Cheap penthouse?

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08 Aug 2010 12:00 AM by Buyer Star rating. 1 forum posts Send private message

Dear CDS Members!

I have looked at penthouse apartment in Spain and found out interesting prices in Casares Del Sol complex - 110 m2 penthouse apartment for 125.000 euros + VAT.

What do you think about this? Good investment? Break-ins? Overall security? Mortgage?


Possible buyer

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08 Aug 2010 5:53 PM by noddy Star rating. 150 forum posts Send private message

excellent value, community improving all the time with pro active committees.

just one thing penthouses mean high community fees and at cds because of size of gardens etc, they are slightly higher than most which needs to be budgetted in.


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28 Sep 2010 6:22 PM by joseperez Star rating. 9 forum posts Send private message

Hi Possible Buyer,

I have a beautiful penthouse apartment for sale if you are interested.  The price has been reduced to just 99k for a quick sale which I think is an excellent price.  It has hardly been used and is fully furnished.  2 bedrooms and bathroom with a private roof terrace which has excellent views. 

Please message me if you would like to see it.



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29 Sep 2010 11:23 AM by ads Star rating. 4129 forum posts Send private message

On a general note I thought the detail in this posting was a useful note of caution for all those considering buying any distressed properties:

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29 Sep 2010 2:13 PM by joseperez Star rating. 9 forum posts Send private message

Hi Maria,

Casares del Sol was completed many years ago and the penthouse in my earlier post is owned out right so I can assure you that your posting has no relevance whatsoever.


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29 Sep 2010 3:12 PM by ads Star rating. 4129 forum posts Send private message

Hi Jose,

Sorry for the confusion here.... I am not Maria but I was forwarding some general information that I picked up from one of Maria's legal tips. I submitted this posting purely as a general note of caution for buyers of distressed property.

I wish you well in your sale.



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04 Nov 2010 6:38 PM by normansands Star rating in Kent. 1277 forum posts Send private message

 Dear All,

when I saw the 3 bed penthouse offered to me for my 425,000 E, I judged it to be worth about £70,000, to someone who might want such a thing.  It was less than ordinary and nothing like the promised holiday highest luxury complex.

I guess therefore that the market correction has been realistic if a 2 bed is on offer at 99,000E fully furnished, if I remember correctly the overall size was much the same making the bedrooms smaller by adding a third.




N. Sands

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