security in the appartments

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23 Aug 2010 12:00 AM by shirls3a Star rating in Preston. 3 forum posts Send private message

Don't usually like to bother people, but we were wondering have the builders done anything about security yet after incident in August? Hubby has suggested self closers on the main the doors which I think cost £10 each and will stop people leaving doors open.


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23 Aug 2010 1:55 PM by Jarvi Star rating in Halifax UK and Sucin.... 755 forum posts Send private message

Please can you tell me what the incident was in August? I haven't heard of any security issues.

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25 Aug 2010 4:41 PM by JuneBar Star rating in La Vereda de Sucina .... 34 forum posts Send private message

JuneBar´s avatar

This is just a reminder to all owners here about security now that supermarket is open and bar/restaurant opening soon. There are more people around here now and I don't know ALL of them and we don't want them wandering around our building. Security will be on the agenda for the next Community Meeting (after end of summer)

Communal Doors:  Please, please follow the instructions on the communal doors and make sure the door is kept LOCKED at all times. If you have difficulty shutting it locked, it is because a very small lever, in the top right hand corner of the lock in the left hand door, has been set to allow the door to SHUT but not to lock. This is to allow workers in. This is no longer accepetable as access is no longer required via our doors. If you are having visitors, or private tradesmen, make sure they are told to shut the door locked on entry and exit. We can look, as suggested, at having compression shutting mechanisms which will make sure doors will automatically shut.

Door Entry System:  please check that your door entry system works properly and actually allows people in. My door entry sounds as if it works but does not actually open the door. So I have to down to Stair G or H and open the door there to let tradesmen in, or get people to phone me first.  I have reported it under snagging but until more people report this under snagging they are not paying for an electrician just to come out to my flat.

If your snagging has been completed to your satisfaction, CHANGE YOUR LOCK. This is standard practice for ALL NEW BUILDS. The builder still has a full set of keys for front doors and it is possible some have been copied.  It is quite simple job to swap your inner lock with a neighbour in another stair, or to buy a new inner lock. Thei nner lock cost 10 euros.

To make your flat more secure if you are not here much, instal extra locks on your windows and patio doors. I have done a deal with Garry for lock provided and fitted for 30 euro a lock which is very reasonable.  The locks are special secure ones but cannot be bought locally. So if anyone wants locks fitted please contact me on my private email and I will organise block buying of the locks. If you want to leave a door key with me on your next visit, I will organise the fitting of the patio and window locks. Garry says it's not worth the hour round trip just to buy 1 lock SO LET ME KNOW SOON BY PRIVATE EMAIL IF YOU WANT LOCKS ON YOUR WINDOWS AND PATIO.

Use of pool by outsiders. This is being abused because people are able to gain access via the open doors. Please challlenge anyone as to where they live or who gave permission to use the pool. If there are large groups partying, call the Serranos (at night) or call the police. The more reports we make to the police, the more attention will be paid to our security problems. Gines has given permission to some of his relatives to use our pool so do not take an unwarranted aggressive stand on this issue. He owns a lot of property here so is fully entitled to invite his family to use the pool as he has been paying for all the maintenance. This issue will be fully discussed at next meeting when we draw up communal rules for use of the pool. We are trying to get a list of owner occupied flats and those rented out flats so I can monitor who is here when I check the stairs.

We shall soon be starting paying community charges, and electricity and water. Before we do so, please make sure you have reported any COMMUNAL snagging problems and made sure they have been put right. EG when I was checking stairs this week I noticed that Flat F lift was making a terrible noise above it and when it stopped at a floor the door only half opened.  We have to get all these issues sorted out before we have to communally pay for them.

I willl give you my phone number if you send me a private message. Look forward to seeing you on your next visit.


