AGM Minutes out

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19 Dec 2012 10:18 AM by tubs56 Star rating. 20 forum posts Send private message




I see the Minutes are being issued, interesting to see the vast majority of the proxy’s had been held by Mileniun. Is this legal? It certainly stinks

I also note they used a significant number of the Bank’s properties as proxy votes, are the banks aware of this and is this legal, as I thought block votes are not allowed under Spanish law?


This message was last edited by tubs56 on 19/12/2012.

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19 Dec 2012 8:41 PM by chaddyowl Star rating in Manchester. 1264 forum posts Send private message

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I trust that they will be accurate and signed off by the relevant people!


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20 Dec 2012 8:22 PM by Dave & Carol Star rating in Stockport & Penthou.... 112 forum posts Send private message

Mileniun used all these votes to get rid of all the Presidents that stood up to them , the presidents that asked questions and the presidents that wanted answers , whether its legal or not , after whats happened over the last 6 months ive come to realise that Mileniun do what they want. We now have only a few British presidents, especially on Naranjos 1 and 2 , is this a coincidence? - I don't think so!.. 

The presidents that did escape Mileniuns radar and managed to get voted in, well done , you've certainly got a battle on your hands and remember you are now out numbered.

All the owners that couldn't be botherd to vote, don't come on here moaning, you all had your chance, I wish you all a merry Christmas and hopefully a Happy New Year


  Dave & Carol    

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21 Dec 2012 11:29 PM by tashajohn Star rating in Co.Kerry Ireland and.... 93 forum posts Send private message

Ffsake I'm really getting frustrated. YOU all ARE IN SPAIN!!!
Get over it and enjoy the life or stay in your own country wherever that is and live the life of your own culture.

Apartment 4 Rent @

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22 Dec 2012 9:19 AM by Lisinopril Star rating in Condado De Alhama. 197 forum posts Send private message

But,  the majority of owners are non-spanish speaking and so the presidents that represent them should also probably be non-spanish speaking shouldn't they?  Also the majority of those on-site are non-spanish.  Whatever the nationallity of the presidents ( which is not the real issue here ) the problem is that the AGM was manipulated to ensure that only those who favoured the current administrator got elected.  This was done in a number of ways, by using bank votes to elect the person they wanted ( one garden has the bank as presidents and ML used their votes to stop an owner being elected????? )  by completely ignoring who was actually voted in at the AGM and electing someone else ( and then ignoring emails from the person actually elected ), by giving out proxy forms to those in favour months before the agm's then refusing to give them to other owners until the legal min of 6 days before.  By collecting proxy votes months ago for those they wanted elected.  The list goes on.  Just take a look at the minutes and it will be clear who controlled all the voting.  So not a nationallity thing, rather a lack of democracy.

P.S Not one Spanish president lives on site, do you really believe that just because they are Spanish it makes them the best people to have a say in running the resort?


This message was last edited by Lisinopril on 22/12/2012.

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22 Dec 2012 10:58 PM by TheQuietMan Star rating in UK and very occasion.... 535 forum posts Send private message

We haven't bought in a Spanish village or town or urbanisation we have all bought on a golf resort that  by its nature has owners and residents from many cultures. If people wanted 'real spain' they would have bought  in a different place. The variety of nations and owners  should be represented in the Presidents on the resort. so that many different views and ideas can be supported.

Unfortunately as one group has so many representatives they have the deciding votes and  there will no longer be a democratic way of managing the resort. I want the resort to grow and develop towards something like what we bought into- there are many people who do not want to pay anything more in CC and will be looking to using what has happened to restrict improvements and developments. I think it is telling that A2Z's deal has not yet been renegotiated and it should have been, but many do not seee the need to have an internet provider on the resort and dont want to pay for it. Likewise they don't want any improvement that will increase the CC- without a fair balance with those who can vote there will be problems ahead and progress will be stifled. Its not really about culture but who has the power and holds the purse strings.

I dont think many people are aware that lots of residents do not own the apartment hey live in, they lease from the bank on a 3 or 5 year agreement with the option to buy at the end of that period. Many will not buy but will move on and take up a similar option elsewhere. They do not want to pay anymore in CC and have little interest in the development of our resort. For other owners their apartment is merely a holiday home for the extended family and they also aren't interested in progress, others just dont want to pay any more money for things they don't need- for example multi channel tv in many languages, tidying up the football court fixing the bowling area etc.

There's much more to this than the simple fact of owning an apartment in Spain and therefore acceding to the Spanish way of doing things.


This message was last edited by TheQuietMan on 22/12/2012.



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24 Dec 2012 3:43 PM by Lynnp Star rating in Carshalton, Surrey, .... 267 forum posts Send private message

I haven't yet seen the minutes, where are they? I have asked Mileniun but am yet to receive a reply. On the subject of votes, our current president was voted in at the AGM, but was then told by another person on his block that he had been voted in, very curious. He has emailed Mileniun for clarification, but they unfortunately haven't yet replied, which I find rather disturbing.

I haven't got anything against Mileniun, but I do feel something is going on.

