Trouble at the Clover

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Condado de Alhama forum threads
The Comments
06 Aug 2011 12:00 AM by kathyandbob Star rating. 294 forum posts Send private message

Big discussion on Facebook that it kicked off big time at the Clover Bar recently... it was reported that someone got glassed & the police were called. Another report said that the cook got run over by a car that went through a roundabout. What;s happening, sounds more like the OK Coral rather than a peacful golf resort.


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06 Aug 2011 6:49 PM by darren.wilkes Star rating in Bolton/Vegas. 747 forum posts Send private message

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I bought a new outfit for my holidays, I was worried it may be too hot in the sun, but it may be more suitable than I thought!

Not sure about the shoes though?

Also, there was a cook at the Clover? Really? I hope he is ok, but not sure he will be missed!


This message was last edited by darren.wilkes on 06/08/2011.


Darren - Founder Member of the Half Empty Crew, Corvera Test Pilot, Winner of La Cata Raffle, Keyholder for the Football Pitches & NOT the Condado burglar!


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06 Aug 2011 7:23 PM by valeros Star rating. 27 forum posts Send private message

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I’ll start by saying “if the cap fits, wear it”
Is this true or just been enhanced along the way?
If it is true then I am absolutely disgusted, no wonder the Spanish think of the British as they do…
Various posters on here think you live on a “5 Star” complex, this incident brings it down to earth somewhat.
Not only have you put extra pressure on the Spanish authorities but you have let the British down!
You only have one bar, any more incidents like this and you’ll have none.
Ah well, as the Spanish say….”you sell cheap houses, you get cheap people”.
I sincerely hope that this was only a minor incident and has been embellished out of proportion.
Rofl @ Mr Wilkes

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06 Aug 2011 8:10 PM by SMV Star rating in I'm in Dublin/Jardin.... 722 forum posts Send private message


Another person using any incident to bring up their anti-CdA feelings...yawn.

I love the bit about putting extra pressure on the spanish authorities.  Nealry as priceless as thinking the British reputation abroad has taken a battering because of a pub fight.  And surely with all us "cheap people" you'd expect the riot squad out every week.

But keep up the sayings...see if you can fit it a few more next time

Here's one for you..."Better to be thought a fool than open your mouth and remove all doubt"

And Darren I'm sure I'll see through your disguise now that I've had a preview!!




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06 Aug 2011 8:10 PM by BFR Star rating. 217 forum posts Send private message

Valeros, why do you feel the need to comment when you have no interest in Condado.

Trouble can arise anywhere does not matter where you from and what class you are.

Darren, quality as always :)



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06 Aug 2011 8:51 PM by newworld Star rating. 942 forum posts Send private message

valeros- how do you know they were british, where you there  when it kickeg off ? i bet not

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06 Aug 2011 9:32 PM by georgeh Star rating in condado de alhama sp.... 1462 forum posts Send private message

 Bar was full last night. Only reported insidants we heard  were the buckets beinng nicked(which is why you now have to leave a deposit) and loads of glasses going walkies. 

The roundabouts in spain among the most dangerous in the world as no one indicates and we see accidents on them all the time so a one off at condado is not unusual







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06 Aug 2011 11:01 PM by janej Star rating. 81 forum posts Send private message

I am disappointed by this report but also annoyed by the post by Valeros.

How exactly do you think  the spanish think of the British? Like all nations we have a minority who are ill disciplined rude and a complete embarrassment to the majority.

I buy a home here, pay my taxes, use services and bring money into the local economy. I try to speak the language and respect the local customs. How exactly am I a 'cheap person' as your comment inferred.

From your post am I to believe that the local community would be happier if I, and all the other British left?

I think of Spain as my adopted country, from which I have much to learn and to which I have much to contribute and am saddened by the content of this post, despite respecting everyones right to their own opinion.

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07 Aug 2011 1:06 AM by Billbo Star rating in Hartlepool & Jardine.... 654 forum posts Send private message


I and many others would be interested to find out just who you are and what association you have with Condado exactly. I have detected your scathing tone in many of your posts. Please come clean and let us know which 'ivory towers' utopia you are part of to feel justified in making such desparaging remarks about the affairs on Condado. Obviously with the 'sell cheap houses, get cheap people' comment, there is no way you are from Camposol then where a Villa can be priced less than the cost of a two bedroom apartment on CDA ???

Please enlighten us to this wonderfully place where you reside, within striking distance of CDA which is an oasis of tranquility and good order where nobody ever puts a foot out of line.

All you have ever done is make snide remarks about the CDA urbanisation which very much strikes me as the 'politics of envy'. Most of us on CDA know very much what our shortcomings on the resort are, but are encouraged by the positive signs since the new administrators started working with the owners instead of against them.

