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We have been kindly told by SARC that contractors are to be employed to carry out the infrastructure works, which will be paid for by the transfer of some land.
So, can anyone tell me.
Who are the contractors for the infrastructure works?
Who are the Directors of the Contractor?
What is the parcel of land to be given as payment for the works?
When will the land (a current asset ) be signed over to the contractor, before the infrastructure works commence, during works, or after completion?
Hope it is not a problem me starting a new thread for this.
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Hi mtj,
I must admit that you are tenacious but I do feel that you have little chance of anyone being able to give you this information. No one would be given any information concering company negotiations as this could cause interference or other problems to occur.
Once HdT have a reached a stage where the Madrid court issue is resolved and deals are made then and only then do I believe that such information would be made avaialable. As this is the case I am not too sure as to why you are pursuing such a course of action.
If you seek this information for genuine reasons that have no potential for jepordising a positive outcome for SADM and the purchasers, you could email the SARC committee, with your request and reason for wanting the informtation.
Sincerly wishing you all the best
This message was last edited by TonyMal on 20/02/2011.
This message was last edited by TonyMal on 20/02/2011.
This message was last edited by TonyMal on 20/02/2011. This message was last edited by TonyMal on 20/02/2011.
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So are you saying that after the Court decision, assuming it goes in favour, that the contractors and terms of contract will be made available prior to contracts being signed and sealed?
My reasons are as genuine as any works SARC are doing.
Jeopardising SADM. What is the benefit in that?
Why do I need to email the SARC committee when you, as a committee member are aware of the queries?
Don't you communicate with the other committee members? This message was last edited by mtj on 20/02/2011.
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the way you reply with on information and then posting further questions really does remind me of some one.Further more if you are genuine, you like many other would have no issue emailing SARC the fact that you appear to wish to avoid doing so makes me even more suspicous of your reasons. A quick question, what is your plot number and property?
This message was last edited by TonyMal on 20/02/2011.
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Tony it is in your best interest just to answer this question as it has now become quite clear that it is another company in the group .Sometimes honesty is the best policy .
It would be much better if you just said why you think this is good for anyone except HdT/SJ .
This is of course all hypothetical as it is most unlikely to happen at all .
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So are you accusing anyone that has not or does not join SARC not to be genuine. If so, there are a lot of us false people out here.
Why don't I email SARC, as I do not consider it to be beneficial in any way. You have to agree that you are aware of my queries but either refuse to answer, can not or for some reason do not want to.
Plot number, which?
You know that you always keep of about confidentiallity for your beloved developers, well I hope you don't mind if I keep things tp myseld as it may jeopardise my future if things were leaked to parties I would not wish to have the information.
I will just post my questions here again in case they get lost.
So, can anyone tell me.
Who are the contractors for the infrastructure works?
Who are the Directors of the Contractor?
What is the parcel of land to be given as payment for the works?
When will the land (a current asset ) be signed over to the contractor, before the infrastructure works commence, during works, or after completion?
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why dont you all do the same as Tony has,
Get on a plane, go and visit HDT/SJ and ask your questions. you can then issue a report afterwards and wait for more questions to come flying in.
i would also really like to know the plot numbers of everyone here please.
_______________________ R10 160 and Calasparra
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What she spent the money she had back on a sex change?
Pleased to hear you think it funny that JA has gone.
Now the questions again to prevent them getting lost.
We have been kindly told by SARC that contractors are to be employed to carry out the infrastructure works, which will be paid for by the transfer of some land.
So, can anyone tell me.
Who are the contractors for the infrastructure works?
Who are the Directors of the Contractor?
What is the parcel of land to be given as payment for the works?
When will the land (a current asset ) be signed over to the contractor, before the infrastructure works commence, during works, or after completion?
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I think you are having a little bit of a laugh. You have had polite and appropriate responses and you keep positng the same non answerable questions and I can only assume that you are trying to cause concern. I am sorry that your interpersonal skills are such that you feel that keeping on repeating the same thing over and over again, like " are we there yet" , will make an answer appear.
