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Las Kalendas forum threads
The Comments
04 Sep 2010 12:00 AM by treetops Star rating in Las Kalendas/ South .... 5 forum posts Send private message

Just having completed the purchase of our house at Las Kalendas can anyone help with the name of the builder who will put the glass fire door into the fireplace and do the necessary chimney lining?  Also we will need an electrician for spot lights etc.,





















We have just completed on our villa in Las Kalendas and would be grateful for any information on a builder who can line the chimney and supply the enclosed glass door for the fireplace.  Also an electrician who would install the spotlights. Where is one of the places to purchase Fridge freezer and oven and hob ?   Dorothy










Dorothy P

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06 Sep 2010 12:03 PM by dennismundy Star rating in Las Kalendas - Fortu.... 263 forum posts Send private message

Hi treetops

Welcome to Las Kalendas

The glass front to the fireplace is usually the front of an 'insert' fire place for a log burner or gas fire. So depending on what you want you will have to shop accordingly. Try googling for 'Ambifuego' they do both sorts of fires and have experience in fitting on Las Kalendas. Leroy Merlins sell log burners, you can either DIY or pay someone to fit it for you. I would not recommend the DIY option.

I will send you a personal message with details of electricians.

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