On the subject of the lack of english speaking presidents, it's not that we don't welcome spanish presidents, but the majority of those presidents I'm led to believe don't even live on site, and quite a few of the english ones do, but of course most of them have not now been re-elected. 

It appears that any president worth his/her salt who actually worked on behalf of their garden/block haven now effectively been removed.

Anyway, here's hoping that we will be enlightened soon enough.

I hope everyone has a lovely christmas and wishing you all a prosperous 2013.


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24 Dec 2012 5:33 PM by chaddyowl Star rating in Manchester. 1264 forum posts Send private message

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I have a copy of the minutes for what they are worth, not from ML mind, and I am surprised that ML haven't sent them out to all the relevant owners for their relevant AGM's!!!

Or am I!

Ask one of the ML supporters if they have them and will they be so kind as to send you a copy ??


This message was last edited by chaddyowl on 24/12/2012.

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24 Dec 2012 5:38 PM by fighter2 Star rating. 236 forum posts Send private message

I did my best to alert you all.... you will all have to reap what the few with influence have sowed.

Good luck you are going to need it.


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24 Dec 2012 6:16 PM by Cappielow Star rating in Sunny Greenock, Brus.... 471 forum posts Send private message

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Minutes were sent out on the 17th to everyone registered on www.condad​odealhama.e​u

Normally I'd be happy to send it by e-mail to anyone who requests, but as I've no way of knowing who is and isn't an owner then that's not possible I'm afraid, sorry.


This message was last edited by Cappielow on 24/12/2012.


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24 Dec 2012 6:37 PM by Lisinopril Star rating in Condado De Alhama. 197 forum posts Send private message

But,  they should ( by law ) send to ALL owners, not just the ones that registered on their website ( which is only a smal proportion ).

And, how exactly do you know that they only sent them to those that use the website?  Assume you are guessing?  ML have the email addresses of all owners, that supplied them to them, so should send it to all those owners.  I get their weekly emails and am not registered on the website.


This message was last edited by Lisinopril on 24/12/2012.

This message was last edited by Lisinopril on 24/12/2012.

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24 Dec 2012 7:31 PM by Cappielow Star rating in Sunny Greenock, Brus.... 471 forum posts Send private message

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Yeah OK, whatever, merry Christmas. :)


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24 Dec 2012 8:57 PM by smivs Star rating in Oldham - Jardin 2,.... 700 forum posts Send private message

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Oh no Cappielow is the font of all knowledge!!!!  how does it go 'yeah ok Whatever!!!  I don't celebrate Christmas so its just a normal time of year for me so no Christmas wishes here I'm afraid......... George       LOL


Member of the Girls Gold Buggie Club !!!

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24 Dec 2012 9:02 PM by Cappielow Star rating in Sunny Greenock, Brus.... 471 forum posts Send private message

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Hilarious Jackie!


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25 Dec 2012 12:37 PM by chaddyowl Star rating in Manchester. 1264 forum posts Send private message

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Lisinopril, this is the law according to ML!!

They dont abide by the law unless its 1 they made up as they went along that is!!

cappiclowns usual dross I see

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25 Dec 2012 12:59 PM by robandbev Star rating in South Africa. 42 forum posts Send private message

Merry Christmas to all of you, we received the minutes some two weeks after the agm, is this legal? Seems ok to us, why havent you got them by now?

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26 Dec 2012 2:57 PM by beebeetay Star rating. 96 forum posts Send private message

I also received the minutes from the AGM by email over a week ago so it may depend on when the AGM was held for your particular block as to the delay in receiving the minutes. I do not want to get involved in any of the recent childish bickering but I would suggest that anyone who has not received them emails Mileniun at hopefully you will get a response from this address.

We have only just had the AGM's so please give the new presidents and the resort a chance to continue to blossom, and also please do not start the personal vendettas again or told you so's at this stage. Many of the regular old timers (if you don't mind me calling you this) are turned off using this site now and their wisdom and humour is sorely missed.  


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27 Dec 2012 1:52 PM by Lynnp Star rating in Carshalton, Surrey, .... 267 forum posts Send private message

I've just received the minutes from Mileniun who state they sent it to me some time ago, but I never received it. I am registered as an owner so don't know why it never arrived. They said it might have been in my spam box, but I think it was the email we received a while ago that was corrupt and therefore could not be read. That alone speaks volumes!

However, on another note, on reading the minutes it seems our proxy vote was never used, and considering the palaver it took to register our proxy vote I am understandably miffed to put it lightly! I will email Mileniun and ask whether this was an oversight. I know in the past that the minutes have not always been completely correct, but I'll see what they say.

I wish our new president Ian all the best, and also a big thanks to Mark who I know worked tirelessly on our block's behalf.



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28 Dec 2012 1:32 PM by Lynnp Star rating in Carshalton, Surrey, .... 267 forum posts Send private message

The mystery is solved as to why our proxy vote wasn't used, the person we gave it to did not attend the AGM!

I don't think it would have made much difference anyway considering how many proxy votes Mileniun had!



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