Trampolin Solera in liquidation

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The Comments
22 Jan 2011 12:00 AM by Andrew Wilford Star rating. 193 forum posts Send private message

Since there are doubtless some of you out there NOT aware that Trampolin Solera entered into Administration on 3rd January 2011 and the Courts appointed Abogados Monzón to act as Administrators.They can be contacted simply by email using their company name with the prefix info, then the @ symbol with the suffix .com. They will doubtless direct you to make your claim to the following address:-


Avda. Primero de Mayo, 1 Edificio Torres Azules, planta 4, 30006 MURCIA

My Lawyers are currently compiling my own claim. However, in contacting Abogados Monzón I have taken the opportunity of advising them of the potential extent of the "Fraud" carried out by the Partners and the Director (Rafael Aguilera) of Trampolin Solera. This includes the MASSIVE mortgage fraud carried out in conjunction with CAM Bank for which the Bank will I believe possibly become legally responsible. It is incumbent upon all the owners to decide whether or not they fall within the remit of these Bankruptcy proceedings. I would remind anyone of you without an "Escritura" that your properties still remain an asset of Solera. Ironically this possibly includes the properties at the top end of the development including that of Aguilera's new partner and "confidante" where I believe the properties are built on "rustic land" ... the land itself may be owned by the residents but the actual buildings are owned by Solera ... an interesting dilemma.

Rafael has indicated via my Lawyers that he is concerned at my contacts with the Administrators and so I have today responded directly to him as follows:-

I understand from Carlos Moral Servet that either yourself or Pedro have suggested that I have been on the telephone to your Administrators ....Abogados Monzón ... that is NOT correct. I have been in contact with Abogados Monzón  by email only and this email being copied to them will confirm that fact. You had not communicated with them the fact that I have an existing sentence outstanding against your company and a criminal "Querella" against yourself .... I have simply advised them of this fact. I have also agreed BY EMAIL to offer them every assistance in uncovering the true extent of the Fraud committed by you in the running of the company and the involvement of CAM Bank. You have "stolen" from me what currently amounts to some +-€300,000.00 and you have to expect me to be annoyed and upset. The true extent of your indebtedness to me is currently being calculated by IBERBRIT and will be advised to the Courts and the Administrators in due course.
You have over the past eighteen months made various suggestions that you are going to return the funds stolen from me but you have failed to do so; for my part I have advised you repeatedly that when and if Solera was made Bankrupt I would be advising the Administrators of the MULTIPLE properties you and your partners stole from the company and placed in the names of your families and friends WITHOUT PAYMENT so that these can be liquidated and the funds returned to Abogados Monzón ... this will of course include the garages where you stored the stolen vehicles! I understand that others will be providing this information to the Administrators. I have of course advised Abogados Monzón that this will include the properties taken from the company by your two "moral" ... if not "legal" ... partners Mans and Martinez.
You and your partners "siphoned off" millions of Euros to furnish your lavish lifestyle ... gave yourself properties at El Trampolin and elsewhere and to commence the Trampolin Hills development. You fraudulent took out Mortgages with CAM Bank against artificially inflated values for properties already paid for (such as mine) and consistently failed to make either the Purchaser or the Bank aware of these prior commitments. In truth CAM Bank must also be held to account for this fraud and will without doubt become a significant part of this overall investigation.
All of the above matters will be  ... in fact by copy of this email now HAVE BEEN brought to the attention of Abogados Monzón by both myself and others.
As far as our "Querella" against yourself is concerned you will be aware that the "Fianza" granted by the Court (copy attached) was not paid within the prescribed time frame and that accordingly you have been recalled to Court number 2 to appear before Miriam Garcia, the Magistrado Juez, responsible for this case to explain why you have not paid the €200,000.00 demanded by the Courts. Remember Rafael that this is a PERSONAL liability of yours and NOT Solera's; for my part I have requested that they attach to this Fianza the same element of "Penal detention" as was attached to that with your parallel fraud at Trampolin Hill's. As you are aware this Hearing date is next Tuesday 25th January.
It is open to you to resolve your fraud dispute with myself at any time simply by payment of your debts by either cash, property or this large development "finca" which you claim to have; if you do not you will for sure be going to end up in Prison just as you will for your much larger fraud at Trampolin Hills. Then of course you have the investigation to be completed by Abogados Monzón which could see you incarcerated for a very very long time ... the choice is yours!
Finally I might remind you that Carlos Moral Servet is the Lawyer acting for me and NOT you and therefore his responsibilities are for his client and not the Defendant ... as you are ... in any action. Whilst Abogados Monzón  are the Lawyers acting for your company ... Trampolin Solera ... they are in fact now acting for the Creditors and as such I am one of them with a proven Civil Debt. If you can think of one reason why I should not be advising them of your joint fraud with CAM Bank I can think of 100,000,000 reasons why I should. You have become, together with your partners both old and new become embroiled in what will undoubtedly become one of the largest property development frauds in Spanish history.
The next move Rafael is yours ... you either deal with matters responsibly or the Courts will force you to do so.
Andrew Wilford

