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I have just heard from an owner on Campasol that Thomas Cook have bought 100 apartments on Condado and looking to buy more! Anyone heard anything?
_______________________ Mandy & Andy
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I heard they were out there looking at them last summer. This must be due to Paramount being built. Wonder how much they will be charging for this package holiday!!
_______________________ Shirley
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When we we out in October we noted quite a number of different groups with probably an agent, couples with 1 other person suited and booted and a few singletons with 1 other suited and booted but particularly noticed a group of four all coporate suits, paperwork and what looked like one of the thick Polaris brochures. We later saw them over by the Penthouses. In our Jardin they went in several apartments situated close together 3 beds then up to the 2 beds and we wondered at the time if it was a holiday company or an agency rece. However, that is ages ago and could have been for anything but I dare say there will be some interest from that quarter it's just whether they'd really gamble on buying now or wait till the diggers move onto the Paramount Resort land.
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The rumour I heard was that Paramount had purchased 100 apts. Its amazing how these rumours start!! Still we shall all just have to wait and see. Was it today [25/3/11] when it would all become transparent and Paramount were publishing their plans etc?
tel.605 832 795
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I met a guy on Camposol who told me he was abducted by aliens and taken on board the mother ship. He then had probes inserted and was wired up to electrodes, the next thing he knew he was dumped at the side of the road, near Lidl in Mazarron.
I was wondering if this was the same guy who started this Thomas Cook story?
Darren - Founder Member of the Half Empty Crew, Corvera Test Pilot, Winner of La Cata Raffle, Keyholder for the Football Pitches & NOT the Condado burglar!
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Sorry Darren. That was a different guy. This one had found a dead rat in a kfc bucket. ( sorry not nice thought but an urban myth) I have heard many stories of blocks being sold to travel type co's all have very little substance. But if they do become true, then I feel this is good for CDA. I have heard that many apartments have been sold recently due to bank sell off.
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Polaris/Banks will allways find a buyer if the price is wright a few years ago when Polaris wanted to get rid of the last 50 apts on Hacienda Riquelme they sold them to an insurance company, they looked like a bargain at the time i think they sold them for about 120k when people had paid 170k plus, i do hope it was not AVIVA who i have my pension with because they have lost a lot of money.
This message was last edited by newworld on 25/03/2011.
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In our free newspaper, delivered today t here is a company offering 2 bed luxury apartments for £63,000.. 10 mins from THE NEW PARAMOUNT STUDIO`S THEME PARK. and only 10 mins from the beach.
But the picture is of an artists impression & does not look anything like not Condado but that is the luxury of " an artists impression" Offering everything that Polaris offered us all those years ago even a 5 star Hotel with Spar.
Telephoned out of curiosity but it was the cleaner that answered the phone??.
Says though based in England the company is a well known Spanish builder ???.
Your guess is as good as mine.
Still I just might send for the Free information pack.
I was under the impresion that nothing was deffinate until today but the ad must have been placed @ the beging of the week. Did they jump the gun or had they got the nod from someone in the know.
West Mids & Jardin 5
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"I met a guy on Camposol who told me he was abducted by aliens and taken on board the mother ship. He then had probes inserted and was wired up to electrodes, the next thing he knew he was dumped at the side of the road, near Lidl in Mazarron."
What!.........there's a Lidl in Mazarron, that's worth a visit.
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It's all coming clear, D. Wilkes is an exec at Paramount, he"s talked down CdA for 2 years, and then finally as prices hit bottom he's bought a job lot the day before the launch videos of his new Paramount development ................perfect timing, c'mon Darren who are you really?
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The holiday rental company is really looking ahead, the Paramount Resort isnt supposed to be opening until 2015 according to the blurb on They also have a Youtube video of yesterday's presentation but it wouldnt run for us.
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