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19 Aug 2011 12:00 AM by scapa Star rating in Beds, England & Jard.... 880 forum posts Send private message

scapa´s avatar

Has anyone else had 16 euros taken from their bank account  stating:


 I have not heard of this before so if anyone can throw any light on this?

I have looked back on last years statements and nothing?  Is this new and who would be taking it?

All suggestions gratefully received.

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19 Aug 2011 2:27 PM by Lynnp Star rating in Carshalton, Surrey, .... 267 forum posts Send private message

Unless you are a resident in Spain you pay a non resident certification each year. It will be per person, and I'm pretty sure we've just had ours taken out of our bank account. I can't remember the amount off hand.


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19 Aug 2011 2:49 PM by Rustad Star rating in Kent. 89 forum posts Send private message

Yes we paid this recently too. I think it is every two years rather than annually.

Alan R

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19 Aug 2011 6:54 PM by nick&linda Star rating. 68 forum posts Send private message

 cannot say i have heard of it does anybody know how much it is for a couple.


regards Nick

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19 Aug 2011 9:23 PM by scapa Star rating in Beds, England & Jard.... 880 forum posts Send private message

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Thanks everyone, what I have found out so far its to do with the banks charges

non residents for using spanish banks and it is taken out every 2 years.

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19 Aug 2011 11:13 PM by Beau Brummies Star rating in Birmingham and Jardi.... 176 forum posts Send private message

Beau Brummies´s avatar

Our Bank (Halifax) and i think most spanish Banks charge  a fee for non residents, concidering we get regular statements to the u.k  its not really unfair to part with a few euro over a couple of years but they could do better to inform customers of this before hand but this is Spain 


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