Buyers Beware - Upper (Puerto de Mazarron)

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13 Jun 2012 11:42 AM by tucker Star rating in Renfrew, Scotland & .... 22 forum posts Send private message

During a recent trip to Condado, we bought 2 green plastic folding sun loungers for 75 euros each from the Upper store in Puerto de Mazarron (Centro Comercial). Unfortunately, after only 3 days use a crack appeared in one of the sun loungers. We decided to take it back to the store as the crack would only get worse over time and make it unsafe. When we took it back to the store we were advised by the sales assistant that we would need to speak to the Manager who would be present the following day. We came back the next day only to be told that the store would not replace the chair, instead we would have to contact the supplier ourselves. As we were leaving to go home in 2 days time this is something we couldn't do. As you can imagine we were annoyed that the store was refusing to exchange the chair even though we had the receipt and the chair was less than a week old. We decided in the end to submit a complaint with the help of our solicitor. For information, the office that takes the complaint form is located within the library near the bus station in the Port. Anyway, it's a long way of saying beware when you buy any furniture from Upper as you may not be able to return it.



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13 Jun 2012 8:29 PM by gary & Julie Star rating. 32 forum posts Send private message

Hows things when you back out? im out next week for 4 weeks, ps we bougth 2 when out at easter 39 euros each both plastic green or white, and appear great value so far, hows lorraine? 

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13 Jun 2012 9:18 PM by shampers Star rating in Warrington & Jardin .... 1057 forum posts Send private message

shampers´s avatar

 May help next time

If you have a complaint then ask for a Hoja de Reclamaciones. It is a legal requirement for businesses to provide these. You should get a triplicate form. Rude assistants usually become friendly when asked for one. You keep the Top2, give the bottom copy to the business. Fill in on the spot. The business also fills their part in. Both parties sign to confirm their version of events. The form can be completed in English. You must take your 2 parts to the nearest Municipal Consumers Office (Oficina Municipal de Informacion al Consumidor – OMIC) which can be tracked down by visiting The Town hall. Attach any receipts. Take to OMIC within 1 month. Business is given 10 days to respond. You will be notified of the outcome.



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13 Jun 2012 9:52 PM by tucker Star rating in Renfrew, Scotland & .... 22 forum posts Send private message


The form we received (rather reluctantly) from the sales assistant was in Spanish (not surprisingly), so we wouldn't have been able to complete it without a Spanish speaker.


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