SMV nits the nail on the head with the comment of fools keeping quiet. I will go a step further and say 'take a hike' you ****head. 


This message was last edited by Billbo on 07/08/2011.



( & Jackie if it's not controversial !! ).

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07 Aug 2011 1:24 AM by kev1 Star rating in Condado De Alhama. 826 forum posts Send private message

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I've asked valeros to come out of the closet before but with no success. Obviously a trouble maker. Most of my neighbours on Cda are Spanish so how do you explain that? Too many stupid and ignorant people in the world these days only too happy to cause trouble rather than live in harmony. Come on valeros - get a life and get your nose out of ours.

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07 Aug 2011 8:25 AM by Jay05 Star rating in We are in Los Naranj.... 1464 forum posts Send private message

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Nice one Kev & Billbo

My sentiments exactly. Valeros comments are always spiteful!

I always worry for people who feel the need to function in that way. They must be so very miserable inside.



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07 Aug 2011 10:09 AM by borat Star rating in In a greenhouse a st.... 26 forum posts Send private message

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At least with the Bargain Buckets back on sale there will be plenty of ammo around should it kick off again. How come people are having a go at Valeros for being negative when Darrens been getting away with it for ages? Disagree with his views and you have the Darrenettes to deal with !

Cultural Learnings of Espana for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Britain

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07 Aug 2011 10:32 AM by dakey Star rating in Manchester(Miggleton.... 2607 forum posts Send private message

How dare Valeros brand all us British as thugs and low lifes, we really must find out his identity so we can all get together and kick the s... out of him!

(just a joke to lighten it up a bit)


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07 Aug 2011 11:02 AM by cuz Star rating in Warwickshire and Lo.... 685 forum posts Send private message

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Think you are wasting your time arguing with Valeros....He/She doesn't even live on an urbanisation or resort let alone Condado. V thinks people who do live on urbs or resorts are the pits and can't possibly know or want, anything to do with Spanish culture. V thinks all people living on CDA and similar are Brits who are out to make a fast buck from everyone else. (Think V must have been spurned by an urbanisation president somewhere along the line?) V doesn't know that on CDA there are many Spanish people who live and/or have holiday homes along side us. Think basically, V doesn't want to share Spain with any one else but the Spanish........just for the record Valeros, living in Spain for seven years doesn't make you their spokesman, and these urbanisations and resorts have put a lot of money in quite a few Spanish families pockets. You have no idea what CDA is like, so your opinion means nothing, so feel free to comment on all things Spanish but not on CDA.

June x

You've Got To Go Through The Storm To Get To The Rainbow

 Martyn and June xx

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07 Aug 2011 11:14 AM by borat Star rating in In a greenhouse a st.... 26 forum posts Send private message

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Have to agree the Police probably don't think too highly of the British due to their drunken antics but i would of thought this applys mainly to  the younger generation and resorts like Benidorm etc,hopefully  they would be able to distinguish the difference with Condado and other similar urbanisations. The point about cheap houses has some truth, while most of you probably brought at a higher price Condado is now more affordable to less select clientel (if thats a polite way of putting it) . It was only a five star on plans, the Polaris vision was great, the timing was appauling.


This message was last edited by borat on 07/08/2011.

Cultural Learnings of Espana for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Britain

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07 Aug 2011 12:37 PM by borat Star rating in In a greenhouse a st.... 26 forum posts Send private message

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Kev 1, You have asked valeros to come out the closet ?? Condado is getting interesting

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07 Aug 2011 12:55 PM by borat Star rating in In a greenhouse a st.... 26 forum posts Send private message

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Maybe this is the birth of a new society, meetings could take place every tuesday in the old supermarket, every monday is the Darrenetts  society where  a group of 4 or 5  meet just to nod and  agree with each other  ha ha 


This message was last edited by borat on 07/08/2011.

Cultural Learnings of Espana for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Britain

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07 Aug 2011 1:34 PM by BFR Star rating. 217 forum posts Send private message

Borat, Darren owns a property on condado and for that reason has a reason to be on a forum discussing Condado.

V does not so it is quite simple really.




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07 Aug 2011 1:36 PM by Chaddyowl Star rating in Manchester. 1264 forum posts Send private message

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Makes me wish I bought on Camposol now so I could go into the town centre there on a Saturday night and enjoy the culture and typical Spanish way of life therein!!

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07 Aug 2011 1:46 PM by borat Star rating in In a greenhouse a st.... 26 forum posts Send private message

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I thought the Clover was open to owners and non owners,  For Condado to continue on the up you need outsiders, i'm not saying any of the rumours are true but a good friendly reputation is required especially where families are involved

Cultural Learnings of Espana for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Britain

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