5 years on what a difference

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13 May 2011 12:00 AM by Bigrocks Star rating. 17 forum posts Send private message

Doesn't time fly when you enjoy yourself  .We will of had our apartment on casaresc del sol 5 years in November  2011. How time flies! .

What  difference time makes. Instead of spending 5 years moaning on this web site  as one infamous person has done,  a few have rolled up their sleves invested much time in the community of casares del sol . I say community as that is what is developing here.  There are 4 communities in total (PM's)  each with committed presidents and a small committee who have helped develop the development to where it is today. We have fenced communites,providing a secure enviroment for properties and children. Recently, installed wifi internet connection across the site, gardens are continously developing and well maintained.

Camera security is being installed linked into the new securtity  building at the entrance.   

On PM4 we have a boule court and an astro turf putting green.  The advantage of this development is the big open space and in time this will be our jewell in our crown. The new fencing has been lined with various plants from  honey suckle and bourganvilla. 

On PM4  there is a no dogs rule and a no smoking within the fenced pool area for heath and safetly reason, there is certainly encourgement of a community spirit whith summer BBQ and wine gatherings onthe grass areas. In time and budget allowing I hope we will be able to have a spefic childrens play area on PM4 there is certainly the room . The big open space is idea, ball games are not banned and have never been a problem.  Additionally infalateables are allowed inthe pool much to the kids delight  - they are often banned in hotels and other complexes.      

Underground bins were put in,  through the hard work of the presidents with the local council so in time the community will not be awash with bins which is common on other developments. 

A brand new security/community office had been built at the entrance.  This will be a central point for owners and renters on the site. Dont underestimeate what had to be overcome to get permission to build this. It has to go to the local council in casares etc, as with the fencing you cant just put it up. 

All my applicances are still in full working order, the kitchen looks as new as the day we got the apartment. The paint work is still inexcellent condition. When I go there it still feells like new. 

I have enjoyed the last 5 years and every visit I make there just gets better and better I am pleased I invested the time with others  in a positive way to develop the community. 

Norman  - how have you spent your last 5 years and what have you got back from it with your 900 plus negative posts on this website !  - have you actually bought your apartment and made the most of it . I have renters that have been coming back year after year as they love the place and this is not uncommon on the community! 

Looking forward to the next 5 years

Life is too short to spend more than a day moaning - get up an do something positive  - you'll enjoy life more and live longer 






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22 May 2011 5:27 PM by zal Star rating. 4 forum posts Send private message

Fantastic post. Couldn't agree more.

I have had clients come back for a third year this year and they really genuinely love CDS.

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29 May 2011 1:27 PM by noddy Star rating. 150 forum posts Send private message

Yes, things have improved immensely. We also have almost a full book of renters May-september.

And with Finca Cortesin hosting the world matchplay golf "over the fence". really

looking forward to the next 5 years



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31 Jul 2011 3:47 PM by normansands Star rating in Kent. 1277 forum posts Send private message

Dear All,

splendid stuff, good to read, well done all of you.

Pleased that you have done it, hope it has not cost you too much, but it was never for me for many reasons.

With more money and effort you will always improve but you can never make it what was claimed.

Look forward to seeing it some time.



N. Sands

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03 Oct 2011 12:56 PM by normansands Star rating in Kent. 1277 forum posts Send private message

Dear All,

I asked a holidaymaker to look in whilst in the area, she saw the site when originally offered as "complete".

Not impressed I am afraid!!!!

Unpainted, seedy looking and run down with little occupation evident and zero security on hand.

Still a million miles away from the brochure but please carry on the good work for yourselves.



N. Sands

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04 Oct 2011 8:31 AM by zal Star rating. 4 forum posts Send private message

21 Oct 2011 4:13 PM by royboy Star rating. 6 forum posts Send private message

Last week, I visited for the first time in two years, and I have to agree ........ What A Difference ! Well maintained, plants growing, good atmosphere, and secure, so it looks like the place it was originally advertised as. I met one of the committee, and had a long chat ..... it seems that he knows what he's doing, and is determined to ensure that CDS is one of the best situations if and when the market turns. My daughter visited about 18 months ago, and she had a great time, even though she decided against hiring a car, so she walked / bussed everywhere .... and was very impressed.

So in the next few years, when all the re-possessions have been "processed", Casares Del Sol should be thriving ...... but you've got to be in it for the long term !

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25 Oct 2011 11:54 AM by noddy Star rating. 150 forum posts Send private message

Normans friend must have had bad directions and gone to the wrong place!

The whole organisation is fully secure, with its own onsite manned office, the planting is looking good, and rentals both long and short term up considerably.

And many new owners, ok the prices are down but they chose CDS over thousands of others !

Norman why do you want to put everything down ?


