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After what can only be described as a roller coaster ride we are just about to complete on our house, we`re still not 100% sure the site will be finished any time soon but we love SJ so much we`re taking the plunge with everything crossed.
On that note....has anyone got the latest completion dates for later phases, we were told in June, ph 5 would have their licence by October but I`m assuming this did not happen......Where will we be in another two years I wonder.
If you see us in Pepas over the next couple of weeks please say hello and we can have a good old grumble..
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Hi Roger
We have just had an email off our solicitor to tell our house is ready to complete, not really sure what to feel after 4 years & the state of the pound. We are obviously over the moon, but it all seems I dont know it's a very funny feeling maybe we are in shock !!! Anyway we are going to ring our solicitor tomorrow to see what we have to do & take it from there so we may be over in San Juan soon, as Pam says the house may be ready but is the licence in place ? & what about the sub station they had to build before the full site licence will be granted any word on that issue, god stress stress stress dont you just love it !!
Mick & Pam 
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Hi Guys,
Congratulations. Mixed feelings I'm sure for you - the happiness of completing tinged with the low exchange rate.
I'm sure that when you are sitting on the sun terrace, glass of wine in hand watching the sunset over the sea or mountains, which ever is your preference - the long wait will seem so worthwhile. SJ is a beautiful place and you have waited a long time to enjoy it in your own place.
Best of luck
Jacqui our adventure from deciding to move to Spain to being here and moving back to the UK.
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Next month we'll have owned the house for a whole year and we'll have visited five times. Each time it gets harder to leave. And we've forgotten the stress leading up to completion. Just one last hurdle and you're there. Remember the last mile in a marathon is the worst then you can bask in the glory or sunshine.
We'll be back out soon, hope to see you all there!
Jo and Jim
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Thanks guys, it`s really encouraging to read your comments, and I agree with the general sentiment...i.e. trepidation but a great feeling of relief, satisfaction & of course excitement.....I`ll know, hopefully today, when we are booked at the notary (more wallet leakage) and maybe...just maybe we`ll get the key
We too were concerned about the `conditional` licence but I understand several organisations (including Pulpi) are `discussing` the payment for this and other improvements to services so we`re not really that worried, and given the alternative of pulling out feel it`s the right thing to do. My personal view is that a lot of organisations have a lot of money tied up in CDP and to leave it in an unfinished state would create a massive problem for the whole area whereas to have a complete and attractive development will make it a fantastic, up market coastal resort which can only benefit everyone.
So......there we have it....all in the hands of our solicitor now....& hopefully we`ll see some of you very soon.
Roger & Stella
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Like mojito we have now owned our house for a whole year even though we are phase 4. We spent 6 weeks there in the summer and are over again next Friday for a week.. It was definitely the right decision for us. On the down side the site doesn't seem to have changed much since last October.
Neil and Sue
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Hi all,
A positive note for everyone. Work is well underway on the site and is moving on well day by day now. The front row of houses all now plastered and being painted some already done. Workmen on all phases now and they removed one of the cranes the other day so only one left. Windows also going in on front row of houses. We are out until November on Phase 3 and we completed last November so hope to see you all soon.
Sue and George
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Hi All
Moved in this week at long last. Two or three other completions as well this week.
We are delighted we stuckit out now especially since we are very pleased with the house and the standard of the finish. We've also met a number of our new neighbours and I think we will develop a really good community in CDP in the future.
While there is still work to be done on the site and final habitation licenses will not be issued until the site is finished (6-12 months) it certainly is progressing - slowly but well. Its difficult to see big changes outside now as most of the work is internal.
Anyway we are very pleased to have completed and firmly believe its the right decision for us, it was important to enusre we had ownership of the property (just in case) and of course every time we go there we like it more.
Best to all
Sean and Margot
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Plenty of guys working on site everyday. Front rows on phase 10 opposite the fountain all being painted now.
Last crane was taken away yesterday
Best Wishes
_______________________ Richard Clark
Property Management
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Does anyone have any information on the Habitation License, as I keep getting different stories sent to me. I have asked the office with no reply, I have asked my solicitor with no reply. I am supposed to be going over in 2 weeks to sign, I have had the house snagged but without a license in place I am not willing to throw another 100,000 euros away. I know you are all telling me it will be alright, but they have no intention of finishing the rest of the Phases they had planned. OK they may well finish our phase ie the site but that is only phase 1 the rest of the phases must have been submitted for habitation. Like I say it is great being positive about it, but unless some information comes soon from my solicitor I am not signing. Also when Peinsa are finished where is the electric & water supply going to come from ?? Please if anyone can shed some light on this for me I would be most gratefull. It looks at the moment we are going over on the 17th Nov for a HOLIDAY only !!!!
Mick & Pam 
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Can anyone advise if anybody has completed on Phase 9 of the development. I have withdrwan and I am in the process of a legal action using maria De castro as I could not wait any longer.
_______________________ Paul
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If you have pulled out & taking Peinsa to court good luck, if that is the case I dont understand why you want to know if anyone has completed on phase 9. What I would like to know is has anyone signed in the last six months or so on any Phase !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! & has anyone got any news as to what is happening on the site or to the site. Are the builders still on site, are they doing anything to the roads.
Mick & Pam 
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hi mick&julie phase2
just back from a visit place is buzzing resturants&bars are busy weather is really hot
builders have been in and finished any snagging that needed doing . filled in all the cracks & painted the whole house again looks really good .the builders have now started on phase3 & where finishing the swimming pool on phase3 .also the walkway that runs through the middlle of the site was having new kids climbing frames fitted& also the front of the site looks a little bit tidy so on a positive note at least theres some work going on & im sure as the market picks up the site will get finnished
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