Although we have landed in Alicante many times we have never visited there at all. During our visit to CdA in October we will be collecting visitors from Alicante airport mid morning on a Monday and rather than returning directly to Condado thought this might be an opportunity to spend a couple of hours in Alicante- but where?
I read the Esplanade is worth a stroll along and that there is a Castle thats also worth a look (altho' closed on a Monday) but does anyone have anywhere specific that they recommend that we can head for? We often seem to roll up somewhere and get out of the car and say 'okay, where do we go from here' and then have people tell us all the sights we should have taken in, so any advice on Alicante is very welcome.
Like wise if anyone can recommend somewhere else worth a visit, on route from Alicante to Condado that info would be equally welcomed.