On www.condadodealhamaservices.com Telealhama is advertised:- http://www.telealhama.es/index.ph -
email generalservices@telealhama.com or Telephone 626.41.53.45. info@telealhama.com also appears on the price list.
On that forum it was commented that you will need a dish and at the moment attaching anything to the property isnt allowed in the community rules but I'm not sure how much of a rpoblem that is inrelation to what this company actually supplies. I know there are several dishes visible on the resort but, again, it has been posted that these additions and others will eventually be dealt with by ML. Maybe on the upper terrace of a two bed a small dish wouldn't be visible so I'm unsure how the 'attached' rule would apply then. In the end it would obviously be up to you whether to take a chance or wait and see if anything about that rule comes up for change in the AGM
This message was last edited by Jann on 03/04/2011.