PS Who has let out 3rd floor flat on Stair K as I need to speak to them privately





Blessings, June

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25 Aug 2010 11:07 PM by chidgey Star rating in bristol. 11 forum posts Send private message

Dear June

Ref snagging; lift in staircase H (water dripping from top of lift)

garage ducting missing, fire extinquishers missing around the different parts of the building and garages plus lights not working down in garage,

June is it possible for you to forward me genies(builder) email as he was trying to insulate the air con pipes that enter the hole in the wall of  the communal area and travel up to the roof for the supermarket. they have covered the pipes at the bottom the day before i left these pipes are on the external wall of our apartment and the bedroom has a continuous buzzing sound this will also affect the apartments above ours. if you want to contact me privatly my email is 

Hope this doesnt put you through to much trouble

from adrian & maria.

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31 Aug 2010 7:56 AM by JuneBar Star rating in La Vereda de Sucina .... 34 forum posts Send private message

JuneBar´s avatar

The next community meeting will be held at the end of the summer when all commercial units are finished and up and running. Bar opening 1 September.

On the Agenda will be Security issues and this is a major issue at the moment (as it is in many developments when they first start up). I am trying to co-ordinate how we deal with this collectively and if you are an owner, and wish me to do this please send me an email to my private address and I will set up a contact list to let you know what I am organising. I cannot post this information on an OPEN forum like this. Just reply to this posting by sending me a private message to me giving me the following:

Please give me your full names, apt Stair and No. and an email address to use for this. I am getting costs for a specialist "Community" lawyer to represent all those who cannot make the next meeting, and to help me in translation and validity of proposed rules. If we all club together, this should not cost too much.

Blessings, June

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27 Sep 2010 11:53 AM by tommygraham33 Star rating in Clydebank. 8 forum posts Send private message

Hi June

Tommy and May from Glasgow here, It certainly is a major problem, my sister inlaw arrrived last night 26TH September to find TV, DVD, MP3, microwave, clothing, bedding, towels all missing, we are in Block E, level 1


Tommy &May

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27 Sep 2010 10:02 PM by JuneBar Star rating in La Vereda de Sucina .... 34 forum posts Send private message

JuneBar´s avatar

We have now had 4 robberies in last month, all very similar.

I am taking myself off this Forum as I am under suspicion of one robbery as I was a keyholder. I will give keys back to those who want them returned when I see you next.  I am also finding it very very stressful co-ordinating, translating, and helping people time consuming.

In future would you all please refer to Paco of Golf invest for any help relating to completion of building, community rules, community meetings, advise him of your arrival so lift can be switched on, etc. etc. the kind of things I did for you, or directly to Gines himself.

Any complaints about snagging etc. or problems with your flat, or any robberies if you find one when you next come, should go to Gines's office next door to cafe restaurant.

i will email a list of useful numbers for airport pick ups. air con supplier, handymen,  builder etc. to those who asked to be put on my mailing list.

Someone else can take on the task of finding a communal aerial supplier and co-ordinating reporting of communal snagging problems

Blessings, June

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22 Nov 2010 7:12 PM by friendly Star rating in North Lanarkshire. 125 forum posts Send private message

Tommy & May. 

I have just been reading about your robbery and sorry to hear that this has happened to you.  The apt that we purchased is on stair E First Floor.  As we have pulled out of our contract and to our knowledge this apt is empty,  but it may be possible that it is being let out to any Tom, Dick or Harry as I have read that the pool area had been used by outsiders.

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09 Dec 2010 8:06 PM by The Forge Star rating. 19 forum posts Send private message


I know we are not supposed to advertise on here but we have installed quite a

few window grilles and security doors to the apartments, If interested in more

details please send private message.

many thanks



The Forge

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07 Jan 2011 5:25 PM by shirls3a Star rating in Preston. 3 forum posts Send private message

We had security grilles fitted by the Forge, we both feel alot happier and secure since they've been fitted. From being measured to being fiited  we were kept informed at all times as to the progress of the grilles.we are also very pleased with how they look. It's a job well done for anyone else thinking of having them fitted.

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