The Comments |
A long term rental of 550€ for a two bed penthouse on Roda Golf is about right bearing in mind that the tenant would be paying all the bills ie electric water and gas. A 3 bed might get a bit more.
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im afraid i disagree with you dizzy - although i guess its a personal decision.
i feel this is far too low, but obviously depends on how much you pay per month yourself, if anything.
i think the wear and tear over a year would not be worth it and also lost revenue from letting during higher seasons, couples with the fact that you cannot use your property yourself all outweigh a measley 550 per month.
if people are letting for this amount i may think of taking a year off and renting myself ;-)
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arky25 ,
If you are serious we have a fully furnished to a very high standard 3 bedroom 2 bathroom Apartment
It is on phase 1 close walking distance to all the facilitys
it is Euro 600 a month plus utilitys , ready from April ( but can move in before the end of March )
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hi , we rented on roda april -oct 2 bed penthouse phase 2 575 euros inc ALL bills , on looking round the resort there were some cheaper than that , i guess the reality of the situation is a chronic over supply of apartments in the resort and general area .
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i reailise everyone has different financial circumstances , and i know all about supply and demand, but i am dissapointed in how low the rental prices are.
i guess i will stick to short term holiday lets for the foreseable future.
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I think you can just about achieve a similar rental amount over a year with holiday rentals but with a lot less wear and tear and you are also able to use the property yourself. I think weekly rents on Roda are far too low but as there are so many properties available and people are happy/need to get any bookings they can, I can't see things changing in the foreseeable future.
_______________________ Yvette and Dave
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to arky25 Iunderstand you want to get the highest rent possible but 1000 euro a month is not achievable at the moment and I don't think it will be for sometime we have been renting out properties on Roda or between 500 and 600 depending on what floor they are on and I know that Roda Golf themselves only rent for 600 and will not go any lower
we would like to be able to rent for as much as we can as the more we can get the more commision we earn.
Sorry if this sounds defeatist but thats the way it is at the moment.
Mo&Bryan & Why not see if can we help
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as i said - i understand everyone is different - but my view is that i do not think that is worth it as we get around the same annually for just doing holiday lets and we also get to use it ourselves when we want.
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I am not sure who AJB is but I have sent a PM on behalf of one of my clients who will have a property ready at easter but have not received a reply.
AJB Can you please PM me asap if you are genuinely looking for long term rental properties as it seems strange to post that you need properties and then you don't bother to reply when you are contacted?
_______________________ Superior Interiors
Great quality and prices
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I get very frustrated at these low rentals and agree with arky and i would rather leave empty and take the hit than be ripped of and have the place trashed with low paying renters that often cause alot of damage.
I would consider long term rentals for the winter months but even then I have my limmits.
Most of us have mortgages to pay so why not all try and keep the rental prices up along with the cliental!!
This message was last edited by hevs on 21/03/2010.
Holiday Rentals Roda Golf
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I have just returned from being down in Roda yesterday and had an interesting lunch in the club house this week with some neighbours in Phase 1 who had a property rented in Roda and had a disastrous experience. Unfortunately they are now in the process of gutting the property and starting again. Their renters have left the place a shambles and the owners are left to pick up the pieces. The agent who put them in is very sorry but it is not money from his pocket which will fix the place up again and of course the paltry deposit will not come anywhere close to covering the costs of refurbishment. There were clearly no checks in place to ensure that all was well as the agent just put them in there took his fee of almost 800 euro and walked away.
If you are renting long term you need to be very careful as hevs says, in that you pick a rental company who are prepared to properly look after your property for you. You also need to ensure that bills are paid separately by the renter as you could be looking at a lot of money to cover air conditioning, gas and water if the renter has no incentive to turn anything off when he leaves the property for the evening or worse still for the weekend.
There are a lot of people on this forum purporting to need properties for long term rent but there are very few of them following through if my conversations with three different owners in the last two weeks are anything to go by. Promises on an anonymous forum are easy but what is the genuine uptake I wonder. Properties do seem to be renting and the rentals seem to be in the 550 euro per month plus bills region but the demand is not so high as to require people to go onto a forum to look for properties. I do not comprehend what the motive is with people coming onto a forum and asking people to give their details to them by PM and not follow up. It seems worrying that someone would ask for a private message with information on a property and then not respond especially if there is a genuine demand.
I do not rent my spanish property but have had extensive experience of renting in Scotland and in England and the calibre of your management company is the most fundamental thing to get right as if they are good life can be very easy but if not you will end up out of pocket and with a major problem with your neighbours after the trouble has moved on. I agree with a lot of the posts on this subject as the cost of long term rent to the owner is sometimes just not worth the trouble and it would be better empty for most of the year and just holiday lets (organised personally) so that you know exactly what you are dealing with.
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Thanks for the info Don,
The problem is people keep coming on here with horror stories but nobody ever seems to name and shame, is it possible that you know who the company was who put these tennants in? it would be very helpful to a lot of owners if we new who to avoid. I have had talks with a few different people claiming to have potential renters and cannot get any info on any of them so have not bothered at the moment going down this road.
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Well said Don
A very good posting. People need to know the true facts. I would however not just take into account the damage your property may receive. Please also take into account your neighbours who would have to endure noise, smell and criminal behaviour. Believe me, it is not a good experience!
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would it not be a good idea to name and shame these so called property professionals ? perhaps if a group of owners got together and interviewed these companies and put together some sort of "preffered supplier list" this may help to keep out the cowboys ( of which there are many ) , and put more pressure on the "approved" agents to perform .
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Hi we have posted on here before with regards long term rentals on Roda and the fact that the rents are not as high as some people would like. We are a property management company in Los Alcazares and we would love to be able to get people the kind of rentals some have been talking about because then we would earn a higher commission, we ask for a yearly fee plus 10% of what ever rent we can get. With regards people meeting up with us we have a office in Mercadona Square where people can come and talk to us. We have been here for 13months now but the business is 3 years old.We are also a fully registered Spanish company THIS IS NOT HERE AS AN ADVERT BUT TO TRY AND CALM PEOPLES FEARS ABOUT RENTING OUT THEIR PROPERTIES
Mo&Bryan & Why not see if can we help
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