All that remains to be seen is whether or not he turns up at Court to answer his Fianza on Tuesday.



This message was last edited by Andrew Wilford on 22/01/2011.

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22 Jan 2011 6:11 AM by pff001 Star rating. 126 forum posts Send private message

Good interesting post Andrew please keep us all informed how you get on.





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26 Jan 2011 5:19 PM by tunez Star rating. 2 forum posts Send private message


I have been informed that Solera el Trampolin has now been entered into the concursal for creditors meaning that those that are owed money by solera are now able to go and communicate their credits to the administrators. It is advised that you do this even if there are no payouts as by putting your name down then at least the seriousness of the situation will have to be acknowledged.

The administration would normally send out a letter that you should now communicate your debt to them and they have given a deadline of the 15-02-11 for you to do this. If you do not recieve one of these letters then I advise that you request it as soon as possible and communicate your credits before the deadline date mentioned.

You can communicate your credits via a lawyer or you can go in person to the address supplied below however, I strongly advise that before going personally that you check that this information is accurate as it was given via word of mouth and I cannot confirm 100% its accuracy at the time of you communicating your credits so as always check this information before acting.

It has been said that to communicate your credits that you would have to bring with you a signed copy of the administration letter mentioned above and also a spare copy of it, copies of your contract, your reserve contract and your reciepts and also aval copies, also proof of transactions of funds in relation to those reciepts. you would also have to bring your originals so that they may be stamped. But again check all this info as it has not come directly from the administration to you right now but via word of mouth.

Address:Juzgado de la mercantil numer 2

Avda, primero de mayo, 1, Edificio, Torres Azules, murcia 30071


This address can be found on google map along with any relevant telephone numbers

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29 Jan 2011 7:38 PM by Rambi Star rating in Tenerife, Canary Isl.... 82 forum posts Send private message

It is true tunez..

I have been sent a document (2 pages double sided) which is obviously the one you mention. It is all in Spanish and I'm not sure what it all means. But I am grateful for your post as you have explained quite a lot. It does ask for originals or certified copies to be submitted.

I have tried to upload the documents but failed and Bill Gates is in Africa. If anyone can tell me how to do it and my feeble brain can understand the geekspeak jargon I will have a go.


This message was last edited by Rambi on 30/01/2011.

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30 Jan 2011 4:59 PM by Andrew Wilford Star rating. 193 forum posts Send private message

Hi Rambi ... since these documents are in "Word" I have simply been able to "cut and paste" them below ... I hope these are the two you refer to:-

Concurso  Ordinario 95/2010

                        Juzgado de lo Mercantil nº 2 Murcia

Solera El Trampolín, S.L.



