Proxy Vote Required for EGM on 17 November 2012

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31 Oct 2012 9:45 AM by Jambo1874 Star rating. 22 forum posts Send private message


I am renting a property on Duquesa Village (renting since April 2011) and would very much like to attend the EGM on 17 November 2012 to vote on at least 2 items:

1. Cats in DV

2. Non Payment of Community fees

If any owners are unable to attend and would like me to vote on their behalf on the above and on any other items please send me a private message.

Many thanks 


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01 Nov 2012 3:47 PM by home Star rating. 16 forum posts Send private message

 As a tenant you will not be able to collect proxy votes or to vote on any items on the agenda.  The only person able to vote is your owner and then only if ther is  not ant outstanding debts on your property. I do understand you wanting invlovement  but spanish laws are different to the british way of doing things.

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02 Nov 2012 9:22 AM by Jambo1874 Star rating. 22 forum posts Send private message


Thanks for your message.  I am sorry I thought that anyone can be given a proxy vote by an owner, if they nominate that person to represent them and fill out the appropriate form and send it back to AEA naming that person as  proxy voter then this is allowed. Is that not the case?  I have never attended a meeting like this before either here in Spain or in the UK so I am not aware of the law in either country.  Can someone please clarify?  Thank you. 

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02 Nov 2012 3:55 PM by valentinaradu Star rating. 69 forum posts Send private message

Hi, I usually attend AGMs and EGMs and check the owners´lists and proxys and also just spoke to an Administrator who checked the law and as an owner you CAN give your vote to someone else, like a tenant or friend, etc. for vote as long as your community fees are up to date.



This message was last edited by valentinaradu on 03/11/2012.


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02 Nov 2012 4:14 PM by Jambo1874 Star rating. 22 forum posts Send private message

Hi Valentina

Thank you for clarifying the law on proxy vote.  I will need to check to ensure my landlord is up to date on fees as i really don't know if he is or not.  If not, then I will try to get a proxy from someone else.

Thanks again :)



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05 Nov 2012 3:48 PM by home Star rating. 16 forum posts Send private message


I have today clarified the Proxy Vote  rules and was told by AEA that tennants can only have these votes for there landlords if no debt is on the property and if the landlord have signed a proxy form. They say that this can confirmed on the horizontal rental agreement !

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05 Nov 2012 9:26 PM by valentinaradu Star rating. 69 forum posts Send private message

Exactly, just as I said below, tenants or representativos can vote based on the form the administrator sends. The community rules for fees is the same if the owner attends in person too, one can't vote if his fees are not up to date.


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