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Ham & I were on Condado last week for two weeks.
How we wish we were still there.
Hail stones the size of golf balls wrecking cars in Warwickshire.
Ambulances driving along roads that looked like rivers but hey ho.
We were able to see the flags that highlight the area that Paramount is supposed to be & I am aware that at least one stone has been laid. But is that it now?
Will Darren prove to be correct & that the place will never be built.
Has anyone heard anything reassuring?
Thanx Jan
This message was last edited by hamibabe on 28/06/2012.
West Mids & Jardin 5
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I went to Visit Paramount Park a few weeks ago and was very impressed, there are 3 separate areas for you to divide your time between. There is the "Row Of Flags Kingdom", "Concrete Road Land" and my Favourite part "Foundation Stone World".
Although this is a far cry from the original proposed park with 3D Animatronics and Movie Themed rides, Condado is also a far cry from the original proposed project.
I keep being told I have to make the best of it and look at the possitives, so I am looking forward to my next visit to Condado and Paramount Park.
I think Peppa Pig Park near Totana, may well be completed before Condado and Paramount.
Darren - Founder Member of the Half Empty Crew, Corvera Test Pilot, Winner of La Cata Raffle, Keyholder for the Football Pitches & NOT the Condado burglar!
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Oh me. Darrens post made me laugh sooooo much. I could scarcely read past the first sentence. Am now really looking forward to my next visit and to all those fascinating attractions. I will leave a good half hour for the trip - just to ensure we don't miss any interesting flags or anything. Arlene.
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Hi Darren
Maybe this will make u laugh(not) as much as you make us laugh
Executive vice president for licensing at Paramount Pictures, Michael Bartok, buried a time capsule box and placed the first stone. He also took the opportunity to confirm that work would start in earnest in October this year after the summer heat had faded and special urban and planning permissions had been received from Alhama de Murcia.
In the meantime, the various attractions that make up the Park and Lifestyle Centre are being commissioned out to expert designers. ‘While Paramount is not a financial investor, we are committed to our globally recognised brand,’ he said, and added that he is delighted with the development of the project and next steps.
Best wishes
Jan Whoops
This message was last edited by hamibabe on 29/06/2012.
West Mids & Jardin 5
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someone has dug up the foundation stone and stolen the time capsule.
Owner on condado de alhama in Garden 3 and block 10
Love being in Spain
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Anthony, I have been informed by a very reliable source (a local estate agent) that the police have arrested two individuals for questioning, regarding the theft of the time capusle.
Word on the street (well that tarmac bit) is that the alleged criminals are none other than Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck. They are intent on scuppering Paramount Park, as they realise that this could pose a great threat to their own Park in Paris.
Mickey can ill afford to take any cut in income as he is currently going through a very expensive divorce with his wife Minnie, following an alleged affair with one of the seven dwarfs. As for Donald he has also suffered his own share of financial hardship after his well publicised addiction to Quack Cocaine and his multiple stints in rehab.
The two face a life time ban from Paramount Park, Peppa Pig Land and Alley Palais.
This message was last edited by darren.wilkes on 02/07/2012. This message was last edited by darren.wilkes on 02/07/2012.
Darren - Founder Member of the Half Empty Crew, Corvera Test Pilot, Winner of La Cata Raffle, Keyholder for the Football Pitches & NOT the Condado burglar!
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Oh Darren "I do love you"
No matter what the subject is about your comments always make me smile
& with the crappy weather we are having at the moment your humour is so refreshing.
How do you think up your funny replies?
Are you a famous comedian in disguise???
This message was last edited by hamibabe on 02/07/2012.
West Mids & Jardin 5
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Arlene & Jan,
Thanks for the kind words!
Maybe one day I will get to perform my Stand Up routine in the Condado Club.
Darren - Founder Member of the Half Empty Crew, Corvera Test Pilot, Winner of La Cata Raffle, Keyholder for the Football Pitches & NOT the Condado burglar!
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Just had this texted to me and IT made me laugh.
Thought I'd post it here for some reason!!
This message was last edited by Jay05 on 16/07/2012.
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took some time however the capsule has been found and replaced now under 24 hr guard
any news on the commencement of the park due to start in October?
Corvera was due in 2009 - now to be open in 2013 - paramount could be finished by 2055 maybe.
any news???
Owner on condado de alhama in Garden 3 and block 10
Love being in Spain
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Just got back from another holiday in California and spent some time at Disneyland (sad to be back!) I personally believe that Paramount will never happen, even if it does it will be nothing compared to the American Parks. Disneyland has been there over 50 years and has grown over time. It now gets over 16 million visitors per year. Murcia or anywhere in Spain could never come anywhere close to that.
I am convinced the whole thing is simply a way to try and generate tourism and investment into the area. I put my deposit down 7 years ago and these theme park stories started soon after that, but nothing ever arrives. Yet we are constantly told that is just around the corner (especially by local press and estate agents, who both have a vested interest)
In order to add credability to their story, they built the famous "tarmac road land", "flag kingdom" and "Missing Capsual world", but this was simply to keep the hopes alive.
The whole paramount dream has probably been good for tourism in the area, as I notice Madrid have started a similar fantasy with Euro Vegas (although with Sheldon Addlesons money this may actually happen?)
Maybe now is the time I should sel my apartment and give up on my presidential dreams, while buyers still have hope?
Darren - Founder Member of the Half Empty Crew, Corvera Test Pilot, Winner of La Cata Raffle, Keyholder for the Football Pitches & NOT the Condado burglar!
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Like Darren I do not believe Paramount will happen, not in the current economic situation. I wish that we could focus more on what we got, which I think is good enough reason to buy an apartment. That was the situation 18 months ago (when I purchased my apartment), and now it is even better with a lot more happening. If we manage to keep the resort looking clean and tidy (such as painting discussed in another thread), we have a product that will sell. And the area surrounding Condado is well worth exploring, I love my holidays there. Because unlike Darren I don’t want to spend my holiday in California, and certainly not at Disneyland. I actually hope Paramount will never happen, because I bought my apartment to spend as much time as possible there, because I like it as it is. But for those wanting to sell or rent out as much as possible, Paramount would/could of course make a difference if opened.
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