Kim Wood, Clair Pote and Steve Pote still doing what they do best

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20 Jul 2011 12:00 AM by cornishalex Star rating. 19 forum posts Send private message

Kim Wood (ex OVP) and Clair Potes Solutions Resorts, property management company has gone bust,

what a shocker!!

Oh and Steve is still peddling the same old bullshit, check out

where he stil has links up to the Worldwide Ventures scam, which was a spinoff of Oceanview, what a dick

what do they say about Leopards and spots!!


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02 Aug 2011 3:24 PM by anne15 Star rating. 5 forum posts Send private message

 Apparently Kim Wood now has a charity called Sun and Happiness making dreams come true for needy young people.  Wonder if I can have a free holiday in a premiership footballer's villa????


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03 Aug 2011 1:36 PM by fliff Star rating. 6 forum posts Send private message

I would steer well clear on anyone remotely associated with OVP.  they have made alot of decent peoples' lives a misery

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20 Aug 2011 10:52 AM by goodstich44 Star rating in northampton. 1648 forum posts Send private message


quite agree, a bunch of cowardly crooks for whom nothing's to low to stoop to.

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28 Aug 2011 5:50 PM by andy19681 Star rating. 1 forum posts Send private message

I am one of the biggest supporters of Sun and Happiness, and if any of you have a problem with a person who dedicates her spare time to helping children with cancer, children that have been abused and neglected. I suggest you stop hiding behind your false internet names, and go down to the charity offices and speak to Kim face to face. 

The charity is fully registered and she has the support of several premiership football clubs, MPs and a host of celebrities and businesses. She also has a charity single about to hit the charts. READ THE NEWSPAPERS! She has done all that whilst working full time and being a single parent. You should be embarrassed about slating her for having a go at  trying to make a difference. If you have something to say, go and say it to her face, her doors are always open.

Dont come on this forum and judge people you clearly know nothing about. She was just a paid pretty face for Ocean View touring clients around the coast 2 days a week, she had no hand in the management. Take your anger out on those that deserve it. People who work for a company are not responsible for the companies actions. She was really ill for two years after her daughter was born, bought on mostly by Ocean View and their horrific antics. Leave the girl alone now and let her get on with her life trying to help kids who deserve a chance.












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28 Aug 2011 7:24 PM by nigel188 Star rating in Estepona. 655 forum posts Send private message

What utter rubbish are you talking about.

I have just checked out their website and they were both Directors of this company. So these and others are still responsible for the company going under. Please check your facts before posting a report on this website.



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29 Aug 2011 3:31 PM by fliff Star rating. 6 forum posts Send private message

Well said Nigel188.   To andy19861 I dont think anyone is knocking the fact that there may be some benefit coming from the charity work that Kim is doing - so youve  missed the point - which is, she is still associated with a corrupt company whose primary remit was to rip people off. I doubt you were one of the people who purchased via OVP and lost thousands.  From which many can never ever recover.   I  have personally spoken to her when we bought and she knew exactly what BS to hand out and we amongst others fell for it.  I know one couple put down deposits with them for multiple properties and not one euro was handed over to the developer - what happened to the company, nowhere to be seen, like the hard earned money people entrusted her co with.  Why do you think Manchester fraud squad is investigatng them!  we paid an extortionate amount  for the "mandatory" furnshing package so they would rent it out as our agents.  Complete and utter rubbish.   I dont hide behind a false internet name and I would tell it to her face, only I'm too bloooody busy working full time because of all this!   I connot afford to have bad publicity,  Im still trying to get the property rented out. Good luck with your support for rhe charity. I sincerely hope you will not have cause to question its integrity in the future. 

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30 Aug 2011 10:37 PM by cornishalex Star rating. 19 forum posts Send private message

Yup, the OVP lot are all terribly good at saying "it wasnt us, we didnt know what was going on", and yeah my tuppence  worth is BS, and they did know (albeit to varying degress), but couldnt give a stuff to tell people as they were quite happy to take the commissions. Anyway my main point is not Kim's (and the others) fun and games at Oceanivew, but that facts that I know Kim et all have conned (and yes I do mean conned) people out of money in Spain since, not in OVP name but in their own crappy little companies which seem to go bust as quickly as the summers come and go.

and if anyone doesnt like this, no problem talk to Eye on Spain and sue me for libel, I am more than happy to have my day in court to shine the light on the scummy behaviour of some people

So my advice is dont touch any of this lot with a barge pole, I am reminded of Stella McCartney's famous quote about that other infamous charity working aid worker, Heather Mills " I wouldnt be surprised if it turned out she had two legs"

There are two very general types of 'charity workers' genuine mother theresa types, and then the self serving publicity w**kers like heather Mills, and I think you can guess which one i think KW is.

stay away!!!!!

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06 Sep 2011 1:26 PM by Gerrytaylor Star rating. 1 forum posts Send private message

andy's defence of Kim was clearly from the heart and he defends her robustly. However, for many of us whose lives have been ruined by OCEAN VIEW, there can be little or no defence. Having contemplated suicide and handed over my lif'es savings to Sabadell Atlantico to sell them back my property, i can safely say that financially there is no recovery from this. I am too old to start again and my husband is working 60 hours a week (when he can get work - we have had none for almost 2 years).

I am glad that Kim runs a charity  as i feel i am in need of some myself. My disabled child who was to be the beneficiary of my investment with OCEAN VIEW will certainly feel better, or would if he could understand, that Kim is running a charity for needy children. That will give me comfort when he is taken into care when we are too old to care for him and have no money to pay anyone else to do so. I hope that Adam Sargent too, will take comfort from this situation. He will certainly sleep better for the knowledge that i failed in my suicide attempt and that my child will be cared for by Kim's charity. This will bring him deep joy i am sure. So thank heavens for Kim and her charity work. Long may she prosper!!!

Ps. Any donations kindly accepted but not unwashed clothing and definitley no bankers drafts!!

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30 Nov 2012 7:31 PM by honesty Star rating. 1 forum posts Send private message






This message was last edited by honesty on 01/12/2012.

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30 Nov 2012 8:13 PM by fliff Star rating. 6 forum posts Send private message

many thanks for the update honesty.  Justifies everything those on this forum have said about her.  I'm sure people will be thankful of the information you provided.  much obliged.  Fliff. 

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