Just a quick one to make everyone aware that this week I encountered my 5th buzz bar to begin burning out inside a fuse board here on Condado De Alhama in my 8 month stint. I make it a habit to always check through the board and tighten all the connections within the consumer unit when called in to work on a property. How ever there are a lot of homes that I have yet encountered and would advise home owners to have a qualified and legal electrician just take a look inside the fuse board and tighten up any connections.
Loose connections are the biggest problem as they can lead to increased resistance hence they begin to burn out. It´s a common fault that worst case scenario can lead to the fuse board burning out all together, best case you will notice one circuit will simply stop working as was the case this week. Simply put the electricians involved with the initial installation will have been attempting their millionth fuse board and carelessly left some breakers loose. Also while this check is being conducted, it is a good idea to quickly check the main earth connections and L + N polarity as these are some other common faults. I conduct these checks for the princely sum of 15 euros and will be happy to oblige if anyone is interested. I have enclosed a picture of this weeks example. All the best - James