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Hi All
In case any of you rabble are out there soon Pam & I will be in Pepes on Sat 21st at around 7.30 pm for a few drinks. We will be in most nights as a matter of fact.
Mick & Pam 
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Stella & I are going over Tuesday 24th, Nov for a week so give us a shout if you see us out and about, don`t know who will be open, but we usually head for Annies or Pepes......
Roger & Stella
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We're leaving on the 24th. Seems to be the way of it. Oh, well, we'll just have to stay for longer next time. Anybody else out there this week?
Jo and Jim
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We'll be down on Sat 21st for a week. We'll be late on Saturday so wont make Pepas til Sunday. After that we'll alternate between it and Mi Cortijo. Must visit Annies as well according to Roger and Stella
Looking forward to meeting up
Sean and Margot
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