Message from neuva asociancondadodealhama - RE RPM

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25 Jan 2010 12:00 AM by stonephil Star rating in Stone Staffordshire .... 399 forum posts Send private message

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This message was last edited by stonephil on 25/01/2010.


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25 Jan 2010 10:37 AM by not smooth Star rating. 241 forum posts Send private message

25 Jan 2010 12:45 PM by PGM Star rating in Cheshire & LOS NARAN.... 862 forum posts Send private message

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Has anyone any idea what this is about?

I received an email this morning from, neuva asociancondadodealhama, see below:

Hola a todos.
Se os comunica que RPM ha presentado su dimisión.
Esta será
efectiva el31 de enero del 2.010

I have translated this as best I can:

Hello to all. One communicates to you that RPM has submitted their retirement application. This will be effective el31 of January of the 2.010 Greetings.


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25 Jan 2010 1:13 PM by ptan Star rating in Los Naranjos Jardine.... 1696 forum posts Send private message

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I will post a full update tonight on Http://

There is some backgorund information already on the site, but will not have time to post an update until this evening.










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25 Jan 2010 5:18 PM by jeb321 Star rating in Carrickfergus, N.Ire.... 454 forum posts Send private message

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looks like you got your wish Phil - hope you guys have something ready to go to replace them

Dear Owner,

"Resort Property Management, S.L." has resigned by request of the presidents.


Resort Property Management s.l.


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26 Jan 2010 1:02 AM by ajw Star rating in Aberdeen. 1088 forum posts Send private message

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So RPM have bailed out - or been booted out.  Nobody bloody asked me!!  Why do we never get to hear about these 'elections'?  Why don't we get asked?  Our Presidents represent us, sure, and I voted for my Jardin President but it would be nice to be asked occasionally about some topics.  I am none the wiser as to what the hell is going on over there or even where/when/why the notion of ditching RPM came up.  Did I miss something??? Arlene


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26 Jan 2010 8:05 AM by ptan Star rating in Los Naranjos Jardine.... 1696 forum posts Send private message

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Hi Arlene,

Have emailed you.



This message was last edited by ptan on 26/01/2010.









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26 Jan 2010 10:02 AM by PGM Star rating in Cheshire & LOS NARAN.... 862 forum posts Send private message

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Hi Arlene & All

I agree with your sentiments completely, that said we voted in our presidents and of course the position is both voluntary and thankless.

However I don’t think it is too much to ask that after they attend presidential meeting and make there decisions on the future of our resort, they communicate at least an outline of there decisions to the garden owners.

I am aware that some garden presidents do keep their owners informed and I applaud them for that, but they are in the minority I think?

The problem is those of us that don’t receive first hand information from our presidents have to rely on the snippets of information gained from Forums like this one, which as we have seen on numerous occasions often turns out to be inaccurate.

I have emailed my president to ask about the RPM issue and I await a response.

I will be asking my garden president and would ask those presidents that read this forum to consider and agree between themselves, a realistic, uniform and reliable way of issuing a statement of decisions taken on our behalf to all their owners they have contact details.

I am not asking that before my president votes on any issue he or she has to canvas my individual opinion, as to do so would be onerous and would considerably slow the administrative process. If I don’t like the decisions my garden president has taken I have the opportunity to change them on an annual basis or even stand myself. I just think dissemination of information is essential to the harmony of all and the good name of our resort.


Respectfully yours


Naranjos Jardin 8


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26 Jan 2010 12:23 PM by jeb321 Star rating in Carrickfergus, N.Ire.... 454 forum posts Send private message

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it would appear that when RPM realised they were going to be removed as administrators via a tendering process the Presidents were putting in place for later this year, they 'threw the head up' and effecitvely resigned on the spot. This means the tender process needs to be pulled forward and very quickly a new administrator will need to be found.

My thoughts on this are - what formal notice period is there in the exisiting contract between RPM and the Community ? It seems very unprofessional of RPM to walk away as they have done and if they are in breach of contract we should take legal advice on remedy. I'd also be very concerned that RPM just walk and leave things in a mess, and given the disparaging comments about them on here, who knows what they'll do - I just hope they have a good record of my community fee payments since day 1 !!!

Now we have to scramble to find another company to pick up the pieces and we need to be sure we get the right one.

oh dear - BTW agree with you PGM on the Presidents' job being thankless; I believe they act in our best interests and perhaps the precipitous actions of RPM confirm that.


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26 Jan 2010 11:10 PM by TheQuietMan Star rating in UK and very occasion.... 535 forum posts Send private message

Thisdoesnt have to be a disaster.

The Presidents will generally be working hard on our behalf, certainly PTAN and Terry and Sontagh (have I spelt that wrong?) all post on here or the other forum and PTAN is particularly informative.. I agree with PGM's post and i know that working for any committee voluntarily is a thankless task- I have done that. I actually think it should be a requirement that Presidents regularly update their Jardin owners. A few lines regularly wouldnt be too much to ask. Truly,  I have just met people on the golf course who thought all was managed and controlled by Polaris and they were flabbergasted at the idea that PW pass over the management of the resort and that the gardeners, bin men etc are not Polaris employees. I think there will be many people that unaware. Heaven knows who they pay their CC to or if they do. On that point my heartfelt apologies to anyone I offended in my rant about people who do not pay-I have come to see that there are many out there who want to pay but have been thwarted by RPM. My ex-brother in law was furious with me for ranting as he tried for several months to get RPM to sort his payments out- threatened to pin me to any plackard with names on in the Al Kasar. Friendly chap, hope he was joking though I doubt it!!!.

All that aside I still think if you avoid paying then thats a diffent issue.

However, I think its clear RPM have not been doing their job but have been taking our money in their salary- not inconsiderable I imagine- and doing very little. I'm less sure about the 125,000 euro's outstanding and how that figure wasarrived at (could be more)suffice to say they havent explained their budget correctly,  but I know they haven't collect all the CC fees and have not got the legally required 20% slush fund . They also haven't addressed the various problems reported to them as quickly as they should and some they have not dealt with  at all - serious sewerage issues, lighting, security, insufficient power from IBERDROLA and the list goes on.  The main issue being they have not sorted budgets and as thats a major part of their job I'd be hoping we could take legal action against them- is that possible?. They also haven't enforced the community rules- illegal additions to apartments and ignoring rules about use of pools which are major health and safety issues, dog off leads, the list goes on etc, etc.(some more important than others)

Security is still lax and shouldnt be- we all bought our apartments expecting very good security and we shouldnt be blinded by the fact that Spain doesnt have the same burglary problems as the UK. Once the resort takes off and more incomers use it we need to have the security we expected. Before we bought all six of our family purchasers were told that PW didnt want the Spanish style grills on windows because PW 'pride' themselves on the level on security they offer- huh!!!

We cant keep RPM as they appear to be hopeless and toothless. There would never be a good time for them to go but I think the Presidents have instigated the right action and this is the right result.  Its our hard earned cash that has been going into these rogues pockets and had  we all be made more aware we'd have supported the coup last summer more readily. What makes me most  annoyed is the suggestion made to me today is that 'they saw you all coming' and ' they saw the Brits coming, what do you expect....?' I can only hope that isnt true

Which all brings me back to the fact that we - the owners- need more information, sooner rather than latter!!!!.I would hope those lax Presidents and Vice Presidents would take this on board- it is little good only reporting to the Spanish part of our community if you even report to them at all.


This message was last edited by TheQuietMan on 26/01/2010.



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