The Comments |
Hi, can anyone help with info about hiring the paddle tennis, squash and tennis courts and if the gym is available to use also is there Internet access and wifi still available in the Surgery?
If not, what can we do about it, as it's very poor quality service not to have Internet access available, all info, opinions and suggestions welcome, kind regards. Geoff.
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Hi Geoff
Not sure when your last visit to Condado was but I think you will be disappointed on most counts
Sports area has effectively been mothballed, it was handed over to the Banks as part of the Polaris debt restructure. The gym is now just an empty shell, as is the Surgery.
Tennis courts have been padlocked although I understand some people have found a way in via the fence. Not sure about the other courts but presume they are out of bounds.
The supermarket has internet access
_______________________ Russ & Louise
Salud !
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Hi Russ & Louise, I haven't been over in a year and feared the worst, re. the sports complex and surgery. It's appalling that this is the situation we've found ourselves in.
I, like every other owner on Condado, bought there for the emphasis on availability to play sports like tennis & paddle tennis and cycling and swimming as well as golf, not to mention the non existence of the town centre above Jardines 5&6 that was, along with the other Big town centre and the fancy club house, never built.
I'm not at all suggesting damaging fences etc., but I AM suggesting breaking the pad locks into the tennis & paddle tennis courts on the outside of the complex at least.
I don't imagine the banks could give a hoot about a few people playing on the tennis courts as I'm sure they're more interested in the €700 Million or whatever Polaris owe them and I for one am not prepared to stand by and let somebody tell me that the perfectly good tennis courts that were built for our apartments are 'not in use', when there's nothing whatsoever wrong with them.
I hope I'm not stepping outa line by suggesting that somebody invest in a crow bar from Brico at Camposol and 'unlock' the outside courts. In fact I don't care if I'm stepping outa line, if somebody else doesn't wanna do it, I will take a look at it myself if and when I ever get over in the future. (Can't believe we're just letting this all happen)
Kind Regards. Geoff.
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It has been posted on other threads just after the AGM that the Presidents were going to approach the Banks about the community taking over the sports zone. I dont think they thought this would be a quick and easy solution- none the least because we would have to slightly increase our community charge fee's to cover the lease, insurances and maybe even fitting out of the facilities. I have a vague memory of the poster saying the Banks aren't planning to offer the lease of the zone to any other organisation. However, there has been nothing posted about that situation for some time
I believe there is an insurance issue for the resort if the courts are opened and overtly offered for use whereas at the moment if people 'sneak' in it is at their own peril.
I had asked what had happened to the group that were running the zone before and the reply was that it was run by Polaris under one of their other company guises.
This message was last edited by Jann on 29/07/2010.
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All ( and Geoff )
The community is in negotiation with the banks to lease the sports area, but this is moving very slowly and proving quite difficult, idiots openly commiting acts of vandalism is not helping the case.
I would strongly recommend that people DO NOT force entry to any of the facilities, this would be criminal damage and they might well find them selves in court, in fact if I saw you attacking the gates with a crowbar I would not nessitate in calling the police and make you pay for the damage. Anyone using the sports facilities at the moment is uninsured and does so at thier own risk, apart from actually tresspassing on private property!
The comminuty has already performed a photographic audit of all the current damage and is paying for this to be officially notarised to form part of the contract with IRM.
On a personal level I am suprised that we have owners who seem quite happy to vandalise these facilities, in the long run the repairs will have to be paid, so for gods sake show some common sense!
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HaHaHa, I don't think it's likely that anybody would go to court for breaking a €3 pad lock my friend, especially as it'd be done at night when nobody would see, so calm yourself down there Phil, no need to get so hysterical son........
On a more serious note, I haven't been over there for a year, so what damage have people done to the tennis courts etc., I cant imagine it's easy to damage a tennis court to be honest?
Anyway, You can wait around for the banks (who don't give a rats ass about 2 tennis courts when they're owed hundreds on Millions) and not use something that 'you've paid for' all you like, but as I said, if I can get into play, 'without damaging anything other than the pad lock', I can't see the real harm, especially as it's not like there's gonna be hundreds of people using the courts because there's usually so few people about Condado.
Regards. Geoff.
