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The Comments
10 Sep 2006 12:00 AM by s.j.trasler Star rating. 5 forum posts Send private message

Has anyone on this web site having bought through Oceanview with GV&A as lawyers actually completed and have keys to their apartment ? We bought through Oceanview 4 years and 3 months ago and are still awaiting completion !!

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12 Sep 2006 8:05 PM by jenni Star rating. 7 forum posts Send private message

Hi, We bought through Oceanview 4 years 4 months ago now and are still awaiting completion. GV&A have said that they can push for completion for us if we want but the habitation licence is not yet been approved and we;ve heard that its not advisable to complete without this - if anyone knows differently please let us know.  Also GV&A have advised us that Aifos are charging  five hundred pounds to temporarily connect water/electricity.  Is this true [ does anyone have any experience of this?  We now don't know what to do for the best


K & J

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13 Sep 2006 12:28 PM by goodstich44 Star rating in northampton. 1648 forum posts Send private message


i think it's good advice not to complete without a habitation license, and yes i've heard people are paying for temporary supplies that have completed, sounds like madness to me. Heaven knows when we will all be sorted though?.

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13 Sep 2006 2:33 PM by Raging Bull Star rating. 3 forum posts Send private message

I do not often post on this site because I am insensed by the whole situation.
Going back, there are many postings about the unprofessional Ocean View Properties and everything I have read states very clearly now that you shouldn't use them or anyone they recommend, legal or othersie.  
To suggest completion without the Licence of First Occupation legal document in Spanish law is very foolhardy as other nightmares have confirmed.  It would seem that the contract presented and supposedly checked by OVP's legal team does nothing to proetect their clients. and even suggests that completion is nothing to do with the LFO. 
The only experieince they have is taking our money up front and leaving us in the hands of unscrupulous developers. We are still battling to win our money back as we have no intention of throwing more good money after bad on this very ugly site which by the way is 30% smaller thana the contract states.  Any reduction in price Aifos?

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