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08 Sep 2010 12:00 AM by sandrab Star rating in Bournemouth & La Ter.... 527 forum posts Send private message

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Sorry for doubling up on this posting but I thought I read somewhere about the cheaper dual fuel or electricity tariffs and that Iberdrola had not billed since February.  I have just got a bill for about 241 Euro to September and I think I would like to see what others who let their properties thought of that.


Also, given the price of power has risen so dramatically what do others think about putting in a control box for the air con so that the renters pay those charges - is this something you woudl consider?    Or is this just too tacky!

I look forward to hearing from you.



Your thoughts would be appreciated


Luxury holidays in Murcia spain at 



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08 Sep 2010 11:44 PM by alexa Star rating. 71 forum posts Send private message

Hi Sandra

We had a sensor on our aircon which broke earlier this year and I was not able to get the same one. I have found a company who make similar ones. They are in the process of making an improved version which they hope to have available by the end of this month. It works by if there is no movement in the room for 15 mins it switches off and then switches back on when someone comes back in, so if your renters go out  or even out on the terrace and leave it on it will only run for the 15mins.

I think that is reasonable as you are not expecting them to pay for the aircon when they are in but it stops them abusing it. The units cost about £70 and they offer a full refund if it doesn't work with your aircon unit.

Hope this helps


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08 Sep 2010 11:58 PM by Riddler Star rating in London. 58 forum posts Send private message

Hi Alexa

Please correct me if I'm wrong, but this sounds as though it  might switch off while the occupants are in bed, as there would be no movement then. This would not be ideal from my point of view! During the day would be fine.

Sandra - I have heard of people doing this and I know what you mean about it seeming tacky. However, if they know about it beforehand? I don't know. As you have said, it would be interesting to hear others' points of view. I am dreading my next electricity bill ........



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09 Sep 2010 12:25 AM by alexa Star rating. 71 forum posts Send private message

Hi Loretta

Yes if you only have one in the lounge area then it will switch off 15mins after the last person goes to bed. If they wake up and are hot then they just need to walk into the room and it will instantly switch on again for 15mins. If you have a unit in the bedroom then it will sense when someone turns over in bed.


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09 Sep 2010 11:35 AM by steve and anita Star rating in in San Cayetano. 324 forum posts Send private message

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Electricity in Spain is now being deregulated, just like in the UK you can now choose who supplies your electricity. Have been talking to a representative from the company Iberswitch, for more details have a look at their website  could help you save on your electric bills.

 JUstin, im not advertising, just making people aware that they have a choice.

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09 Sep 2010 6:30 PM by sandrab Star rating in Bournemouth & La Ter.... 527 forum posts Send private message

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Thanks everyone for you input - much appreciated.


Kind regards



Luxury holidays in Murcia spain at 



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16 Sep 2010 12:35 PM by hevs Star rating in Milton Keynes. 206 forum posts Send private message

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Hi I have had a meter fitted that takes cards so you can give your clients a limit for their stay. It is amazing how people turn off the aircon if they have to pay for extra cards.

Please pm me if you would like to know more information on the meters


This message was last edited by hevs on 16/09/2010.


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16 Sep 2010 9:06 PM by arky25 Star rating in erskine, scotland. 351 forum posts Send private message

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how much did that cost?

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17 Sep 2010 11:30 AM by hevs Star rating in Milton Keynes. 206 forum posts Send private message

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Hi Arky

I have sent you a pm


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17 Sep 2010 1:16 PM by Pommers Star rating in Almoradi, Spain. 606 forum posts Send private message

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Hi Sandra & Arky

I too contemplated a meter after we got some HUGE bills in Summer 2009, don't think it's too tacky provided you do give them a reasonable amount of free use of the aircon and warn them up front that they will have to pay above this. However, having seen one though, in my opinion they look a bit "naff". They are wired off the main board using trunking and because of the depth they can't be hidden behing the door (which is where our switch panel is) and would have to sit in full view.

They cost €200 plus IVA, and you also have to buy the cards to use in the meter (I think these cost €10 for 25 cards). The big disadvantage for us is that there is no easy over-ride of the meter. So when your cleaners or you are in the apartment you also still have to use a card if you want to use the air-con. There is a master card that you can also buy - about €40-50 - but the company are loathe to actually sell these to customers!

We live in Spain (although not on Roda) and do our own cleaning and meet and greet, and now politely ask clients to be sensible about the air-con. When we use it we set it in 25c but we had one client this year who set it on 22c and left it on all the time. When we went to say goodbye we found they had got the duvets out from under the beds as they were so cold at night! Lesson learnt for next summer - hide the duvets!

Re swapping elecy supplier, haven't yet done much research but it certainly looks as though there are savings to be made by doing a dual fuel agreement. Will let you know if I found out more.

Cheers Pommers

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17 Sep 2010 2:51 PM by Paul DFS Star rating in Murcia. 32 forum posts Send private message

I changed to the Iberdrola night and day tarrif, which is abit like the old Economy 7 system in the UK. Effectivly you have a cheaper rate  electricity from 11pm until 11am and then I higher rate from 11am until 11pm. On my last 2 bills over the summer I managed a REAL reduction of 31% in my electricity bill. It is not all to do with just the rates but also I think it makes you more conscious of what you are using. We now use washer in morning, dishwasher last thing at night, pool timer between 11pm and 11am, water heaters same etc.  Worst thing would be heating in evening in winter but we have ceramic heaters that we can leave on at night in bedrooms and a woodburner for heating living room etc. This system is probably not much use for people who rent their properties as it may even end up costing more if the clients left the aircon on all day but for me as a permanent resident, it is working.

If you want to do it, you have to go to the iberdrola office in Los Alcazaras. From Roda head to LA when you go over the dry river bed where the market is on tuesdays start indicating right and turn right at the lights. The office is just on the left. Take a copy of your bill and your passport or NIE. One of the ladys speaks english and was very helpful.


Hope its of use.



DFS Spain. San Javier. est 2003.

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17 Sep 2010 7:05 PM by sandrab Star rating in Bournemouth & La Ter.... 527 forum posts Send private message

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Hi All Pommers, Paul and Hevs


Thanks very much indeed for all the input.  I am doing some more research on the air con thing and will share this with you when it is to hand.  Definitely off to the LA office of Iberdrola to sort out our eletricity account etc. 

Thanks for your help and input.





Luxury holidays in Murcia spain at 



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24 Sep 2010 12:21 PM by hevs Star rating in Milton Keynes. 206 forum posts Send private message

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Hi All

Going back to the metres again It was posted that the disadvantage on these metres was you have to pay when your out at roda yourself, but this is such a low cost of 40 cents a card not the full face value so it really does not matter that you have to use a card!! I am sure we can all affored 40 cents a week or push the boat out and have two cards at 80cents.

The details I have are :-

The metre is fitted for 199 euros which seems alot but pays is self back in only a few weeks of the summer.

You buy cards at 40 cents each the values are 5, 10, 20 euros you continue to pay your bills as normal.

What you can do is give your clients a 10 euro card complimentry for a week and if they need anymore they have to pay face value for it. You will find that if your client have to pay for extra cards they use the air-con far less.

The guy that runs it is called Mike and he has an agent who is english that fits them on Roda

Please pm me if you would like a contact number.


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24 Mar 2011 11:42 PM by Redjoemw Star rating in Huercal Overa .... 49 forum posts Send private message

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Dear posters

I am an authorised agent for iberswitch and should you require any information please do not hesitate to PM me where I will be happy to help.

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