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Its busy over there at the moment- did you see the pictures on the other forum?. Sounds like the party night last Friday in the Al Kazar was a real hit and packed out. We found the resort to be much busier when we were over at the end of June- even had us queueing in the Supermarket. Many more apartments taken than this time last year and more cars parked in the car parks. Whilst Phil is right about the vandalism we saw that all the courts were being used regularly all through the day despite the heat.
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Hi Jann, that's great news about the place being more busy, thanks for the update.
I'm so glad people are getting use of the tennis courts as it would seem like total madness to not use perfectly good courts that we paid for and I know for a fact that the banks couldn't give a stuff about the tennis courts or us.
Of course Phil is right that vandalism isn't acceptable, but neither is going another summer or even 2 for all we know, until the banks get around to giving somebody the green light to use our tennis courts. I said break the padlocks not damage the property and Phil obviously got a bit carried away as he's annoyed that damage has been done to a wire fence or something.
And to be honest, I'm nearly offended that somebody would even suggest we don't use our tennis courts this summer.
I hope it'll all be sorted properly in the near future, so Phil for one can calm down a bit or somebody's blood pressure may go through the roof by the sounds of it.
I hope even more that I might even get time off from work to get over to Condado myself within the next year.
Kind Regards. Geoff.
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You really do need to get your facts right.
The banks DO care about these facilities, they paid €1.8M for them........
They ARE NOT OUR COURTS, the entire sports facilities and bar are OWNED by IRM.
It is a private facility, neither you nor the community pay in any way towards it.
Polaris World do not owe the banks any money, all thier debts were paid off months ago, by selling off facilities such as the sports area. Do try and keep up sonny.
A padlock is still private property and breaking it is still criminal damage. if some one were to break into your apartment and sleep in your bed I assume you would just say " not a problem, it's only a lock " Grow up man!
I am not getting carried away, but you obviously don't know what you are talking about.
I am getting a bit annoyed as people vandalising these facilities is only hampering the negotiations between the community and IRM to get them officially opened. The community ( in the end you ) have had to pay to get a notarised photographic record of the current state of the facilities including all the damage We almost had an agreement to get it opened from Aug 1st, but that fell through as the banks have seen the damage that owners have caused and are frankly not very impressed. We the community can not come to an agreement with IRM it is possible thay may just chain it all up and post thier own security guards. Then no one will be able to use it.
At some point before the community takes it over all the current damage will have to be repaired and the lock replaced, idiots suggesting that people just break them is not very helpful is it?
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We havent got the facilities so let the banks post guards to look after the precious courts and empty bar!!!
Banks are greedy corporates whos only aim in life is to screw as much cash out of poor saps like us FACT!
Let the bank managers and employees use the courts and charge em a fortune to get in through security or do the Banks own them as well??
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Phil, all those facts and figures are great if you've nothing else better to do,as you clearly haven't and it's nothing whatsoever like breaking into my apartment and sleeping in my bed, as far as I'm aware there are no bed facilities in the tennis courts, so get a grip on reality. Again it's you're warped and hysterical reaction to something that you don't agree with, so you're childishly trying to make things out to be as bad as you can make it sound when it's only people playing tennis, who do you think you're talking to, school children?
So, you want the community and me to wait to use our facilities that the community and me are taking control of.
I bought into a community with 2 or 3 town centers, 3 golf courses, a sports centre, football pitches, cycling, etc., etc. and as most of what I've bought into isn't gonna happen, nobody and especially you are gonna stop me using the minimal facilities that actually are there.
You need to get a life kid, and try to stop being such a horrible little man.
Good luck, see you around. Geoff
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I give up, all I'm trying to do is educate you with the facts, but you obviously do not have the capacity to understand them. Make childish comments like " but I AM suggesting breaking the pad locks into the tennis & paddle tennis courts" and you will be treated like a child, you are hardly a responsible adult. !
Oh and which bit of "They ARE NOT OUR COURTS, the entire sports facilities and bar are OWNED by IRM." did you not understand as you are still refering to them as "our facilities" ?
Anyway, as you haven't been out for a year, hopefully the adults will work on getting the facilities open again for you by the time you save up for your next flight.
Hope you enjoy them.
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Gosh what has happened here!!! I must say I am really disapointed the way this thread has gone, insults, where will that get us.