D./Dª ………………, con D.N.I…………., vecino de…., con domicilio en………………., con número de teléfono ……., número de fax ……., dirección de correo electrónico ………,


a) ( Si el acreedor es persona física): actuando en mi propio nombre y derecho,


b) (Si el acreedor es persona jurídica): en nombre y representación de la mercantil ………………, con domicilio social en …………, C.I.F…………….., en mi calidad de ……….., lo que acredito mediante copia de la escritura …………


ante el Juzgado de lo Mercantil nº 2 de Murcia que conoce del Concurso Ordinario número 95/2010 de la mercantil SOLERA EL TRAMPOLÍN, S.L., COMPARECE Y EXPONE:


Que lo hace al objeto de comunicar a la Administración Concursal el crédito que ostenta frente a SOLERA EL TRAMPOLÍN, S.L. para que sea incluido en la lista de acreedores, así como de aportar los correspondientes títulos justificativos de aquél, que se acompañan con el presente escrito, en virtud de lo establecido en el artículo 85 de la Ley Concursal. A tal fin, manifiesta:


  1. Que el importe del crédito es de  …………..EUROS (………… euros). [1]


  1. Que el concepto a que corresponde el mismo es el siguiente: …………. En su caso, debe desglosarse la cuantía correspondiente a principal, intereses y costas.


  1. Que la fecha de adquisición es ………………….


  1. Que el vencimiento es de fecha ……………...


  1. Que pretende que se dé a dicho crédito la calificación de ……………… [2]


  1. Que, además, hago constar respecto de dicho crédito lo siguiente[3]:


7.   Que el privilegio especial que ostenta recae sobre el bien ……., cuyos datos registrales son …………………..[ 

Por lo expuesto,


solicito que se tenga por presentada la comunicación del crédito prevista en el artículo 85 de la Ley Concursal con los títulos justificativos del mismo, se admita y se acuerde su unión a los autos y, en base a la misma, se tenga por reconocido por la Administración Concursal el crédito comunicado en la cuantía y calificación antes indicada.



En ………….., a …………… de 2011.






[1] El importe deberá ir referido a la fecha de la declaración de concurso (3 de enero de 2010), sin perjuicio de especificar si ha habido alguna variación del mismo a la fecha de la comunicación.


[2] Debe especificarse si se trata de un crédito concursal ordinario, privilegiado general o especial, o   subordinado o, en su  caso, si es un crédito contra la masa.


[3] En este apartado se pueden indicar las demás características del crédito u otras aclaraciones que se considere oportuno realizar.


[4] Este apartado sólo debe completarse en caso de ostentar un crédito privilegiado especial.

and then the second document:-


 En Murcia, a 10 de Enero de 2011.



Muy Sr/a., Sres. Míos/Nuestros:

En virtud de lo dispuesto en los artículos 21.1.5º y 21.4 de la Ley Concursal, ponemos en su conocimiento que, mediante Auto de fecha 03 de Enero de 2011 dictado por el Juzgado Mercantil número 2 de Murcia en el Procedimiento nº 95/2010, la entidad  SOLERA EL TRAMPOLIN, S.L., con C.I.F.: B-53755856, y con domicilio social en c/ Alcantarilla, num. 1 SAN PEDRO DEL PINATAR (Murcia), ha sido declarada en concurso voluntario, habiendo sido nombrados Administradores Concursales del mismo los siguientes:






C/ Serrano Alcázar, 3- 1c, 30001, Murcia




C/ Serrano Alcázar, 3- 1c, 30001, Murcia




C/ Santa Quitería, 10 30001, Murcia



En la lista de acreedores acompañada con la solicitud de concurso figura como acreedor, por lo que le remitimos la presente comunicación informándole de la declaración del concurso, así como del deber que tiene, en cumplimiento de lo establecido en los artículos 21 y 85 de la Ley Concursal, de comunicar sus créditos a esta Administración Concursal en el plazo de un mes a contar desde el día siguiente a la publicación en el Boletín Oficial del Estado del auto de declaración de concurso. Dicha comunicación deberá cumplir los siguientes requisitos:

Primero.- La comunicación se debe realizar por escrito firmado por el acreedor, por cualquier otro interesado en el crédito, o por quien acredite representación suficiente de ellos, y se presentará en el registro general del Juzgado de lo Mercantil nº 2 de Murcia:






Avda. Primero de Mayo, 1 Edificio Torres Azules, planta 4, 30006 MURCIA

Teléfono 968-277312,   fax 968-277325.