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27 Oct 2011 1:25 PM by normansands Star rating in Kent. 1277 forum posts Send private message

Dear All,

I hope you are right and there has been an error but it is unlikely.

No one wishes to see hard work rewarded more than I.

Nevertheless I thank my good fortune in my not being involved in financing a very ordinary Spanish urbanisation instead of the extreme luxury holiday complex I was promised.

We have said before that other buyers were not promised the same nor were they paying the same, also it is said that building standards were not consistent over the whole of this large site.

As before keep up the good work and carry on making the best of things.




N. Sands

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14 Nov 2011 4:42 PM by Lesley Alderson Star rating in Co Durham / Casares .... 8 forum posts Send private message

Lesley Alderson´s avatar

Norman get a life and stop complaining!!

We have had our apartment since November 2006 and love it, we are here at the moment.

Our apartment is rented out from May through to September and has been for the last 3 years and have people coming back every year, it has also be rented out for the last 2 year over Christmas and New Year.

We have even introduced friends to the complex who loved it so much they bought an apartment.

The gardens are well maintained with new plants growing and also secure, I agree with Royboy it looks like the place it was originally advertised

We've made so many new friends since buying here. 

Yes definately looking forward to the next 5 year and more! 

Lesley Alderson PM2

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14 Nov 2011 5:10 PM by normansands Star rating in Kent. 1277 forum posts Send private message

Hello Lesley, 

so where on the large complex are you and what did you pay?

what did your friends pay?

do you live on a council estate at home?

if you have got what you were promised and did not pay too much, good for you, I think that is great.

as for me I have had many good holidays in a tent, but only paid for a tent.

I once had a very good holiday up the road at La Quinta, which of course Casares was supposed  to exceed in luxury and facilities.

Hope you continue to enjoy that you enjoy but why must you knock others to do it.......wierd really.



N. Sands

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30 Nov 2011 1:40 PM by mrosado Star rating. 2 forum posts Send private message

 Dear All,

Pardon for interfering like this in the forum, my name is Maria and I really need to contact with the owner´s community. I would be very grateful if you can give me the phone or email.

Thank you very much in advance!

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24 Dec 2011 6:12 PM by aadatia Star rating. 2 forum posts Send private message

Hello Maria

I am not allowed to display the actual email address or link on this site so I have spelt them out for you hoping that you will understand and subsitute the symbols appropriately.  This posting is simply for information and not personal or commercial gain.

Subsitute AT with @

Substitute DOT with .

You can contact the PM2 Community of Casares del Sol (CDS) by sending an email to the President at the following email address


The administrator of all the PMs at CDS is  Ammex and they can be contacted by email at


You can attend their offices in person or by telephone - their details are on their website


If it is a different PM (there are 4 PMs in total) you are looking to contact, then the President of PM2 or Ammex can help redirect you.

Hope that helps




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06 Feb 2012 4:55 PM by joelstow Star rating. 14 forum posts Send private message


I very much enjoyed reading your news on the development.  It sounds like a great place to own a property.

We are loking to make a purchase in Block 9 and i was wondering if this is the same PM4 as your property?

Internet access is also a consideration, is there a monthly charge for this or would we need a phone line to activate?

Many Thanks for any info you can provide as we are new to the area.


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13 May 2012 8:30 PM by EricaLock Star rating. 17 forum posts Send private message

I haven't been on this site for ages, as I was driven away iby the many negative posts. So was thrilled to read a positive one that echoed exactly our own experience. We come as often as we can. We bought two apartments one for ourselves and one to rent. We have had so many repeat visors last year we rented out both apartments over the summer. Bookings this year a little slower but still good. Shame flight prices have increased so much, expecially half term week. But our communities have done an amazing job - we are in PM2. Our last renter went out and bought one, they loved it so much and still bargains to be had. We are glad we stayed with it, shame value has dropped but we are getting rentals as development is so lovely now and community Wifi a real bonus.


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14 May 2012 10:18 AM by normansands Star rating in Kent. 1277 forum posts Send private message

Dear All,

good news from an unexpected source,

unfortunately you were one of the "investors" that caused the bubble and the unrealistic prices.

good luck with your investment.



N. Sands

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20 May 2012 11:02 PM by geert Star rating. 1 forum posts Send private message



wat is what is your deal at CDS?

Still wondering if you own an appartment or what drives you to hate the place?



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25 May 2012 7:38 PM by normansands Star rating in Kent. 1277 forum posts Send private message


I would not wish to live there and was shocked to see a sort of council estate place being offered as the luxury holiday complex I had contracted to buy, not a second home of any kind especially one of obvious sub standard construction.

as for valuation it was only worth my 30% deposit in total, so it was no go, no thanks



N. Sands

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