience what those of you who live ahs described. 

It was as it continued frightening the fact that we were so isolated. 

I had decided not to go with Den and some friends when they went to get the -  Garden  Watering system (that is not a joke we had come out to do some work on the house and garden as well as have a holiday.) 

I had to keep checking we have an Eagle on M16 which has leaks and i watched the water running down the walls of the basement and in the bedroom. i know we were more fortunate than some who had to pump out under their homes.

 I began to get concerned when Den had not returned in the afternoon and my mobile line was not connecting. 

i did not venture out and kept myself busy and we woudl like to say

THANKS to the person with the 4 X 4 who helped them and Den arrived back at nearly 6 o clock that evening.  

We know there was antonio and others with vehicles who were constantly helping those stranded souls.

We thanked god that we were safe but the following evening when a neighbour was taken ill and we waited with a friend for the ambulance and it was only Ricardo driving to direct them they arrived a very long time after being called thank god he was not suffering a heart attack.

The site is an acccident waiting to happen if anyone suffered a life threatening  emergency situation they would be very lucky to survive.

There are several trained nurses on site but it would not be right to expect them to be responsible for someones life or death.

We were told about the possible formation of a residents association and need to be clear what this entails what rights and if there are restrictions as another person told us this would make us responsible as home owners for much more including the upkeep of the community areas.

There are two schools of thought and this needs to be explored carefully and include all home owners. 

We want to ensure Sierra Golf is a safe place as well as a good and pleasant place to be.

On a lighter note we were disappointed that the pool bar was erratic and did not appear to be open and this affected not only us but others who were holidaying on site.

thanks to all of those hwo made out stay so lovely and we will be back as soon as we possibly can

Trisha and Denis

An association also could ahve some say in ensuring the facilties that are there are accesible  


Denis Tricia n Becs

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18 Oct 2009 10:56 AM by Frankie2 Star rating. 114 forum posts Send private message

while checking various sites concerning Masa I have come across a few worrying articles . Holiday Homes From Hell , shown properties they built falling down . Grupo Masa's comment was it's not our fault it's the home owners are to blame . When they say that , do they mean it's the owners fault for buying of Masa . I also found a shocking report . I will leave it for you to judge on reading the article .-------grupo-masa.co.uk./UpdatesNews.aspx .

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18 Oct 2009 10:57 AM by Frankie2 Star rating. 114 forum posts Send private message

while checking various sites concerning Masa I have come across a few worrying articles . Holiday Homes From Hell , shown properties they built falling down . Grupo Masa's comment was it's not our fault it's the home owners are to blame . When they say that , do they mean it's the owners fault for buying of Masa . I also found a shocking report . I will leave it for you to judge on reading the article .-------grupo-masa.co.uk./UpdatesNews.aspx .


This message was last edited by Frankie2 on 18/10/2009.

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