Segundo.- El escrito expresará el nombre, domicilio y demás datos de identidad del acreedor, así como los relativos al crédito, su concepto, cuantía a la fecha de la declaración de concurso (3 de enero de 2011), fechas de adquisición y vencimiento, características y calificación que se pretenda. La cuantía del crédito deberá glosarse por principal, gastos e intereses. Si se invocare un privilegio especial, se indicarán, además, los bienes o derechos a los que afecte y, en su caso, los datos registrales del bien objeto del privilegio.


 Se adjunta un modelo orientativo que puede utilizar, si lo desea, para la comunicación.




Tercero.-  La comunicación deberá ir acompañada de los originales o copias autenticadas del título o de los documentos relativos al crédito o créditos que se comuniquen (facturas, albaranes, pagarés, letras de cambio, etc). No obstante, cuando los originales de los títulos o documentos hayan sido aportados o consten en otro procedimiento judicial o administrativo, podrán acompañarse copias no autenticadas de los mismos siempre que se justifique la solicitud efectuada ante el juzgado u organismo correspondiente para la obtención de testimonio o la devolución de originales, que deberán ser aportados inmediatamente, en cuanto sean devueltos al acreedor.


Cuarto.- Se advierte que el crédito que ostenta puede quedar perjudicado a causa de una comunicación tardía o defectuosa, pudiendo ser calificado como crédito subordinado (artículo 92.2 de la Ley Concursal).












_____________________                                                      ______________________   

Nerea Monzón Carceller                                                         Rafael Jiménez Martínez     


I hope these are what you require ... just remember this is SOLERA and NOT HILLS!

Kind regards



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30 Jan 2011 6:34 PM by Rambi Star rating in Tenerife, Canary Isl.... 82 forum posts Send private message

Thanks Andrew,

I got them OK, and yes they are the ones.

My problem is I put down two deposits on two properties at different times, One is 'Solera Trampolin' and the other is 'Bahia Barinas'. I take it from your comment that these proceedings only affect the 'Solera Trampolin S.L.'

I should have known better. There seems to be so many names I wonder if I've got the full set.

Solera,  Trampolin Hills,  Royal Dream,  Grupo Trampolin,  Solera El Trampolin SL, Trampolin Bahia Barinas Resort SL,  Trampolin Hills Golf Resort SL,

And then I got a phony Bank Guarantee from the Swiss Financial Corporation.

I should have gone to Disney World, at least I might have met Mickey Mouse. He is more real than this lot.

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30 Jan 2011 7:00 PM by Andrew Wilford Star rating. 193 forum posts Send private message

Hi Rambi

Well now I have learnt something ... I had never heard of Bahia Barinas until today!!!!!!!!!!!!! However you are correct ... this does only apply to Trampolin Solera S.L. unless the others are a part of Solera.  Regards Andrew

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31 Jan 2011 2:16 AM by Rambi Star rating in Tenerife, Canary Isl.... 82 forum posts Send private message

It's the Andy and Rambi Show,

Yep, it's the 'Trampolin Bahia Barinas Resort S.L. provisto de CIF: B73545352'. The only Spanish I read is the Wine list so I don't know what it all means but I think it's the centreof El Garruchal, Valle del Sol-Gea y Truyols, Murcia. But there is a sentance that also mentions 'Trampolin Hills Golf Resort' in my 'Contrato De Arras'.

However everything is OK because it's all been signed by a nice man called Rafael Aquilera Serna. Maybe you know him?

Luck and good fortune go with you.


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