Make no mistake, representatives from polaris and likewise the banks will also monitor this forum and silly infighting and insults just doesn't help anyone.
Geoff and Chaddyowl get yourselves to the naughty step and don't come off until you calm down!!!!
For god sake give the presidents chance to do the negotiations with the banks and hopefully make some progress for the good of all the community
Member of the Girls Gold Buggie Club !!!
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Phil-Bla Bla Bla, that's all you're saying to me and most others.... You're not much more useful than for posting useless information on the forum that you have been doing, so stick to that cause that's all you're good for. Your moronic drivel is as dated and boring as you sound like you could be.....
Thank you to those who have sent me private messages of support for using the tennis court facilities that we were told were gonna be available (amongst all the other things) when we bought the apartments.......
Some people getting their knickers in a twist about taking photos of €53 of damage to a gate handle and a padlock and not allowing people to use the facilities for a year or more because of said damage isn't in touch with the real world of owners trying to keep children entertained as well as owners renting their properties out to paying guests at Condado De Alhama, so if I were you Phil, I would 'give up'......
With all due respect smivs, I don't give a hoot what polaris or banks etc. think of me, they are all imbeciles as far as I can see, but thanks for your input. Regards. Geoff.
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What a load of nonsense, its clearly wrong to get into somewhere by breaking in and causing damage- however minor.
The sports zone isnt our's, never was our's and so sadly if the company running it has passed it to the Banks it's their's not our's. All the blurb said was that there would be a sports zone (but we had to pay to use it) so naturally when it all when wrong PW closed it down. Its disappointing and I'm not beyond a quick game of tennis if I can get on a court- but cutting through locks and bending back fences is, personally, a step too far and advocating that is also a step too far.
I think its a great pity the Community havent yet come to an agreement with the Banks to take over the lease- for whatever reason. I also know its not a straightforward proposition and alot of work will have been done by people who don't get paid to give up their time. I also know that there are those that will say ' they put themselves forward'. Well, yes they did, but I'm glad they did coz I haven't the time and I'd suggest if you can do better then stand up next time and get voted in and then you can see what its like dealing with people who have no idea how hard it is to resolve problems like this.
Ranting on about the banks and PW serves no purpose- just hot, hot air!
Meanwhile Phil, I hope we can get to take over the zone because its an assett to the resort.
NB: I'm finding it very hard to believe pm's of support have been fying back and forth all afternoon. Why do those people feel they can only offer support via a pm- surely thats because they (if they exist) know its wrong to advocate criminal damage. the overall disappointment at the lack of the sports zone isn't wrong but sadly we have to go through the right channels or it'll remain in this state and worse forever.
However, the point of tresspass has been brought up- how come the Security don't chase people away?
This message was last edited by TheQuietMan on 27/07/2010. This message was last edited by TheQuietMan on 27/07/2010.
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You are out of order
That is disgusting what you have said about Phil who has probably done more than anyone to support our resort.
I haven't seen anything that you have done to help others - just take - what can you get?
If everyone had your attitude it would be more like the 'shameless' council estate.
Suggest you sell up and take your bile elsewhere.
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I would get more sense off my 2 year old than Geoff. Phil is a great source of vital information so us who actually bother to travel to the resort. Your clearly out of touch with things going on over there mate. I've just been and the resort was really busy so as you haven't been you are in no position to comment. Like Phil said it is not our sports zone but it will get sorted. With people like you making stupid remarks then people like Phil will just pack in. So stop being a moron and grow up man.
One thing Phil it may have been people renting who caused the damage so can't say I agree with that either.
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You know that the Brits do not have a good name in many parts of the world & Geoffs comments unfortunatly only go to prove tit
Which is a great pitty because we have met some fantastic kind & friendly from many different countries on Condado.
I would hope that the rest of us do not get tared by the same brush.
Phil I think that we are all doing just what Geoff wants & that is to get uoset by his comments
The best way to diffuse his hot air is to make this the last comment posted on this thread.
You certainly have our vote Phil
West Mids & Jardin 5
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Bla Bla Bla -Support could be shown in the amount of people using the facilities every day........... Regards. Geoff.
This message was last edited by geoff359 on 27/07/2010.
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