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Condado de Alhama forum threads
The Comments
17 Aug 2011 12:00 AM by Hamibabe Star rating in West Mids. 1317 forum posts Send private message

Hi. This evening I recieved the following

As announced on the last four days, today, we had at your dispossal a bus to take you to Alhama and back to Condado.  Other bus will leave this aftrenoon at 16.00 h to offer you a turistic visit.  This iniciative announced by Mieniu withthe cooperation of the town Hall requires you support.  However, this morning we just had nine adults and two children at the bus.  If this is the public we have in teh very summer, we will hardly make the Town hall understand taht we need a bus all the year.  We call all the residents in Conddao to please attend the appointmnet this afternoon at 16.00

This was from ML. I also recieved the first notice of this event as I`m sure you all did.

I wondered why there was so little interest but then I thought that if Ham & I had been on Condado when the email was sent to me we would not have read it until we arrived back home as neither of us bother with the interne & computers while we are away From the wording I`m wondering if this email was the first notification of a second bus, because if it was then sorry but its a bit late isnt it.

My question is. Was this event advertised any where else?. With the greatest respect to ML. I wonder if the only other notification was posted on their office window because if it was then unless you are going there no one would read it

I dont know how well in advance this trip had been organised but I think in the future it would be great if owners had @ least 3 months notice. This would be good for owners & those of us who rent out their apartments too because then they could either ask their property manager to leave  a leaflet or  a copy of the itinery sent to the owners or if the owners were going out before hand they could leave a copy of the itinery there themselves as i`m sure that  many people would take advantage of such a trip

I maybe jumping the gun a bit as I supose it could be that very few were interested ,I dont know.

I would be interested in others views.

However I do not want this thread to lead to a slanging match between the odd one or two .

Whoops, sorry I do not mean odd as in strange




West Mids & Jardin 5

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17 Aug 2011 9:31 AM by sara_n3 Star rating in Naranjos 3, Condado .... 85 forum posts Send private message

 Heya :)

I was with Nica yesterday at the bus and the biggest problem was that 80 people had signed up - (what they asked people to do at the fiesta) and so the fact that so little actually turned up really got her down. Bless her heart, I told her that British people need a big billboard somewhere with literally the words. BUS HERE TO ALHAMA 10AM. Because I know so many were interested - maybe they forgot or didnt really understand the instructions?


Your right tho, I think some sort of community notice board is needed here...


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17 Aug 2011 10:48 AM by scapa Star rating in Beds, England & Jard.... 880 forum posts Send private message

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I agree Jan. When I'm on the Condado I rarely go on the internet, maybe once or twice to check emails.  A notice board would be a good thing, maybe each at the mailboxes, and one at the supermarket.

That is such a shame there was not the support for the first bus :(

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17 Aug 2011 2:26 PM by Alison&Simon Star rating in Hamilton,Scotland - .... 1102 forum posts Send private message

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Jan & Sara are absolutely right, we all need spoon fed and told months in advance for us to get our little heads around new information.  I personally wouldn't use the bus only because i drive but i think the timings of the buses are not great, but something is better than nothing.

Good luck sara know you can round up some willing takers for your coach party, just tell them all theres free booze on offer and your bus will be packed.

Good luck.





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17 Aug 2011 4:58 PM by ptan Star rating in Los Naranjos Jardine.... 1696 forum posts Send private message

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 We have been pressurising the council for years to provide the community with a bus service between Condado and Alhama, if these trial runs are not used then they will quite rightly just say "but no one will use them, there are not enough people at condado to justify a bus service" which has been there stock answer over the past year or so.

The timings of the bus is to take people in to the morning market and then to bring them back to enjoy the late afternoon and evening in the town.  the council have made a big thing of this and laid on events and tours see

If we cannot show that a bus service is required during the busy summer months then we never will.

So if you are at Condado next week, then why not make the most of this free service.  either go to the market in the morning or do what I'm doing and go for a Tapa night in the evening.  Alhama is great in the evenings and has plenty of small Tapa bars that I'm sure everyone would enjoy.  So get yourselves organised, find a few friends and get into groups of 6 or 8 and hit the Tapa trails, I'm sure you will enjoy it.










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17 Aug 2011 7:35 PM by ladylola Star rating in Swansea . Los Nara.... 337 forum posts Send private message

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Do you know if you can register by email and if so with who? We've dropped an email to the ML cust service mailbox but had no reply. We're out next week and assumed that the bus would be full by the time we tried to register on Monday. Grateful for any advice.




Gary  & Angela  
....roll on retirement & 52 weeks a year in the sun!!!!!

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17 Aug 2011 7:45 PM by ptan Star rating in Los Naranjos Jardine.... 1696 forum posts Send private message

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 Drop Nica a line and ask for a seat,, she is very good and will usually reply









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17 Aug 2011 9:24 PM by ladylola Star rating in Swansea . Los Nara.... 337 forum posts Send private message

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Thanks Phil



Gary  & Angela  
....roll on retirement & 52 weeks a year in the sun!!!!!

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17 Aug 2011 9:33 PM by clairehdp Star rating in Surrey, UK and Dubai.... 215 forum posts Send private message

We are here and knew nothing about the bus.......would love a bus service but had no clue it was working. We have been to ml offices for the past 2 days and according to them their computers are down so nothing can be done so how they would have communicated this service to everyone is beyond me. If their communication lines are down whats wrong with the good old fashioned notes?

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18 Aug 2011 9:54 PM by Alhama Gardener Star rating in Preston and Jardines.... 119 forum posts Send private message

 there is a noticeboard at postboxes near Manzano.... putting info there would be a start


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