The Comments |
Hi all,
It was reported earlier this month that IRM were hoping to have the club house moved during February and up and running by Easter. Does anyone have any further information on this? I think it was a requirement to have the permission of Alhama Town Hall to re-site the building. The Easter school holidays start at the end of March and it would be real progress for any visitors to have this facility.
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I think if so much as a screw had been removed from that old office building you would have heard about it on here or CDA services site.
Don't hold your breath for Easter (2013 maybe !) 
( & Jackie if it's not controversial !! ).
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Oh Billbo! You are sounding more and more like me every day.
By that I mean, 100% Correct in all you say!.... Keep speaking the truth!
Darren - Founder Member of the Half Empty Crew, Corvera Test Pilot, Winner of La Cata Raffle, Keyholder for the Football Pitches & NOT the Condado burglar!
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Unfortunately that sounds very true...any possibilities of something new and someone starts a thread.
It is too bad as I think a clubhouse would be a huge boost.
But on the positive side of things it seems that the clover will now actually provide a service to its customers...and that is excellent news for the CdA golfers (and for attracting visitors to play).
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We recently let our appartment to a young pro on the hi5 tour and he got friendly with antonio the marshal , he was told by him it would be May before the temp club house would be sorted
Dave & Carol
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