Hi. This evening I recieved the following
As announced on the last four days, today, we had at your dispossal a bus to take you to Alhama and back to Condado. Other bus will leave this aftrenoon at 16.00 h to offer you a turistic visit. This iniciative announced by Mieniu withthe cooperation of the town Hall requires you support. However, this morning we just had nine adults and two children at the bus. If this is the public we have in teh very summer, we will hardly make the Town hall understand taht we need a bus all the year. We call all the residents in Conddao to please attend the appointmnet this afternoon at 16.00
This was from ML. I also recieved the first notice of this event as I`m sure you all did.
I wondered why there was so little interest but then I thought that if Ham & I had been on Condado when the email was sent to me we would not have read it until we arrived back home as neither of us bother with the interne & computers while we are away From the wording I`m wondering if this email was the first notification of a second bus, because if it was then sorry but its a bit late isnt it.
My question is. Was this event advertised any where else?. With the greatest respect to ML. I wonder if the only other notification was posted on their office window because if it was then unless you are going there no one would read it
I dont know how well in advance this trip had been organised but I think in the future it would be great if owners had @ least 3 months notice. This would be good for owners & those of us who rent out their apartments too because then they could either ask their property manager to leave a leaflet or a copy of the itinery sent to the owners or if the owners were going out before hand they could leave a copy of the itinery there themselves as i`m sure that many people would take advantage of such a trip
I maybe jumping the gun a bit as I supose it could be that very few were interested ,I dont know.
I would be interested in others views.
However I do not want this thread to lead to a slanging match between the odd one or two .
Whoops, sorry I do not mean odd as in strange