The Comments |
Hola Everyone
How about cheering me up I am offshore in the North sea somewhere between Shetland & Norway and would love to see some Photos of San Juan in full swing. Pam & I have never been in the summer months when you all rekon it is to busy, well get them photos uploaded. I was told the duel carrage way to pulpi is complete with that huge roundabout on it.
If there is any good news on the site as well get that in as well (no bad news though) wish I was sitting outside the ice cream shop (as we call it) " Delfinos " with a large cervesa right now, but a cup of coffee will have to do. So please if anyone has or wants to take some snaps get then on the site. Have a great summer wherever you may be.
Mick & Pam 
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Hi Mick & Pam
The village is buzzing today, been down to La Venta for breakfast and the outside terrace was full, the beach is crowded, the market is manic and more cars were coming down the new road. I'm out and about on Wednesday so I'll take some photos and post them for you.
The dual carriageway is only open as far as the ring road, but it looks really good with all the trees and plants on it, all the roundabouts are planted up too - there are about 4 between Pepa's and the ring road, we also have numerous sets of pedestrian crossings with lights all the way up- after that we are back on the old road all the way upto Pulpí, they have done a lot of blasting for the new road up there but I reckon they have another years work before it will be ready.
For all the sunshine we have today, I'm indoors enjoying The Open, hoping Lee Westwood can win but would love it if Tom Watson can do it.
Jacqui our adventure from deciding to move to Spain to being here and moving back to the UK.
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Hi Jacqui
Long time since we have been in touch but if it was one reply I could have expected it was from you Jacqui ,Thanks. Hope you are all keeping well and San Juan is doing you good. Every thing seems to be at a high at the moment at San Juan, with a bit luck we will be in our own house shortly sampling some of it. I think the life will have gone by the time we get in so we will wait until next summer to sample the young side of San Juan, but there is nothing like our old little sleepy town at the end of the summer. Looking forward to the Photo's & a pity about both Lee Westwood & Tom they both blew it on the final few holes. Well must dash to bed, Helicopter home in the morning can not wait. Thanks again Jacqui.
This message was last edited by miguelcarr on 19/07/2009.
Mick & Pam 
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Safe journey home, I can't imagine what it's like out there in the North Sea.
I was gutted for Lee Westwood, to think he missed out on the play-off as well, real tough on the guy. Would've been nice for Tom to have won it but it wasn't to be.
Jacqui our adventure from deciding to move to Spain to being here and moving back to the UK.
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Hi Mick & Pam,
Thought I`d better do the decent thing seeing as you are working so hard....just put up a couple of photos...including the `secret` beach just behind the main supermarket, Stella & I found it by luck, on one of our `epic` strolls & spent many a happy extended lunch in the bar....what more could you want eh?
Appologies for the poor quality, I forgot my `proper` camera & had to use the phone, but you`ll get the idea hopefully.
Roger & Stella
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I've uploaded some photos taken this morning and one of the Sunday market, and yes, the sky really is that blue. This is the beach on a Thursday so you can imagine what it's like at the weekends.
Hope you enjoy the sunshine.
Jacqui our adventure from deciding to move to Spain to being here and moving back to the UK.
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I would imagine you are talking about the sunshine in the photo's as we are not having much of a summer here, I am looking out the window now and it is lashing down. Thanks to the lot of you for the photo's nice to see the place now and again.
I was reading the blog on banks & there still seems to be a lot of different ways you can get a mortgage in Spain, not one of them seems simple. Never mind I would think if you are happy with the deal you have made with the bank that should be good enough, our only concern is what the penelties would be if we paid it off as soon as the Pound strenghtens against the Euro whether it be 1, 2 or 5 years would you have to pay a sum to the bank to settle up.
Enjoy the sun over there as I am sure you are, hope to see you all this year as my tan is fading fast.
Mick & Pam 
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