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We bought off plan and are generally happy with our purchase in the penthouses and have walked the footpaths of the golf course in the evenings since early last year. I am not a golfer but have enjoyed watching the course develop. At no time have I ever seen a sign to say that this was not allowed or read anywhere or been told this was not permitted.
I completwely sympathise with Olagolf over the vandalism they have experienced on the course and would support whatwvwe action can be taken against those responsible. However, I was taken aback to be told tonight by an employee of the course that we were not allowed to walk on the pathways at any time. Don't get me wrong, right now I am watching a family of 6 meet up on the 12th fairway, some after stomping throught he grass and I can understand that there is an education job to be done about acceptable behaviour. But I can see no harm at all in walking on the pathways afteer the days golfing is over.
Has this always been the policy and I have just missed it!
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The Golf Course is Private Property and always has been, there has until now been just 1 sign saying Golfers only and that is on the appraoch to the 1st Tee.
I think the policy was to keep it free from signs but guess now that the course has sufferrred a spate of vandalism that we will see more signs and possibly some security company patrolling it outside of Golfing Hours.
Personnally i have no problem with people walking the Golf paths after the days golf has finished but what i do object to is children Cycling around and across the fairways during Golf, Children looking for Golf balls during Golf, Dog walkers and Dog deposits on the fairways, Shoppers taking short cuts across the fairways, even familys picknicking at the lakes, children swimming in the lakes, and also Joggers on the fairways, I have seen all of these, apart from distracting golfers it is very dangerous.
I got too old soon, and too late smart !
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Hi Jane
Not wanting to sound like a misogs or killjoys but at most of the golf resorts that we've ever stayed at in both Portugal and Spain it is mainly prohibited to walk/cycle along the "buggy" pathways. I know it seems ludicrous but it is very common on golf courses i'm afraid. However I personally think that to walk along the pathway directly in front of the penthouses should be allowed after the course is clear of golfers.
Jay & Lisa
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Initially I think the idea was to have a public walkway around the course so that people could wander around and see the course without getting onto the course.
Its a safety issue...and if you've been playing in my 4 a few times you'd see why!!
Obviously sensible people would choose times when no one is playing but the problem is that not everyone is sensible and golfers can play both early and late so the easiest thing is to ban it altogether.
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Sooner or later someone will be hit by a flying golf ball and I beleive only then something will be done.
While out a week or so ago we saw families on greens, children playing in the bunkers. I've seen walkers with a large dog walking along not a care in the world while players are on the fairway on the 10th some 40 mts apart. I saw a father and small child around 6 years old taking photo's standing adjacent the 13 green while we played onto it. We shouted at the father and he eventually got the message and moved on.
What will it take, a broken arm, lost eye, lost teeth, a knock out or a death???
It's serious stuff and something needs to be done now!!! So whoever is now running the course you are responsible so do something before you get a law suit against you.
_______________________ May be tomorrow.......... Always better today!!
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The pathway directly infront of the Penthouses is not part of the golf course , you should be ok to walk on this but it is still very dangerous , you could be hit by stray golf balls from players playing down hole 12 and the driving range ,
Dave & Carol
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We have a penthouse also. Seen many a kid riding there bikes on the fairways. 
The path round the course is ok to walk along, I play golf, and have seen some nasty snap hooks on the 12th at CDA. wouldn't want to be in the way of any
Personally i'd say its a bit of common sense. would you go for a wander on a course in the UK or anywhere else? just because CDA is quiet doesnt mean that the golf paths inside the course are public.
However, If you do decide to go walking on the couse paths have some etiquette. stay off the greens and tee boxes, If you see a golfer, stop until he has played his shot, and be quiet, if he is teeing off and hits a duff one, he should shout fore. cover your head if you hear this 
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Jeez I cant believe some people.
Yes walking round the buggy path when course is closed is believable but going on the course as if it is a public park????!!!!!!!
The course managers need to get thier act together but where is the common sense???????
And I bet it isnt just renters..........................
Come on people,
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we have a penthouse at the practice and every morning i can see from my balcony people letting there dogs out on the golf.
Also have seen yesterday a dad playing with his kids on the golfcourse.
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I have to admit Mrs WW and I do like a stroll around the buggy pathways when the heat of the day has dropped. We stick to the path and although we are not keen golfers, we do have the sense to stop and wait for any evening players to play thier shot before we carry on. I'm really sad to hear about the vandalism and damage caused intentionally or otherwise around the course. Would I be out of order to suggest the type of people who are deliberately damaging the golf course, if prevented from doing so, would simply move on and damage something else? Not that I'm saying 'let them carry on damaging the golf course'.
_______________________ Love like you've never been hurt, work like you don't need the money and...
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In Spain many people don't what a golf course is about - they think it is a park. With the language barrier it can be difficult to explain the differences so I suggest anyone seeing these occurences rings the golf shop on 0034 968328008.
They can inform the marshall and he can then take the appropriate measures. They shop is open until 7pm.
If it occurs outside these hours report it the following day. I am sure the head greenkeeper will then make checks.
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Really disappointing to read this thread, but even more so to experience first hand.
Played on Monday with two friends (one a pro golfer) who have played some of the best courses in the world and both stated that Condado is the best course they have ever played - ignoring the lack of clubhouse.
But coming down the 13th hole, about to hit our approach into the green when we saw two young girls complete with towels and a camera holding what seemed to be a fashion shoot in one of the greenside bunkers. It took five minutes for them to realise we were there (despite numerous shouts) at which point they ran off towards the 14th tee. Infuriating and dangerous.
Don't mind people walking along the footpaths through the course, but keep off the course at all times if you are a non-golfer.
Going to email OlaGolf now to let them know what is happening.
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