what size washer is need for bath tap?

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13 Jul 2012 11:30 AM by marshman Star rating in Stevenage (wishing I.... 109 forum posts Send private message

A bit of assistance needed, coming out next weekend and I have an annoying dripping bath tap.

Decided I will fix next time I am over, and was hoping to bring over the correct washers with me and allen key, but fogot to check before I left last time.

Can anybody advise what size washers I need, and if they are standard to the UK bath taps please?

Thanks Martin.

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13 Jul 2012 4:07 PM by pad Star rating. 46 forum posts Send private message

Hi, not sure these are serviceable had the same problem and took the shower/tap apart and went looking for the washers that were inside. Had no luck and got a new shower mixer for 30 euros. Dead easy to fit yourself just a couple of nuts to undo and job done. Somebody did say you can coat the washers with vaseline and that worked but for how long? Got mixer from hardware store in Mazarron town near roundabout on edge of town

Good luck


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13 Jul 2012 4:13 PM by Marshman Star rating in Stevenage (wishing I.... 109 forum posts Send private message

Thanks for that, do you need to get to underneath the taps/bath to change?

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13 Jul 2012 6:32 PM by pad Star rating. 46 forum posts Send private message

No, pipes come directly out behind the tap. There are a couple of nuts which you unscrew to remove the tap.

Make sure water is off!!


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13 Jul 2012 6:48 PM by endpeg Star rating in Camposol. 112 forum posts Send private message


You will find it easier to replace the whole tap , the leak is in the monoblock tap body itself not in the connection to the mains in the wall , I have replaced a lot of taps on CDA for this reason as the taps supplied were not of a good standard , Roca did come round a couple of years ago and started replacing / repairing some but as soon as Polaris left the site so did they !!!!.

Good Luck



UK & Spanish Trained Electrician / Handyman / IKEA Shopping , Delivery and Assembly .

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01 Jul 2016 4:39 PM by fleshkaa Star rating. 3 forum posts Send private message

это проблема 80% кранов после длительного использования.Проблемы может быть 3:- или проблема с нажатием ручки или проблема с самим корпусом - или трубок.часто возникает проблема с резьбой ручки (если клапан имеет две ручки по бокам).У вас есть?Если да, то поздравляю, лучше купить новый кран. Потратить £ 20, но будут нервы в порядке и экономия waterFrom себя могу только дать совет по складу. Я беру в Энки. Смотрите ассоримент их. houseofenki.системы comand удачи!

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02 Jul 2016 12:30 PM by fleshkaa Star rating. 3 forum posts Send private message

This message was last edited by fleshkaa on 02/07/2016.

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02 Jul 2016 12:33 PM by fleshkaa Star rating. 3 forum posts Send private message

this is a problem 80% of the cranes after long use.Problems can be 3:- Or a problem with the tap handles- Or a problem with the hull itself- Or tubes.often a problem with threaded knobs (if the valve has two handles on the sides).You have it?If yes, then congratulations, it is better to buy a new faucet. Spend £ 20, but there will be nerves in order and saving waterFrom myself I can only give advice on the store. I take in Enki. Look assoriment them. houseofenki,com And good luck!

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02 Jul 2016 12:41 PM by briando55 Star rating in Yorkshire. 1982 forum posts Send private message

Hi.  Standard taps are half inch for basin taps and three quarter inch for bath taps.  Leather for cold and fibre for hot.  Plastic flexible types are hot or cold!!!


Best wishes, Brian


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