Who is responsible for the public toilets?

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10 Aug 2011 12:00 AM by ajw Star rating in Aberdeen. 1088 forum posts Send private message

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Can anyone tell me who is responsible for the public loos at the supermarket.  They are a shameful embarrassment to the resort.  For almost 2 years the taps have been wobbling off and when I took my young daughter to use them last week every single loo was full of unflushed excrement and the whole place stank (unsurprisingly).  My dad said he went into the gents and was shocked at the state of the place as every loo he had been to in Murcia so far had been spotless.  It is true that our public loos are probably the filthiest I've seen in the region.  A disgrace.



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10 Aug 2011 5:51 PM by Sonatigh Star rating in Condado de Alhama Re.... 621 forum posts Send private message

 The Loo's are owned and maintained by Polaris World or it could now be the IRM Consortium? 

Agree they are a disgrace and not a good advert for all the visitors to the Market each saturday.

They are not the responsibility of the Community but you could send an e-mail to the Administrator to complain and ask them to forward to the owner of the facility.



I got too old soon, and too late smart ! 



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10 Aug 2011 6:48 PM by georgeh Star rating in condado de alhama sp.... 1462 forum posts Send private message

 The sooner the 1st oct comes and polaris go the better.







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11 Aug 2011 10:50 AM by scapa Star rating in Beds, England & Jard.... 880 forum posts Send private message

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I'm glad you brought this to attention.  The loos were not brilliant before the market and fiesta so I wouldn't like to imagine what they are like now?

If something isn't done soon I fear there will be more than dogs do da's about the resort.

Maybe we should all email the Administrators like Sonatigh suggests.

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11 Aug 2011 12:44 PM by patrick41 Star rating in Dumfries, Scotland .... 136 forum posts Send private message

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When we were out a couple of weeks ago we noticed the state of the toilets and we noticed the weeds growing through the flowers next to the pam trees.We also went for a meal in the restuarant and my wife said the lock was broke in the toilet.there is also a few tiles broke as you enter the AL Kasar i think this is caused by the golf buggies.Hopefully the new owners of the commercial area will realise that they need to keep in top of it if they want future units rented.Pat

      Pat & Jackie  

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11 Aug 2011 1:51 PM by rich&bops Star rating in Fleet . 266 forum posts Send private message

the toilets on the course are just as bad




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11 Aug 2011 5:00 PM by Sonatigh Star rating in Condado de Alhama Re.... 621 forum posts Send private message



I am not suggesting everyone e-mails the admin they recieve hundreds of mails a day and struggle to cope at times it only takes a few to highlight a problem and they will take action i.e. ask the owners to sort thats all they can do?

The Toilets on the Golf course are a different problem i have complained about these several times the people in the Golf shop say its the greenkeepers? I have filled in complaint forms etc and e-mailed their boss all to no avail,.

Maybe someone else will get more luck than me? Perhaps the Society can complain on behalf of all the members?

To be fair the Golf course toilets are normally very clean but very often the water is not turned on?



I got too old soon, and too late smart ! 



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11 Aug 2011 6:10 PM by darren.wilkes Star rating in Bolton/Vegas. 747 forum posts Send private message

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Apprehend the Golf Ball Nicking Kids and make them clean the toilets as a punishment! 

That should stop them steeling and give us cleaner toilets!

Next problem?


Darren - Founder Member of the Half Empty Crew, Corvera Test Pilot, Winner of La Cata Raffle, Keyholder for the Football Pitches & NOT the Condado burglar!


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13 Aug 2011 4:23 PM by Alison&Simon Star rating in Hamilton,Scotland - .... 1102 forum posts Send private message

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Hi all,

We have recently return from a wonderfull 20 days on Condado and unfortunately I could spot lots of things that need attention. Nica from ML needs to walk round the resort with a few Presidents/owners taking notes of all these problems and then getting someone to sort them out for us.

1. Public Toilets outside Supermarket. These toilets have been like this for a while now and is not a new thing.

2. Tiles in front of Supermarket covered in gum and needing cleaned.

3. Broken toilet handles in Clover which have been broken for at least 2.1/2 years now. Have complained every time I have been out.

4. Pool floors not being cleaned regularly. Sides of pools and filters being  cleaned but not the floors.

5. Grass around pool areas not been cut very often. Nieghbour complained and was cut next day.

6. Don't think the plants are being sprayed with insectacides as we seem to have had a high level of creepy crawlies this year, in and out of the apartments. (Big brave Si left them for me to get rid off)

This is only a few things and  I could list more.Yes we are all pleased at the community fees being cut but at what cost?


Ali & Si


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18 Sep 2011 6:33 PM by Ruairig Star rating in Mayo Ireland and Nar.... 51 forum posts Send private message

Hi all. We hope to be out in a couple of weeks. Does anyone know has this matter been dealt with


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