The summer is here and the vandels are out

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Hacienda San Cayetano forum threads
The Comments
23 Jun 2011 12:00 AM by deaps Star rating. 15 forum posts Send private message

Why do we have to suffer the cheek, abuse and damage from a small number of the kids from Manzana 4 and 5 and the one's they bring.

Will their parents pay for the damage or are their kid out of sight out of mind.

Why can they not play out side their own houses


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01 Sep 2011 3:52 PM by irishfinn Star rating. 37 forum posts Send private message

hi just wondering where about you actually live on the development and were subjected to vandals from the children from manzana 4 & 5??

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08 Mar 2012 3:25 PM by batty Star rating in san cayetano. 3 forum posts Send private message

 Hi, its been a very long time since i last looked on this site and frankly its no wonder!!  I am sick and tired to the back teeth of people moaning about children on Taray. Why live on somewhere like this if you dont care for children? Im not saying mine are angels, but they certainly are no where near as bad as they are being made to be. In fact my son rarely leaves the house because of people slagging him, whether or not its him. So a massive thanx to turning him into a virtual recluse at the ripe old age of 15...  If you or anybody else have had or got a problem with my children (as mine are the only two living on manzana 4), then feel free to ring my bell and chat in person, instead of  writing things all over EOS. 
Bet if i wasn`t a single parent and had a man behind me, nothing would be said!!!!!
This as far as im concerned is a form of bullying, so please stop it!


Nora Channon


This message was last edited by batty on 08/03/2012.


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08 Mar 2012 5:20 PM by inspectahomespain Star rating in Orihuela Costa, Spai.... 2417 forum posts Send private message

Vip Supporter

I do not ive on this development but understand the system and it seems odd on this particular development that people seem to enjoy airing there issues on a PUBLIC forum which is read not just by owners but property buyers and renters

You are supposed to be a community, that's what Spain is all about, you ALL pay fees to maintain your development and you all have a say in its upkeep

You are compared to where I live a small community and if you cannot talk to each other and have to bitch on here it is a pretty sad state of affairs

Again remember this is a PUBLIC board and you have administrators that can often help with issues like this

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