I for one have become very bored with the repetition, which, has gone on for far to long and as you are going to ignore the advice/replies your have recieved, perhaps we should just ignore you.
Tony R17 18
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I am happy to give my plot number it is right next door to Tony's on the first phase .Yes right next door ! anyone want to buy it please .
Just as well it will never happen or I really would sell it for tuppence or nothing what ever I could get or perhaps just give it away to some poor unfortunate soul who does not know him , just to get rid .
Who would want to live in a development like this ? Now that we all know who the neighbours would be I would not touch it with a barge pole . Can you imagine if Don Tony was El Presidente .Jeese I would be better in a council retirement home close to a golf range with a sun bed lounge .Not my first option of course but SADM could be so much worse if Tony had his way .All those over 60 indoors before six anything could happen and be explained away as normal .
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I too get bored of many of the posts I read, especially when unless you believe with a group or company, your comments and questions are not welcomed.
There may just be someone out there who in time can answer the questions so here they are again.
We have been kindly told by SARC that contractors are to be employed to carry out the infrastructure works, which will be paid for by the transfer of some land.
So, can anyone tell me.
Who are the contractors for the infrastructure works?
Who are the Directors of the Contractor?
What is the parcel of land to be given as payment for the works?
When will the land (a current asset ) be signed over to the contractor, before the infrastructure works commence, during works, or after completion?
I can't see in the forum rules that repeating a question or statement is not allowed and no doubt the administrator will correct me if I am wrong.
Can see how I am though as certain statements are made over and over again.
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have you thought that maybe no one knows the answer to your questions, in which case i guess you are directing it to the wrong people and place,
maybe you should direct your question to the correct people ie: HDT.
_______________________ R10 160 and Calasparra
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Dave R
I think you are correct, in so far as nobody knows the answer to the questions YET.
Let's all be patient for the moment, please!
mtj says:
"We have been kindly told by SARC that contractors are to be employed to carry out the infrastructure works, which will be paid for by the transfer of some land."
So far as I am aware, nothing has been decided regarding the contractors who will carry out the infrastructure works, and they may be paid in cash rather than by the transfer of land, in which case the questions won't be relevant.
I suggest that we allow mtj to post his questions again, and leave it at that until one day somebody has the answers he (or she?) is looking for.
End of story (hopefully!)
Sue Walker
Author of "Retiring the Ole Way", now available on Amazon
See my blog about our life in Spain:
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Sue may I be so bold as to suggest that 95% of the reason we are where we are today is because we have all listened to statements like " Let's all be patient for the moment, please! " are you sure Sue that this is the best for us ? I am not .
I think we have all been too patient for far to long .
This message was last edited by Rason on 23/02/2011.
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I know what you're saying, however nobody can sign a contract for the infrastructure and nobody can issue building licences until the court in Madrid has agreed that HdT can continue with SADM. That means nobody can answer any questions until then, so we do have to wait for a while - unless of course you are suggesting demonstrating outside the court! 
Sue Walker
Author of "Retiring the Ole Way", now available on Amazon
See my blog about our life in Spain:
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Of course contracts can be awared without the Courts outcome being known. Ever heard of Echanging of Contracts subject to conditions. It is a normal daily practice. Land is SOLD subject to the necessary consents being obtained. In UK sites for developments for such things as retail stores are sold and contracts are exchanged, which there is no way out, but are subject to planning being obtained. It is a conditional contract.
Where did you get the information that the contract for the infrastructure works could not be awarded until the Court's decision?
Is it only then that tenders will be invited, which for such a scheme, contractors would have to be given months to prepare, or perhaps you now want us to believe that not even tenders can be invited until the Court's decision.
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I agree mjt what is going on right now with the exchage of asset is not good for any of us as creditors of all kinds .I am surprised that Tony and SARC excepted this option at this timing .It seems to me a not goood move . I believe as a person from this area that the patience of the town hall is wearing thin.They wish that the project is to proceed but do not have any faith in herrado del Tollo or San Jose who is the much greater influence for this development .The reputation of theese companies is not good .I think that the development of the houses at this development may never happen.
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