<p><p>if we are paying for the ring road .should we not be fighting for the revenue that we can be making from it ??&nbsp; i know we have lost out before when there has been golf tournament on. i know here that the council are saying that they will be taking&nbsp; it&nbsp; over soon.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Do they&nbsp; know&nbsp; something we dont like paramount taking off .If it do&nbsp;our ring road will be come a car park /over fill for paramount&nbsp; and if we charge 10eours a day and we have 2000 spaces [i do not no the exact count of spaces ]but itsa lot&nbsp; at 2000 thats&nbsp;&nbsp; 20,000 EUROS A&nbsp; DAY&nbsp;&nbsp; 140,000 A WEEK&nbsp; 560,000 A MONTH&nbsp; AND 6,720,000 A YEAR&nbsp; I know these figures are based on 10 euros and 2000 spaces but if its 5 eours and 1,000&nbsp; spacs thats still 336,000 ayear. what ever it is it a lot of money that should be going in to&nbsp;our&nbsp; community not the council or the golf /pw. I know the figures are fictional and not all spaces wil&nbsp;be used each&nbsp;day but thats still a hell of a lot of money that we should be entitled to.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p></p>